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Activity 5- commentary on map of connections.

Without a doubt the two strongest professional connections I have are firstly with
WETA workshop, and all the separate contacts I have there and secondly Mark
Sykes at Te papa because he crosses multiple areas of expertise and has himself
an extensive international web of contacts.
The impact WETA has on my professional practice cannot be overstated, my
work there over the years has allowed me to teach in the first place. My
continued association with them ensures I remain current and relevant in what I
teach. The workshop also remains a work environment in which I can place
students into post study employment. It is a workplace many of our students
aspire to and having it available as a very real option is great for them and for us
as learning providers. The ability for me to go there any time and try new
materials and processes, catch up with old friends and develop new contacts is
truly a gift without measure.
The second major professional contact I have is with Mark Sykes at Te papa. Mark
is a collections manager mainly dealing with Taonga Maori. The relationship I
have with Mark is also valuable to me on multiple levels. When researching for
my own art practice, bringing students into the collections for their research, his
knowledge, experience, and Mana is a taonga itself. Marks connections with
other museums worldwide, and his contacts within the world of his own art
practices of Raranga, Whakairo, and Ta moko provide invaluable links for our
It is only when I actually did the Map that I fully realised the extent and breadth
of my connections, and of course as I write this I realise I have so much more
than this too! I am fortunate indeed to have amassed a fantastically rich list of
people I can go to in any situation in which I need help or advice either for myself
or for my students. This help could be with my teaching practice, my own carving
practice, research, work placement for students, or simply the maintenance of
my many communities of practice. These relationships are valuable to me on
multiple levels and I treasure them accordingly!

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