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cs i 2-65 where Mle 1s Pixed wer, Trdhis case No= FHey is simple aud Aye CMe, of) 1's Composite, From the example in the bast Sechon, cb s's. Known thet foreach OCAr, the mest Power ot- evel test of Ho us. yu Nia, 6) Aas ortho! resson ys Fye 77/ 9768" iS ted. , "One Cam See Chet thes oe > "Tes “nat dye on BEN. This gives A@UMP test thet cs densted 44 ¥, a-a (bis = t= O(B c1-00-- xy “Uowesee, Sve Yor same Tamnily ot dectyibutuens. Las absve, but S ppose thet We consider. O2Me . _ Hi: 6 # Me : Nn thiscase Aye (-00, dle) U C Me,20.. heh porhetis pair eee 7 He: vs. ; Fox O>Me, the most Power Crcbiead resvon (83 gen obeve an (D.G22) | _ But fr OéMe, Chis not hord - oo hoa Th wl 2-66 the most power. of level descr has chee regio > "% afuer] yes Foyt He}, G.6.24) Which 42, alrhough, als independent of @, but wach dierent {rv the previcus one ‘for 6 >Meo tn (G,G.229, @® The UMP lest doesnot exist. TE we denote i > the, host with enhienl [region ty (D.E.%4), ther we have | Py lh; 0) = ELE"cw) - a) FIGURE ILE.2. Power curves for test of @ = jo versus 0 > yo and 8 = j versus , 4 < ho, for location testing with Gaussian error. i Remevk: A (Nore reasonable git he Thabuwe hy pebdaesss paic ton &, < OY be is) one tht | Commpowes [4- Mel te ao threshold... 2 4: 2-67 % The above example chowe that UMP crifenen 1s xo -Shong. One Com velox i& by Uushe otter Cnitenia. One such a conckhon if unbiasedacs. Poh; 8) 20 VOEA sn odds chon bo the Goustratst Pe (FO) Su VOCA,. +, Locally Most Rowe hl (LM P) Test | Tn the exemple of parameter set Az [0,,00) with Ne =1ded ond Ae (60, 08). for rhe test . - o.:. B20. US 9 58s, 7 One yas be more Interested in the regen when Gis near Bo, where 6s, Ferenngle, re A emp Lihede. Tr thes case, assume eh; Odes. seman comng, so the*® it has Taylor Senes : 'PoCES O= PoCT5 8.) 416-0) BCE 8.) _. + 0066-6") — = _tdhese PEEK, r= AREO Cyore BOE) — aos =f ce > Fer all sige of level dests, thon 0 is near Be, COL 2-68 | Pol 5 6) 2 ot +16 -60) Pods Go), E> for 6 near 0 we Can achieve Oypaokimate Maximum power with aie & by Choosing & | bo maximeze P5 cs; eo) 4 | A test thet manvonges Po (85 6) subject | bo False- alarm constraint BES cs called an od-level Aocolly ymost Powerf.l (LMP) tert ora hocell, ophimn Jost, alt Het T5085 Bo) hos only one panne O. | Lotus see the general shuchuas of LMP | bests: : wo : t Assume Pa hes density Fo See each OCA, A Aew w a | Pol 85 0= Ey Fey =f, Bey py io Sly), | Assume Pots) hos Suffrésent regulars by (smootmes) Nn dorms of @ such thot we may interchauge jruhe order of ‘Wwieg robin ond diff on: Pal; 0) 2fSen35 Po) ox0, sldy) 2-69 Compared ther wrth te Nayman - Peavsor test, x Gind. thak. the of- level LEM PLest is sian'lov to the Neyman - Pearson dest if we cep lace PLY) with “ @¥ oY “75 10280 > Dy clove! LMP dest is given Bole fe iF Polece, > BY) aa ° ae <2. __..tshere _ tnd © ave Cheten co thet Bi) ca, _* Gonerdzed Likelthord- Radio