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Weibo Yang

Samuel Morse
History 1
I chose the topic Samuel Morse in the website category because the
website was easier to use and navigate. Also because Samuel Morse
led you to another person named Alfred Vail who also contributed
making the Electro-Magnetic Telegraph. I researched my topic by
notecards and notes that we took on the topics we chose. I also used
the visual clusters that we wrote for homework. Making the website
was quite easy, but the hard things when writing the website are that
some places I did not know what to really write, but some places were
easy to write about because I understood them. Even though this was
fun, it took us a lot of time to both plan and make the history-day
website, exhibit, or historical paper. My topic relates to this years
theme because it is exploration, encounter, and exchange. For
example, both Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail explored the making of
something called the Electro-Magnetic Telegraph, encountered the new
language that both Alfred Vail and Samuel Morse made, which would
be the Morse Code. At the end both Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail
exchanged words that made city-to-city communication easier and
faster all around the world. I learned a lot of my character Samuel
Morse and who actually created both the Morse code and the ElectroMagnetic Telegraph. Even though this project was both time consuming
and hard, I learned a lot about Samuel Morse.

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