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SmartTeam Indonesia

A.Clear Direction
Each member of the team clearly
understands its purpose, what its key
outputs will be, and when they are due.

B. Appropriate Structure
Each member of the team understands his/her
role on the team - the value that he/she brings to
the team - as well as other members' roles; team
tasks are delegated to those on the team with
the appropriate knowledge and skill set; all
required resources, tools and job aids needed to
deliver the outputs are present; team member
tasks are coordinated for maximum efficiency; a
measurement system is in place for key
internal and external deliverables.

C.Effective Team Processes

1. Interpersonal Communication
2. Effective Meeting Management
3. Priority Setting
4. Project Management
5. Problem Solving
6. Decision Making
7.Training (internal)
8.Coordination with other work group

D.Trusting-Supportive Team
Each team member knows that he/she and other team
members will do what they say they will do; differences
are understood and appreciated; members know that
they are accepted and are open about what they
want/need from others. Important conversations are
characterized by appreciative listening and questioning
to understand; because each team member is focused
on the team results, conflicts that do occur center on the
best path forward and are characterized by healthy
debate. Internal feedback is frequent and
welcome, with each member of the team
holding other members of the team

E.Strong and Flexible Leadership

The formal team leader(s) sees his or her role as one
who guides and supports the team to achieve its results.
He or she ensures that team goals and parameters are
correct, realistic and understood; that all needed
resources are made available and all roadblocks
removed, avoided or minimized. The leader ensures that
established team processes are understood and
followed, manages involvement and provides process
guidance or facilitation where needed; he or she models
the behaviors expected and ensures both individual and
team achievement. He or she coordinates
the team's efforts with other work groups and
is a reliable team advocate to others in
the organization.

Thank You

SmartTeam Indonesia
SmartTeam Outbound

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