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M3 Period 3
Cindy Quan
Alvin Chen
Jeff Cho

The Temple of Heaven is

situated in the southern
part of Beijing, about 6 km
away from the center of
the city. It is the one of
the largest parks in
Beijing, built in 1420. The
Temple of Heaven was the
place where the emperors
of the Ming and Qing
dynasties worshipped
heaven and prayed for
good harvests. The
emperors visited the
temple three times a year.
In imperial days, the
Chinese people believed
that the sky was in
circular shape and the
earth was square. On the
basis of this traditional
concept, the circle was
widely adopted in the
design of the temple's
main building. It is in
accord with people's
imagination of heaven.

This is what they used

to plan The Temple of
Heaven out. (The out-line)
Book Source: Chinese Architecture
by Laurence G. Liu

The Great Wall of China was built

over 2,000 years ago, by Qin Shi
Huangdi (10,000 Li = about 5,000
km). After subjugating and uniting
China, the emperor started to
build the Great Wall to stop the
foreign enemies from invading
China. The Great Wall extends
across the mountains of northern
China. Its constructed of
masonry, rocks, and packedearth. During the Ming Dynasty
(1368-1644), the Great Wall was
enlarged to 6,400 kilometers
(4,000 miles) and renovated over
a 200-year period. The Great Wall
is the largest construction
project ever completed in the
whole wide world.

Japanese Tea
The path of a Japanese Tea
Garden is flanked by lovely
white birch trees. These tea
houses are used on special,
usually spiritual occasions with
hosts and guests. In the front,
there are also sliding shoji doors,
but the guests of the tea party
enter through the left side
entrance called the low
nijiriguchi, which makes them
kneel when they come through
the door, showing humbleness.

Chinese Tea House

This marvelous work of
architecture is one of the
most colorful and ancient
in the city of Shanghai.
Out of all of the old
Chinese cities, this is the
oldest out of them all.
Most Chinese tea houses
come in multiple stories
and are placed over a body
of water.

Chinese Buddhist
Famen Temple
Many Chinese buddhist temples
are multistoried.
They are also quadrangle,
hexangle, ocatagonal, and twelve
sided ichnographies. Later they
also added decorations
such as flower pagodas,
honeycombed shrines, animals,
Buddha, and
disciple sculptures.

Japanese Buddhist Temple

The Five storied Pagoda of
Daigoji Buddhist Temple

Most Japanese Buddhist Temples

have at least one pagoda and is
usually three or five storied.
There is a kondoh, which is the
main building where Buddhist
images are enshrined, monks and
nuns reside, study and train.
Through the ground, there is a
which has an altar with a
Buddhist image enshrined
together with the Buddhist
scriptures. As seen on the
picture, a Buddhist temple is also
very decorative.

Self Reflection

We Speak.

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