Test (GLET) _ tdhen ete is NO avy ophmelig , a test is often sed is +e Covmpove mer poly) ae yet py (9) a toa Yaceshold . Th lest is called — sed Lrhelheod- tio test (GERT), — oo OR -oemorinnna (sbelihoed. test. It isqucte ——— Gitlin $ ignd 9 ve cessing, Chopltd Signal Delection on Dusewte Time |Ia the Lest chepler, What we tothed about wes When Wwe have only one dbseration Y at one hme, Tn bbws chephy, we will tole obout the case cihen We have a semrence of ubseruation at a Sequence ‘Of Smme or Space, 3 Models and Detector Struc haces *| Models: an ee Continucm—tine wave hiem thet Consists one or two poss. ble Anja Corrupted by additive oes ‘objective : to decide chich of tha possible signs | presnt by procetsins a-fante mmber, seyn, of onples taken From the observed wavefym, * ‘Hy pothesis pan tr the cheervetion space C7, 9) = (RY 8") : Ho Yn = Net Soe, el eerya VS nH : Yn = Ne +Sin, Kelty nN, ubhece LEU + YadT 6s an obsevation vector Consisting of the samples frown the observed wave fom, MelM,--, MndT ts a vector of hose samples, ond Sot (Sor, --, SondT ond Sy=CSi, 20 Sin)? 3-2 are ve thoes of signals from the tue poss ble signee ; # Three basse types be signels So ond Si: 1). They ave completely knonn Cdelermiacsh'e) 3 2) They can be known except foraset of Unknown ( 2058ibly Canc om) parameters ; 3) They con he complete, random and. thus Specified only by thein | webabilily distr bubone #., Somehines (0.5, radar Fonac welcatiene) one of the signe, usmelly So, cs cdentically Zero, and in thiscase, We try to detect a signal embedded noise. a ote cAstume noise i's wdependent of signel ond Ve _dnivituton does not depen on which hypethesis —-istrue, This astempron holds for mast onplaehions but. afew ca radar (sonar app scations cshere the ngise may be postielly Comp ted of spuriows Signal reflechons from the Ground cr from objects athor than the intended targets, Sich noises ove, for .etomple, speckles ny radar, ke, Assume the noise dsabibubo is delermised 4y adensity Boca 1p”. 2 i ' 33 * Given S- ay € [R” the obseruaten ¥ has | Conditional density (under Hy) : | By (4-55), Serr > the density of Y mnclee Hs v% ; BOW ELA CI-S)3, er” lwhere the 2y¥pectahin /s With respect to the | Signal Sy. |-the likelthood ratio Us ef% C¥-S.)3 4 €IR" | L(9)= aA 2. BP Ry (9-Se)} Can. Detector of Delerinrashe Stgnale-in Ta dependent Noise | | x, So ond St ave conpletel, dolernincstic Spas; €in” Brown, This is Sometimes Known of the hema detection problem. = * Le%= fe ta-$) | ~ Py (9-$e) - Kel orsu ~~, Ya-Sia) gs) Pu CY-Sor, «+ Ya-Sen) (a a4 Zn this case, tthe ophimization clelector can be. oletermined fF Ky 's Knewn, #. When NA, the number of ebsevahun, vs_laree, the ole tection problem (7.8.6) could be Comp leat where n-fold integrt ergy ocp Ri Daldyy wey be needed, By, sveoug ls, +A simpttied detection for (D. 8.5) is when the novse Sowwples Mb, +-> Mn ace stabehicelly Nndepeadent. In the tare, Py Y= A Pare Ye), “there “Pyy cs the mecgyral