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Adfer, Vit B6 3 mg, vit B9 1.

5 mg, vit B12 500 m cg, carbonyl Fe 90 mg, Zn

monomethionine 25 mg
Anelat, Folic acid
Anemolat Folic acid
Befozi Fe sulfate 80 mg, folic acid 500 mcg, Zn sulfate monohydrate 61.8 mg
Bioferron Fe fumarate equiv to Fe 5 mg, ascorbic acid 50 mg, folic acid 250 mcg,
cyanocobalamin 10 mc
Bionemi Fe fumarate 360 mg, folic acid 1.5 mg, vit B 12 15 mcg, vit C 75 mg, vit
D3 400 IU, Ca carbonate 200 mg
Biosanbe, Besi (II) Glukonat 250 mg,Mangan (II) Sulfat 0,2 mg,Tembaga (II) Sulfat 0,2
mg,Asam Askorbat 50 mg Asam Folat 1 mg ,Sianokobalamin 7,5 mcg Sorbitol 25 mg

Cosmofer Low molecular weight iron dextran

Dasabion Fe fumarate 360 mg, Ca pantothenate 20 mg, folic acid 1.5 mg, vit C 75
mg, vit B12 15 mcg, vit D3 400 iu, sorbitol 20 mg
Diabion, Fe gluconate 250 mg, manganese sulfate 0.2 mg, copper sulfate 0.2 mg,
vit C 50 mg, folic acid 1 mg, vit B12 7.5 mcg, sorbitol 25 mg
Dialifer Fe sucrose
Emibion Fe gluconate 250 mg, folic acid 400 mcg, manganese sulfate 200 mcg,
copper sulfate 200 mcg, vit B12 7.5 mcg, vit C 50 mg, sorbitol 25 mg
Emineton Fe fumarate 90 mg, cupric sulfate 0.35 mg, cobalt sulfate 0.15 mg,
manganese sulfate 0.05 mg, vit B6 3 mg, vit B12 5 mcg, vit C 60 mg, vit E 5 mg,
folic acid 400 mcg, Ca phosphate dibasic 60 mg
Esfolat Folic acid 1 mg, -carotene 10% 75 mg, vit B1 mononitrate 10 mg, vit B2
2.5 mg, vit B6 HCl 15 mg, vit B12 4 mcg, vit C 100 mg, vit D3 4 mg, Fe fumarate 90
mg, nicotinamide 20 mg, K iodide 100 mcg, Na fluoride 1 mg, Ca lactate 250 mg,
Ca pantothenate 7.5 mg, copper 100 mcg
Fercee, Fe fumarate 275 mg, vit C 100 mg, dioctyl Na sulfosuccinate 20 mg
Feritrin Iron (III) hydroxide polymaltose complex 300 mg, folic acid 1 mg, carotene 10,000 IU, vit B1 10 mg, vit B2 2.5 mg, vit B6 50 mg, vit B12 8 mcg, vit C
100 mg, vit D 400 IU, Ca lactate 250 mg, Ca pantothenate 7.5 mg, copper
sulphate 0.1 mg, nicotinamide 20 mg, K iodide 0.1 mg
Ferobion, Fe fumarate 250 mg, folic acid 1 mg, vit B<sub>12</sub> 10 mcg, vit
C 150 mg, vit B<sub>1</sub> 3 mg, vit B<sub>2</sub> 3 mg, vit
B<sub>6</sub> 5 mg, nicotinamide 30 mg, Ca pantothenate 15 mg, lysine HCl
50 mg, sorbitol 30 mg

