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BEFORE WATCHING: |__thestvbifighfsaza | Doyou know the names of ‘New Moon’ characters? =F at Bella Jacob Edward Laurent Jasper Go to http// and watch New Moon teaser trailer. WHILE WATCHING: Put the pictures in the correct order: .TCHING: cA. Make sentences using Past Simple and Past Continuous. Use 'WHENT OR WHILE’. Then match sentences with the pictures. 1, Bella & Edward/stand by the car - Bella/ask Edward to kiss her 2. Bella & Edward/talk - Bella/say"! love you" 3. Bella/open presents - Bella/cut her finger 4. Bella/stand next to Edward - Jasper/attack Bella 5, Bella & Edward/walk in the forest - Edward/dump Bella 6. Bella/walk in the forest - Bella/meet Laurent 7. Laurent/try to eat Bella - Jacob/change into a wolf B. TEST YOUR MEMORY! Where were Edward and Bella standing while they were talking about her birthday? If you don't remember watch the trailer again. ©. Write your own questions and ask your partner. 1) 2) A)

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