deasly of Me. some ones lg a LU) = OT Le le) ee with L(Y) = Pas (a See) _— % Since log) Isa shretly ineceesing fmshon ol w, Crmporison of LC 4) t0.0 “heeshold Ts -oprvolent to enison of Lor UY) te rhe tverheld bog, Then it spiinm deals ace ee lt Oa | hye Ie) > a Bene fy Tee oie a. a oe 3-5 pL YEO ree : Detector Structure for Coherent Signole th Tadegendent Nowe + Bangle t: Coherent Detechon in trd.d, Gautton Noise Nye ote Nn Ove Cd. with merynd dibibuben | N00, 6°). This noise model ts Common av | Some Opp cations, Such aS wm Communitahoues | Systems for thermel noite generated by the | motion of the electrons vm the receiver elechowwes * Without loss of genemlib, Let So =O ands =f | Cothenuite we me (ot YE YoSo, then 8281-0) rr) From the previous cheyler study CZ.B. 27), Let Yad = Se Ye Safe /6* , x t FU SCY,- 2 ’ fren} Y ee eee 7~ ! ° oy <<: thece t'= 6 hog t, 36 z sc Can be absorbed «nto tle # Alte. -= Zi Se threshold: i tls ted tS ~ ! bE fe oc > “bY pa ae oO < This shuctare is called Correlation cletectr or _simyly Corredator. = sh fo) Q >) i Pada Hy oF Ho 2 a Jong 2 rtetlege nib oe ho orHe Ho Sey a © (b) % % FIGURE IILB.2. Optimum detector for coherent signals id. Gaussian noise Ans hwy rpoctast feature at the ebove “ophimusen, ke Gastsion novse is thet is a Linear system outpat Compared ts. o threshe ll > Write Ee wee “zhiow Ge, hee "hee fonder oskén-!, a, .ofhecu ise > thed lees can be viewed as a system thet 34 Ih £ the obsecuahion SEfronee Yrs Yn toa ||digital linear Otter ond then Samples the outiut jot time ni for comparison ton threshold. | This chucture Us knounar a matched Fler. [romple 2 : Coherent Detection wm fe Loplacion Norse ‘| NuseyMa are atid. but with the Laplacian Jmargined probabil, dens'ty ; Pu ier Sere! weg, tuhere ro is a scale powmaler of the density, _* |The model is sometimes used to se present: the | behavior of renpulse noises m commmutcehons | pecervecs. | Tn Comparison with Gaussian inodel, i has jLonger “tails” represent tha Argher probebs lites ot | Lowe obsewatvons, (hog Le Yad = of (14) = | Me See) -ol(Sel tf Sqn CSIR EO = fal san-se! if O¢ SgnlSe) Ye 0 ~ San (x)= Sgnlez } Oo ¢hxXeo ‘ | Si) 3 Vo n | 2 7 Ss, CY) Hose 2, % tol He ‘where H.C = Py, py 00 | Oo) Hy vey de thay S 9) Ye | i FIGURE IILB.. Locally optimum detector structure for coherent signals ini d | The detector consist of the vine mary less | nondneerty Hy. Followed bya correlahy, | a Combinater known 00 & nonlinear correlates Like he latulihord ratio, dhe Locelly gptinins jnodinearity DR. shopes the observehiows £0 iceduce the dete;mentel effects of the noise jan much on posible, @ InHecasect Gaurscan noice Meo, &), Bho = for | and He detector is the Covre atom cledectyr, Tihss muse be Hacose S000 te UMP aucrtts in 2e| 3-12 “Y's Cate amd ibis the Same acts L MP, ®. In the Core of Lephocion neise, Mo l*d= of sgn(x), ter tts locelly aphinun cle beck correlates the the fe yarns of Signe of the ae In the cone, Hh fumtion _ Bol) is known ae a hacd bnmltr Out ar 7 =] Pope a PR —>{—f Fe re zo bye beri wey a] tl Deb & e bet wpy veal [et ea © aT ee Se % FIGURE I11.B.7. Locally optimum detector for Cauchy noise. | FIGURE IILB.6. Locally optimum detector for Laplacian noise “@ Ao even heavior- tailed metse model _ = then te Lesplocvon es. wehy-mo 'Se-mede| wrth Cauchy dibrbebon ! [ = fy = erat) 2 TEE 2 > Ho = Te is Gpprorimatel, laeev near % 20 but decoys to zero etthen K cs large, 2 Thst defector rqneres obseuahbne with. Jacee maga: des, An. opfoxi malion bo tue eer 2 a3 the so-called noise blanker | ge FX of ixteK ‘ o IkI>K 4 a Constant K>o. Ths ts used to combat extreme ly sample | nese, #(Quse2: Detection of Detarminsshe Segnalo vn aussion Noise | The novse samples Mi, +++ Ma Gre not aiid. but |ynudGuarcate Gawesion with meen Q and Covase , moabre an Yu NUS, By) uncer Hy toe fed and 4, The Ltelzhowd costo is Lye Pt) | _ , Pot?) 7) | = Gaye exp f-4(1-5) ou 4-$)} cad gy empl (LSI E,'2-S0)} | zenpp S514 -jo 35) 9-t 36, +2878,'s0} | s, Bexp PCr fe)" Eu'cy- ey fy eIR” 314 tshere we use 3} TE Ys UTA Sy since By ws & Syme duc moa ni«. Comp ating to the Scalar counterpart, the “location Me.ovd Mi ace replaced 4 5. leca hdr, vectors So ond $1 and tu noise uenance &* ts voplaced by the noise covariance maths ss The ephinum teste : ! ~~ ] if (S$) Za ae Eas _& be fy . : “s <= Shere i ele oe TH a (i-$o7 Tet C£o4+81), a #87! SETH HZ Su Ye, : where $e a (hr 5) cS the “pseede sna! This &s obo the Correle Won fe but eng Ségnl CS. nepleced Sy Kee pends scgret . Poe Hu parfvorewee ote let us consider Ttyye (sr-30)T | ¥. x _ Which ts a Anooe combinchion of the Gowen fondom vector Y, 1's clte « Cannan. 3.15 2 frm} BFE | 1} | “ie py 4] | = FE fy ls3 +57 ss : ale bra) | Vae (TO Hs) = ES C8T- £ 75,9] Hs} sep ew pe ef Fun sy | eStetuys = FSF 2 Gie$e By) rh) 2 d* {this Vovionee of TIY)IS amdependentot he | bypexhes: _ d7o les S1-S Tly) Y NOM, d*) udev Hj, 5cv,1. «Bearsgta le oe dy | 21-5 (Ay 3-16 - - 1 oe fr 520 hy ache -y for 52 _tslch is the Some to tha Sibwle scalar Caae wnith oly Hos dcflermee ond, Por te Meyran—Peasson deshag, vb tsalso gimily. —t Remnovk 4: Inlerpretahon of d* ©. Foe Slempwerty , Lot vs assume $020, $28 aad He netgse cs aiaid. Meo, 6°). Then, Sy = OME wn WheeT. denotes phe T1¥N ddenhity, mate, *S (8,-507 Ey C81- So) sis Poe = === =n —_— ot Eg 2 * 6* 4 - n : _dhere St= FE Se Is the averase 4 _ Signel power, 6% = La E(Me) vs the Avelase noise power. ee LE ey the sand to noise queage power rahe ________ Aimas a number of Sovmples, 3-12 The noneaiaid. noite Case ts ston'lar. | # d* has qnether juterpretation foe the | Adds cose dor dun gener signal: d= A Msi-soll® | quhere [ISi-Soll denetes the Eneldean deztunee i behveen He scgnil vectors Se and Si given by | . 