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STATE*OF “MICHIGAN State Board of Bducation, >% 4; Department of Education PROVISIONAL TEACHING CERTIRICATE ‘ awarded 10 MICHAEL GEARHART In accordance with he provisions Act 287 ofthe Public Acts of 1964, the holder ofthis cetificate sufi to each in any Michigan shoo al sujet und gras indicated Secondary MATHEMATICS EX) 62 Iss Dale vee /28)2016 “Exprition Date; 063072022 Brian J. wéeon $ cee Number: PVONON000895925 Superintendent of Public Instrudtion es Certification requirements ae sub to change. Thertifict bldéns responsible for beinglfiowledprabe about current and revised regulations athe ‘esponsibility ofthe etic holder to nant valid pores eiiatin iy matin reuirements fr certifcate renewal as prescribed by satiate and the "Gate Bound of Seaton, MICHIGAN PROFESSIONAL EDUCATOR’S CODE OF ETHICS ‘The following ethical standards address the professional educator's commitment to the student and the profession: Service toward The professional educator's primary goal is to support the growth and development ofall learners forthe purpose ‘common good - of creating and sustaining an informed citizenry in a democratic society. Mutual respeet - Professional educators respect the inherent dignity and worth of each individual. Equity - Professional educators advocate the practice of equity. The professional educator advocates for equal access to educational opportunities for each individual Diversity - Professional educators promote cross-cultural awareness by honoring and valuing individual differences and supporting the strengths of all individuals to ensure that instruction reflects the realities and diversity of the world ‘Truth and Professional educators uphold personal and professional integrity and behave in a trustworthy manner. They adhere hhomesty = to acceptable social practices, current state law, slate and national student assessment guidelines, and exercise sound professional judgment. ‘ADVISORY TO EDUCATOR In accordance with Public Act 96 ofthe Public Acts of 1995, tsa criminal misdemeanor to: use @ suspended, surendered, evoked, mulified, fraudulently obtained, altred or forged educator certificate, ora certificate of another person. 10 HE EMPLOYED AS AN EDUCATOR IN MICHIGAN THE EDUCATOR OATH MUST BE SIGNED, NOTARIZED, AND SUBMITTED TO YOUR EMPLOYER. “nls 1S AN OFFICIAL CERTIFICATE ONCE SIGNED AND NOTARIZED, EDUCATOR OATH - STATE OF MICHIGAN To solemnly swear (or ffir) that Iwill suppor the ‘This centfcate was subscribed aad swom to before me, along Constitution ofthe United States of America andthe wit picture identification, on Nan 2% -2O' Consituion of the Siatof Michigan, and hat wil faith of ryote of ealor ki Gis - aca a nahee Qee s Noiay Si Ze. 87 ‘Educator Signature ee Ts. Commission Expres: 1-19-2019 Notary Seat EMPLOYERS MUST VERIFY EDUCATOR CERTIFICATIONS AT: https For information onthe renewal or advancement requirements af this educaor| posre6tes oun of Monroe ‘ay Cones fxs Ho. 19,2019 ‘eng nie Cony oa SE

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