Ferofort, Fe carbonyl 83 mg, ascorbic acid 150 mg, folic acid 1 mg, vit B 1 3 mg,
vit B2 3 mg, vit B6 5 mg, vit B12 10 mcg, niacinamide 30 mg, Ca pantothenate 15
mg, Zn 15 mg, lysine HCl 50 mg
Feroglobin Per cap Fe 24 mg, Zn 12 mg, copper 2 mg, folic acid 500 mcg, vit B 12
10 mcg, vit B6 5 mg. Per 5 mL liqd Fe 10 mg, Zn 3 mg, copper 0.2 mg,
manganese 0.25 mg, folic acid 50 mcg, vit B12 5 mcg, vit B1 5 mg, vit B2 1 mg, vit
B6 1 mg, niacin 10 mg, pantothenic acid 2 mg, Ca glycerophosphate 10 mg,
lysine monohydrochloride 20 mg
Ferospat Fe pyrophosphate (microencapsulated) 175 mg, manganese sulfate
100 mcg, copper sulfate 100 mcg, vit C 50 mg, folic acid 0.5 mg, vit B 12 7.5 mcg
Fionat Folic Acid
Folamil Genio Folic acid 1 mg, -carotene 10,000 IU, vit B1 3 mg, vit B2 3.4 mg,

nicotinamide 20 mg, vit B6 2 mg, Ca pantothenate 7.5 mg, Ca carbonate 100 mg, vit B12 4
mcg, vit D3 400 IU, vit K1 50 mcg, biotin 30 mcg, copper gluconate 0.1 mg, Fe polymaltose
complex (IPC) 30 mg, DHA from algae 40 mg, arachidonic acid 8 mg
Folas Folic Acid
Hemobion Fe fumarate 360 mg, folic acid 1.5 mg, vit B 12 15 mcg, vit C 75 mg, Ca
carbonate 200 mg, cholecalciferol 400 IU
Iberet Folic-500, , Fe sulfate 525 mg, vit C 500 mg, niacinamide 30 mg, Ca
pantothenate 10 mg, vit B1 6 mg, vit B2 6 mg, vit B6 5 mg, vit B12 25 mcg, folic
acid 800 mc
Iberet-500 Fe sulfate 26.25 mg, vit B1 1.5 mg, vit B2 1.5 mg, vit B6 1.25 mg, vit B12
6.25 mcg, vit C 125 mg, niacinamide 7.5 mg, dexpanthenol 2.5 mg
Inbion Fe gluconate 250 mg, manganese sulfate 200 mcg, copper sulfate 200
mcg, vit C 50 mg, folic acid 1 mg, vit B 12 w/ intrinsic factor 7.5 mcg, sorbitol 25
Ironyl -carotene 10,000 iu, Ca lactate 250 mg, Ca pantothenate 7.5 mg, copper
sulfate 0.1 mg, folic acid 400 mcg, Ferronyl Fe 18 mg, nicotinamide 20 mg, K
iodide 100 mcg, Na fluoride 1 mg, vit B1 monohydrate 10 mg, vit B12 4 mcg, vit B2
2.5 mg, vit B6 HCl 15 mg, vit C 100 mg, vit D 400 iu
Muveron Per 5 mL syr Vit A 2,000 IU, vit B1 1 mg, vit B2 0.5 mg, vit B6 1 mg, vit
B12 1 mcg, vit C 10 mg, vit D 400 IU, Ca pantothenate 5 mg, Ca gluconate 100
mg, lysine HCl 100 mg, Fe gluconate 50 mg, Zn sulphate 2.5 mg. Per mL drops
Fe gluconate 24 mg, folic acid 400 mcg, Zn sulfate 0.5 mg, lysine HCl 37.5 mg,
vit A 1,000 IU, vit B1 0.25 mg, vit B2 0.25 mg, vit B6 0.25 mg, vit B12 5 mcg, vit D
125 IU
Natabion, Fe fumarate 360 mg, folic acid 1.5 mg, vit B 12 15 mcg, Ca carbonate 200
mg, vit C 75 mg, cholecalciferol 400 IU