7. ; : 4 | IS - Soll “13 (Sie- Soe) | The father apart the Seqmel vechrs are, | the beter perfoymanse can beac hioued, . w Revoosta Reduction to the aud. Norse Case | 2M isan mtn symmetric postive clefinite prot, Letar-An “be Ab ergenvatlues and | Mura Yn be their covrasponding eigenvectors, | Since Ea is symmine positive dehinte, Ayan , are postive, 4h, --7Un Can be chosen ovthoprorma) Ly MY So Fel and UT Ue =! fr ish len, Fucthacmore, Sy 22 Ae Ue vA, “which 5 Called ta spechum clecompor'hon of Za/, 3-18 > sfetaluul on = 3 4“ z = > The opti anim tle techion stetishe TLY) canb written: a, fee TY = Gi- $0)" Dy Y= Z Chie - Son) Ye cuheve ee = Me ¥ [th » sheryn Sr = we sy Te, lech “Nn, re, De at Notes YWEteor die Se % 2 4 isan eqrivelent obcerue hon do Y 7 : A — Let Y be the randem vee tr Covntaponding to 4 ay The hypotherss pain fv Y— bewames a He: YENnts, | Vs ns Tees here ie = Mew [im ¢s Cowan Pandow vaneble Since os a Wneor aubhahaak Ne ERWn thd = EE NOW [facie = BSW wet [fia — = Ul ESVMF ve /Gavae = Ue’ By Ve/ Tred a 3-19 n = UW (Z ax % Y!) Va/Nagha Vel Ve [Mae ji I, op kes u | Oo, re > hy Ny are cad. MCv, 1) tandomuowiall i> By Haappopnicte Aneal trombrmation of Y, | depecler Comasian nose —> independent Camnitn Noite % | The ofighel standard coord inate system tn 1R” es chonged to a dierent coordinate sys hem vawhi [tweed axes are aligned with the veebrs Vi,--, Yn So thet (He noise coordshates M,-+ M ave Mad, # | Amotter Woy to lool at ther chanse of Coorelihales Os & Wile Zy= B% where B= sfu* Ve Ve! » ther ¢$ called tLe syame rest of Tw. Beam ME, B= (BU | . - : | If we clefine : 5": B's;, yeely =, 3-20 then, Tee (4S) Hy elses at and ander Hj, Ve have yes us" wet Wt oly Od epyty }=EFB wwe} 2 BERG H BBE, 8" =BBeo"sI, DM ny Me are aad. Mle, 1). aA > This vg Sin “on te He observa blan Y. i, Get, Nady are the same random. vechs fa ued flerent..Coojd nate systema Shee Xt ee Rie od Fann Hee whee fer} He stonded boss Vechrs Sr IR 10; Cu soll o's secepk Rea Aun its eth “Component, + Cholesiey cleco ~posv him and Whelensig Bilte Stave Dy ss sy ombic pesvhve defimtt, it Com be werHen ea Sut ecr _ where Cif an r»7 \avedeble lower trianguler wotnk (he, all .bove—drasorel elements of C are. zero), This. s coiled t+ Chalesky-elecompasihon | veal | of IN. There ave Sdenclord Ways ty fad Che bsky decompas:bion. BieleNC 2 Coro | Define Ke CTY SCIW HCI SU + SH 2 PnVle,1) oo > aad. noise ad TW) 265-80) TY. | Cilower trtesulor => CVS alee lower trionguler, = k > % = Bane Ye | where hee cs the kab th element of C~! The above 3 a& Causal opermton and ct shows that ,-) Yn Caube produced by 0 Cancel, but | pessbly tne -voniont, bhear fltration of 1 Yu ced ye, . Simee the eutpet noire of ese Her (S White, kis alto Known ae CLhilenng lee P The Oph raunn delector shuctere Cam be represented | on pee camoel Limead flay With sapulee reopowre | F4n, 2} deven ty 4-7 Yn ond Colloied by 0 | Cowelstes ow shah Us felter ewtput .s comelied with Gu-S0),--2 Gin~ Sond, He ovtput of the -| some Gitter driven by the difference signed Gn-Sor), 5 Sin -Son). pAr 7a ae] Filter | tno [HR FIGURE IIL.B.8. Optimum detector for coherent signals in dependent Gaussian ¥ SMR: d*= C8-S0)7 Sy! C51-S0) > 2S - Sire ust se 25-51" The pecformance of Coherent detection in dependent misise depends on how for apovk the smnalrare dhen..tros formed. 