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Ronald Magnayon

Prof. Sotirakopulos
English 1102
4 February 2016

Hidden Intellectualism

I have always thought that being well rounded is a key factor to success. This can
definitely be applied to the argument between book smart and street smart. I have always
considered myself as a type of person who is more on the book smart side of things. I learned
quickly though that this is not enough. Having street smarts has its own positive attributes that
book smart does not at all have. Graff says in his article, Hidden Intellectualism that
intelligence can not only be applied to years of academic work and education. People who have
impressive street smarts but struggle or struggled at school are more often than not looked down
upon. This should not be the case. I agree with Graff in that how educated and book smart an
individual is does not dictate him/her to be more intellectual over a person who are street
smart. You need a good balance of both because one may cover a weakness that the other might
have. The two subjects have varying takes on how to handle situations in life. Having both will
surely enable you to be prepared for what life is going to throw at you.

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