Neogobion Fe gluconate 250 mg, manganese sulfate 0.2 mg, copper sulfate 0.2
mg, vit C 50 mg, folic acid 1 mg, vit B12 7.5 mcg
Nichobion, Fe fumarate 300 mg, Mg sulfate 0.2 mg, copper sulfate 0.2 mg, vit C
50 mg, folic acid 0.4 mg, sorbitol 25 mg, vit B12 w/ intrinsic factor 7.5 mcg
Opibion Fe gluconate 250 mg, manganese sulfate 200 mcg, copper sulfate 200
mcg, vit C 50 mg, folic acid 400 mcg, vit B12 7.5 mcg, sorbitol 25 mg
Ovabion, it A 5,000 iu, vit D 400 iu, vit C 100 mg, vit B 1 1 mg, vit B2 2.5 mg, vit B6
15 mg, vit B12 4 mcg, nicotinamide 20 mg, Ca pantothenate 7.5 mg, folic acid 0.4
mg, Fe fumarate 90 mg, Ca lactate 250 mg, copper sulfate 0.1 mg, K iodide 0.1
mg, Na fluoride 1 mg
Prenamia Fe fumarate 360 mg, folic acid 1.5 mg, vit B12 15 mcg, vit C 75 mg, vit
D3 400 IU, Ca carbonate 200 mg
Prenatin-DF, Vit A 5,000 IU, vit B1 3 mg, vit B2 3 mg, vit B6 2.5 mg, vit B12 6 mcg, vit
C 75 mg, vit D3 400 IU, vit E 30 mg, nicotinamide 20 mg, Ca lactate 200 mg, Ca
pantothenate 5 mg, Fe fumarate 90 mg, K iodide 200 mcg, copper 1 mg,
manganese 0.5 mg, Zn 1.5 mg, DHA 95 mg, folic acid 1 mg
Pronita, Fe gluconate 250 mg, manganese sulfate 200 mcg, copper sulfate 200
mcg, folic acid 1 mg, vit B6 10 mg, vit B12 17.5 mcg, sorbitol 25 mg

Sangobion Femine Ferrous gluconate 250 mg, manganese sulfate 0.2 mg, copper
sulfate 0.2 mg, Metafolin 552 mcg, vit B 12 7.5 mcg, vit C 50 mg
Sangobion, Per cap Fe gluconate (equiv to Fe 30 mg) 250 mg, manganese sulfate
0.2 mg, copper sulfate 0.2 mg, folic acid 1 mg, vit B 12 7.5 mcg, sorbitol 25 mg, vit
C 50 mg. Per 5 mL syr Fe gluconate 129.5 mg (equiv to Fe 15 mg), vit B 1 1 mg,
vit B2 1 mg, vit B6 1.5 mg, nicotinamide 15 mg, biotin 0.3 mg. Per 15 mL drops
Fe polymaltose complex (equiv to elemental Fe 8 mg) 23.53 mg, folic acid 80
Sangofer Per cap Fe gluconate 250 mg, manganese sulfate 200 mcg, copper
sulfate 200 mcg, vit C 50 mg, folic acid 1 mg, vit B 12 w/ intrinsic factor 7.5 mcg,
sorbitol 25 mg
Sangotonik, Fe gluconate 150 mg, manganese sulfate 0.02 mg, copper sulfate 0.2
mg, vit C 50 mg, folic acid 0.04 mg, vit B12 7.5 mcg, sorbitol 25 mg

Sulfas Ferrosus Fe sulfate heptahydrate

Tropifer Fe gluconate 250 mg, manganese sulfate 200 mcg, copper sulfate 200
mcg, vit E 50 mg, folic acid 1,000 mcg, vit B12 7.5 mcg, sorbitol 25 mg
Vasvita Vit B1 100 mg, vit B6 100 mg, vit B12 200 mcg, niacinamide 250 mg, folic
acid 400 mcg

Vitabion Fe gluconate 250 mg, manganese sulfate 0.2 mg, copper sulfate
0.2 mg, vit B12 7.5 mcg, vit C 50 mg, folic acid 0.4 mg, sorbitol 25 mg
Vitachol Pure lecithin (PePeCe 95) 150 mg, vit A 750 IU, vit B 1 6.7 mg, vit B2 2.5
mg, vit B6 8.2 mg, vit B12 4 mcg, vit D 400 IU, nicotinamide 18 mg, folic acid 1
mg, Fe fumarate 90 mg, copper 0.1 mg, iodine 0.1 mg

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