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AMSP 2008

Geometric Proofs: Week 3: Test

Take-Home Test

Submit solutions to me through a private message on the Art of Problem Solving forum (my
SN is Altheman).
1. (Old USAMO) The squares ABCD and A0 B 0 C 0 D0 represent maps of the same region, drawn
to different scales and superimposed. Prove that there is only one point O on the small map
which lies directly over point O0 of the large map such that O and O0 represent the same
point of the country. (Hint: Spiral Similarity).
2. (Classic) Let ABC be a triangle. D BC such that AD is an altitude. P is a point in
segment AD. Let E BP CA and F CP AB. Prove that ADE = ADF (Hint:
Draw a line through A parallel to BC).
3. (Alex Anderson) Let C1 and C2 be non-intersecting circles centered at O1 and O2 . One
common external tangent of these circles touches Ci at Pi (i = 1, 2). The other common
external tangent touches Ci at Qi (i = 1, 2). Let M be the midpoint of Q1 Q2 . Pi M intersects
Ci at Ri (i = 1, 2). R1 R2 intersects Ci again at Si (i = 1, 2). P1 S1 intersect P2 S2 at A. The
tangent to C1 at R1 and the tangent to C1 at R2 intersect at B. Prove that AB O1 O2 .
4. (Alex Anderson) Let ABC be a triangle with circumcircle . Circle 1 is tangent to CA,
AB and internally tangent to at E, F , and T , respectively. The internal angle bisector of
ACB intersects AB at Z. Prove that T , F , Z, and C lie on a circle.
5. Let M be an arbitrary point on the circumcircle of ABC and let the tangents from this
point to the incircle of the triangle meet the side BC at X1 , and X2 . Prove that the second
intersection of the circumcircle of triangle M X1 X2 with the circumcircle of ABC (different
from M ) is fixed and it coincides with the tangency point of the mixtilinear incircle in angle
A with the circumcircle (Note: The A-mixtilinear circle of 4ABC is the circle tangent to
AB, AC, and internally tangent to the circumcircle of 4ABC).

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