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Sean Palmer

Mrs. Goldstein

Period: 3

Would you want to be thought of as a red skinned person just because of

a football organization? Why would people hurt Native Americans just because of a football
team? The Redskins' name and logo hurts the Native Americans and some people don't notice
that. The Redskins should change their name because the name is racist,
almost 50% of the team people who voted wanted a change and the team
brings the bad history in the Native American culture.
The Redskins should change their name because it is racist to the
Native Americans. The Oneida Indian Nation said themselves that the name
is racist. They are a Native American group. The Redskins organization says
that they are honoring the Native Americans, it is the opposite. A quote from
an article by Neal Sweeney stated, when the team tries to claim it is paying
respect to the Native American culture, it could not be more wrong. It is not
honor when the people you are trying to honor says it is the opposite. The
Redskins effort to represent the Natives is not the problem.The problem is
they are going about it wrong, with an offensive name. The Redskins name is
racist and offensive to Native Americans and has to be changed
Another reason why the Redskins organization should change their
name is almost 50% of the voters want a change. The Washington Post said
43% of the voters want a change. A quote from CNN stated, "A non-scientific
poll by the Washington Post shows 43% saying the team should change it's
name. Almost 50% of the voters want a change and there will always be less
Natives than whites. President Obama was a part of the voters that wanted a
change. A quote from a CNN article said, "President Obama spoke of
"legitimate concerns" that the mascot is racist, some Indian leaders say." If
Obama thinks they should change the name, the Redskins should really
consider changing the name. The Oneida Indian Nation wants a change and
many people are in it. One last quote from Newsela stated, "The Oneida
Indian Nation has approximately 1,000 enrolled members." Many people
want a change so the Redskins organization should really consider a change.
More and more people are paying attention to this problem and want a

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