0.0 cnordhate system vin ubvch _. Hhe_velse _Compevents ove atid. + Remade 3. Signed Selection _ The eclecenanee ob the option. coherent Metectinn tsa _...Goussion noise Com be. improved 4y inctrasng d= Gr Soy Fy C3r-3e) there $1 Gnd So are two sigedle, In mony appliation One mo be oble to have the Plexcbi lik tp choose Sgnale $1 md So. Tn We Coot, given Unenorse —-Coventne mains, 2y, these tuo Sisuelr canbe _..... dnosen. ophanelly be ophimcye the perfrmance by. a Meiome gag ' 3-23 To morivon'ye le for sven By (agiven noise | staksbes), for any veetor KER" We have i n n | RTE =F ap aT Ve Vel & SA 2, aT ule . where Amin = win far, =p An} Since Satmweoa7S uyT Xs ate = 1a" | eet we Z xz eters KTS % cat. Wee | shore the eyelils holds fond only of ws | proper bien Le aw 2 igenvector corre spondats to tHe 12 tgenvalve Amin [ tf there are more then dne | ecgenvestor~ Corresponding te Amun, % Cam be omy | Hineer Combina bin of then, - » To mouiontze 3 Se-Se should fe an | cgem vector Correryonding to the iewerfen lergenvalue of Zu. The Ligenvelues of Fy are measures of the nor “power tn the directron of thein covresvending | Qtaenvectre - => Potty te sigvell dslerence along the mime ‘| eset Ltjervectr ¢s erpuve +o Siynele the leash noisy direction, : yey Th wedo tht, we have d*e aby isi Sell Once we have chosen dhe dinechon of the Srynal difference Si-S0, We con furthecop tinge pecfomonce 45 monionging USi- Soll! Obvrowsly, Ahkes quanhty canbe on bstron' ly large Uf there no convmintr on the Aignedle. .Hovever, svgneb ore usuelly con shamed ty Her inkl power. — _ Soppose we Conshrin |ISill*S Pond ISoll €P with O0 dt Sat Itoi ~ t ~ t Amin i> a Cs Gucthey maxieged $y Cheering Well” Us = P | Az-d, ve, So2-S)) and mox _— a HS MEP Amn SSE CMa, So=-Ss | eahere C is chosen so that HS, Il" © thst = l ce TF /astoie iss <= a ad Sete | > sie TTeap O72 SF BPSk Exouple : Optica Sigrole. for Two - Samp le Detechin | | Consiler Yrecase n=2 osith Ow = Ce ey ort, “vele?. Lt vs wot hed to ote MEG*CIP), Ar=OrlI+P) weg (4), = eli) DT 629 Ama =A, ond ophinan sequels ave =F (4) ad B= SE (7' * aa: Tf p s2VE (}) na Sef (2) at ( (o) . FIGURE JLB. Mlustration of optimum signals for Goussian noise with Ev=ot( 7 el ae ether Care, the signal vec for are tn. the ditecbaes ia which the wotee-cdentily Fos. of the Lastest. a Mole? In thn cose, one only needs to fare t Un. signeh 0, not its ostrel velue to chese | te ophiref Signebr. : Hw: 326 <0, Amir = Ax 6nd phan Sgnele are _ 3-22 * Case 3: Detection of Signele with Eandowm Parame bers K Tn many opp licetions, signe tecletect may not be [Complete knewn but there are @ set of unknown ipaca Ss. TZxomples & such, signel Include Sajitelr tr Communication systems where one of tao waveliros C fegtesenting “0” and “US respechnl ts moduloted ondo a sinusoiclel carrier of the trawamiller ond the recever needs tv dlecide whieh wos Sent. Aithoash the two Segnaling wave fron fo the carer Fepaney ace known at the réceins phe amaplitde and pheose of the carréor may not ‘be. These unknown pron tikes represent Unknow poromeler, sone The -hypeotherss prrble., coe be. teitten..a9. 