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1st Category:

Long-Term Goal Statement: My smart goal is to be successful and graduate from Central
Washington University by Mechanical Engineering in Fall, 2018 Semester. I work hard to reach
my goal, I make daily schedule, spend two hoarse a day for studying and reviewing my class
subjects and I spend two hoarse for doing my homework. I sleep early at night to get enough time
of sleeping and get up early in the morning. I eat my breakfast before I go to my class to be
attention in the new lecture while my teacher given the lecture.
Mid-Term Goal Statement: I want to finish 40 hoarse In SLCC then I will transfer to
Central Washington University in Spring 2017. I have College credits from my country I am
trying to evaluate my hoarse to the university. I always go to the writing center to do my papers
and ask questions that I didnt understand. I like to write notes in class to make the review essayer
than the book. Sometimes I go back to the book when I lost from the note. I go to the library
when I have quiz to stay at studying and quite place.
Short Term Goal Statement: I want to errand 16 credits hoarse by spring semester 2016
from SLCC. Is difficult to take five different classes when you are freshman and English is my
second language. I am taking five classes because I want to follow my degree plan. I am always
searching for college students to help me with questions that I dont understand. I always ask my
instructor about important point that I didnt understand it during the lecture. I am always going
to class 30 minuets early before the class start.

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