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oracle datbase sever----oracle database server is consiste of oracle datbase and oracle instance

every time a database is started the background process started and sga is alloc
the combination of background process and memory structre is called oracle insta

SGA---------sga is a shared memory region that contains data and control information for ora
cle instance
oracle allocates sga when instance start and deallocates when in stance shutdown
sharedpool---sharedpool is used store most recently executed sql/plsql statements and most r
ecently used data dafinations
sharedpool is a portion of the sga that contains shared memory constructs such a
s shared sql area
shared sql area is required to process wvery unique sql statement submitted in d
shared sql area contains information such as parse tree and execution plan for r
equired sql statement
library cache--library cache is stored most recently executed sql/plsql statements,it contains
shared sql area pl/sql procedures and packages
the shared sql area contains recently executed sql commands and execution plan a
nd parse tree

dictonary cache----dictonary cache stores most recently used data definations.

it contains all database object information ,views and useers and privileges
oracle access datadictionary during the parsing of sql statement.dictionary cach
e also known as row cache,because it holds the data in
rows instead of buffers

database buffer cache---------is region of sga which holds a copy of datablocks retrived from datafiles.
the buffer cache shared among all connected users of database
when user try to retrive data from database,server process read it first from d
atafile and place a copy of recently used datablocks in database buffer cache

Redolog Buffer cahce---------Redolog buffers stores redo entries .a log of changes made to the db,the redo e
ntries are stored
in RLBC(which holds i/f about changes made to the db)

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