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Biography of Victor Vargas Lopez

Born in 1927 in Urcos-Quispicanchis district of Cusco Per. Victor Vargas was the 3rd child of 4
children. He spent his first 4 years in Urcos with his parents Telesforo and Dolores because Telesforo
worked at the train station. When Victor was 5 years old, everyone moved to Puno because Telesforo,
his father, got a job at the lake's dock. Victor got very interested in his father's job because there were
foreign ships geared with advanced technology that transported commercial goods such as coffee.
Another thing that caught Victor's attention was the many tourists that visited the Titicaca lake. He
began studying primary school in Puno, her mom Dolores pampered him for being a good student. His
dad on the other hand was demanding and authoritarian. Later, his dad told him that it was better to
stop studying and wait for his brother (that was 2 years younger) because this way both would go to
school together. In the 2 years Victor wasn't going to school, he helped his father Telesforo in his job.
When his brother was 5, Victor got into primary school again at age 7. He remembers being the biggest
and oldest of the class. The age difference gave him an advantage over his classmates because they
would respect him and ask for help when there were fights.
In 1941, when Victor was 14 two unfortunate things happened: His dad Telesforo had an accident at the
dock, his foot was injured which got him hospitalized immediately. The very next day another tragic
event happened; His brother and classmate Luis began suffering from pneumonia because the weather
was very cold and rainy. It was the end of the year and they had to take final exams. Luis was strong
and said that he was fine, but after a couple days of being sick Luis got hospitalized too. Luis, being 12,
told Victor I'll be back on Saturday for the exams and I'll come back alive or dead. Luis tragically
died on Saturday of pneumonia. Victor now, being 88 still remembers with deep sorrow the big hole
that Luis, his brother, friend and classmate left in his life after he died at such young age. His father
Telesforo got better and began working again.
Telesforo didn't know how to read or write, however he would always give Victor a lot of magazines
and newspapers. Victor liked reading so he used to read the papers to his dad. Victor remembers how
everyone talked about the development of World War II, that lasted 6 years from 1939 to 1945. The war
ended when he was 18.
In 1950 with 22 years old, Victor travelled to Cusco to study in the university of San Antonio Abad del
Cusco where he chose Education and specialized in Physics and Mathematics. Victor began working as
a math teacher in different schools of Cusco. Finishing his labor and studies as a teacher, he went on to
study his second career: Civil engineering. Victor became a member of the first batch of civil engineers
that graduated in Cusco. While he was studying his second career, he met and married Maria Gavina
Cereceda Mora with whom he had 4 children. When he met Maria, she already had a son: Washington,
who became the oldest of the five.
Continuing his career he taught civil engineer at San Antonio Abad del Cusco as a university professor.
He later worked at the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) as a director of road study.
He ascended within MTC to become a high-ranked official of the General Roads Management
department where he represented MTC in various districts of Peru. Among his most remarkable works
are: Road from Aguas Calientes to the city of Machupicchu, Bailey Bridge in Aguas Calientes, Bailey
bridge in Parayoc (road from Cusco to Quillabamba), Bailey bridge of San Pedro (from Urcos to
Quince mil) among many many others. He worked 21 years at MTC and 30 years in total for the
public sector. He retired and settled in San Blas - Cusco where he still resides. He remains an example
of rectitude, honesty, responsibility, industriousness and integrity to the family.

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