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The Web Book: Unit 8 Test


The best program for editing CSS files is Topstyle Lite.

The third selector type is
The # symbol signifies an ID-based style.
The <div> tag is used in CSS to create a layout.
One of the most important concepts in ccs-based layout is
To put a picture on your site, you must obtain the picture as an image file (typically .JPG
or .TIF) from your scanner, camera or any other suitable source. Ten, copy the image file
into your web folder along with the HTML files that make up your site. Finally, add a tag
to the HTML page at the point where you want the picture to appear.
7. The <img> tag specifies a picture file which does not exist on the server.
8. The dimensions of a picture file are generally measured in pixels.
9. The overall size of a picture file is measured in KB and MB.
10. A typical person has a screen size of around 1024 pixels wide by 768 pixels deep.
11. A digital cameras image has 3000 by 2000 pixels in it.
12. The vital rule about pictures you should follow is that if the picture you want to use on
your page is not the right size, you should use an image editing program to resize it
before placing it on your webpage.

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