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By: Kyle Emmanuel Ochoa

Poverty in the Philippines is enormous, seen in almost every corner of the
country. There are children that are forced to work even at a young age because of
their irresponsible parents. And the crime rate is increasing due to the urgency of
their needs.
And yet do the rich people do anything about it? They go by their lives almost
nonchalantly. They have the privilege of education and leisure at all times. While the
rich enjoy their lives like this, the majority are always haunted by the spectre of
fear. The fear of failure, the fear of that once they let a single chance slip by their
hands, they will not see a single glimmer of light shining through the narrow road of
success once more.
The gap that separates these two parties by worlds can be overwhelmed by the
combined strength of the masses. This can be achieved through unity. But how can
we achieve this unity if we ourselves are not cooperating? A single twinkle of star
through the dark sky may be the catalyst to make this happen. But how can this
happen if youre not even well-educated to recognize this as a sign of hope? At the
end, education is the most important factor. It gives us the wisdom and knowledge
to navigate the darkness of corruption that is slowly decapitating our own people.

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