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Urna Semper

Instructors Name
1 February 2016


Edumacation or some shit yo

so becoz some dudes are like bare uneducated and shit, some mans like einstein or some
shit said they need to be like some other class or somethin. like low down class. middle class
ppl are like dope as shit and teach there kids stuff n have bare p to drop on edumacatory stuff
n the like, ya digg? and dis sciencetest called sugar man said there was these barryers to
edumacation basically its like, faytalizm is this thing where u get all like whats the point we
are all gonna die anyways fam so u don't try v hard and do shite. then theres prezint time
oreantayteion where u dint give a fuck about later on u just think in the prezint, so u don't
revise n stuff. then theres immediate gratification, basically da same ting but u pick good stuff
at present over good stuff in the fyotur. anyway so cultural depryvayion is like this ting where
u man don't get to go to u see ems and stuff so u don't get cultural capitol or whatever. u
might also go to a shit school. swish! those are called entornol factturs and there is xsternal
factturs too. those ar like when man yard is not 100 and mans parents are wastes and don't
take u too u see ems n stuff. som mans say that the low down class people don't give a rats ass
about there childrens edumacation so they don't take them 2 u see ems and they don't learnt
stuff. some twat sed this was a low down glass subculture. n there4 the low down class people
don't do shit yo was popping
in conclusioon,



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