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Although KKK was founded in 1865, their

biggest strikes arrived with the third Klan. The
attacks that more shocked the society happened in
the decade of the 60s. A decade that was marked by
the civil rights movement.
One of the attacks happened at June 1963, when
Medgar Evers, a member of NAACP, was
assassinated. NAACP, National Association for
the Advancement of Colored People, is one of
the most old and influential institution in favor
of the civil rights of minorities. Medgar Evers
was a field secretary for NAACP that a few
weeks before his death he became a target to
shot down because of his public investigations
into the murder of Emmett Till and his vocal
support of Clyde Kennard. Emmett was murder,
with 14, just because he, reportedly, whistled
for a white woman.
In the same year, in Birmingham, Alabama, the
African-American 16th Street Baptist Church was
bombed. The result of this attack was the death
of four girls and 22 persons injured.
At that time, violence against the black
community in Birmingham was not unusual but
the deliberate bombing of a church took that
violence to a new level.
Martin Luther King described this as one of the
most vicious and tragic crimes ever perpetrated
against humanity".
The next year, in Mississippi, were murdered
three civil rights workers. All were members of
dedicated to non-violent direct action against
racial discrimination. The three men was just
investigating the burning of one black church.

They disappeared and after 6 weeks their bodies

were found.


In our days, that huge number of KKK

members doesn't exist, they are limited just to
5,000 to 8,000 active members, what compared
to the 6 million estimated on the 2nd Klan is
nothing. In one year, the number of chapters
dropped by 221 to 150, so why this decrease? We
can say that the Klan is not a stable organization.
Theres no real national leadership, and chapters
are constantly appearing, disappearing, splitting,
and merging.
We can see differences not just in the numbers
but in the members too.
Although some Klansmen may still hold crossburnings dressed in robes and hoods, todays
young Klansmen are more likely to look virtually
indistinguishable from racist skinheads or neoNazis.

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