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Caitlin Fallon Smith #60067

Greening AUs
2nd quarter
Total Hours: 24 hours
Weekly Green Cubs Hours: 1 hour x 2 per week
Faculty communication: 5 hours
The Green Cubs have really hit their stride in the second quarter!
This quarter, the third, fourth, and fifth graders have really been
getting excited about being leaders with the management of the
recycling program. The Green Cub program is growing as more and
more students are talking about the importance of their work and the
fun they are having while doing it.

In addition to the pride the students are feeling about their work,
the Green Cubs have been celebrating their successes with special
treat (pizza, cookie etc) parties when all the bins are filled, emptied,
and returned to their proper place. As the students become more
familiar with the routine, the celebrations are happening almost every

Pulling students from the UMBC after school science program has
really worked well. Students are available, eager, and what they are
doing to protect the environment by recycling directly connects with
the skills they learn in the program. The Green Cubs continue to meet
every Wednesday and Thursday. Students in grades 1-4 are responsible
for working in pairs in collecting, emptying, and placing recycling bins
in areas for city pick-up and throughout the school to be filled.

As we continue to overcome challenges, the students continue to

come up with creative ways to solve them. They are eager to separate
the materials that they have learned are at the end of their recycling
cycle with the demarcation of the 6 on the object. Additionally,
students are taking the lead in correct adults in the building who often
way to put pizza boxes, paper towels, and other trick objects that
you would think would be recyclable, but are not.
For quarter 3, the Green Cubs will continue to focus on our original
goals. However, we will be working to spread awareness to decrease
the need to correct mistakes within recycling bins through email blasts,
newsletter inclusion, poster creation, and general excitement about
being environment superheroes!

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