2. ! Heo: e= Net So (6), Keep rey n, i ve H, : Tr = Net Sie lO, eenze-yn, Where 50(0) and S$1(0) are known Vector — Valued Function of 8, which (5 an Unknown parameter torleing values ama porameter set A, Assume 8 1s Tandem ond we vse DB to represeat the Hendom vaweble, With deasty W5 under hypo theas ‘> | The Ucbelshod ratio os 3-8 Biffy (9-3 6)} Eo ff (¥-S0(00)} = Jy Fut 4 5100) tort 9 aldo) Sp: Pas (4-$0(6)) W,16).wld6) Liy= %. Por Convenionee, assume $0 (VEO and ORE) Od. otter tases canbe handled sianlorly, Then. Lege fe E weywtsor = A hin = $, Lot 4) escoralde, ~ (0-62) lhece. Lett) cs the Aihelthood cate . cond chien al. 90 B20 “and: he subsea 4 taht) ce deopped. The above Mchelheod tutto L(Y) in (H.8.62) is simply he_osetased (over 0). UheKhesd ratio ae With O known, whe bygottenss deating is @ clelecministe re ak poblon ond! Lol Y) con be found ty y ahd preted « stndied corm. fer. orengle, dict 4.0.8, Nilo, 6) neise, ligne Srenp f1S%0Y-LlscontI/or} ero) td0),, _ x [Gromple ; Nonceherent Detection a Modulated | Sinuscidel Carver | Consider the Siynal pate So(8)=9 and $:16)=316) wth 5. t01= On Sin (Let) ble Ts + 67, F242,-5n, Joshece Ou, Gr, --4 Qn 3 Known amplitude Seq 10 is arondom phase omsle mdependent of the neisl nd beiformly ditwbuted on lo,27), We and Ts are a lkrewn carrer freyrensy gud Samp hy Vetere lengthy with He relahowrh:p t 9 Nhe Ts = man Nr seme eteser mm Cry there are Qn mtegral Mwmber of poniods of sinusoid ww the time terol |Co, NTI). Also assume thet the (weber of samy ~Heoken per cycle of the sinusoid , 5.8, Sey ison Wnteger than 4. 7 a These sé nels pouide amedel, for Cromple, fe io cighel signaling scheme mwhth o “0” Vs ‘tromsmited by sending narthing olusing ete intervel Vo, NTs] and o “47 ot tromometted ty sending 4 coe ALE) modeloted onto a Sausoidel i Canmiev A Frequency We. Thes signela selewe |i Known @S on-off keying COOK). Tacdis Case, | fhe sequence Or,---,An is the fed waveCn LOA), fe, Au = AlteITS) and O represents the 3-30 the phase omsle of the carver, Which (s asswemec unknown here, Delection ofa medulated cartier i, which the carrier phase (s umknowh aot tte rececver ts called nencoherant delechow. ‘The ten thak the phase angle cs umber on fo, 271) represents a bele£ thet oil phases are eqpatly Likely toocenc, which (¢ a reasonable assumphion due to the Fold sng process of a phase. & Assume autd. (0,67) noise, the Lkelhood foo for the above problem ve ted S eaph (= e Set) - 4k He) fo of ‘Je5et®) = Ye snot Ys Cos ‘gece Ye = 2 Sy Aye Ye cos [te-1) We Ts] Ys 2 Ty2y Oe Ye sin Tew 0) ise Ts J and Le, Se (8) 2g Ort gd # o qiat (ovals) 120 Seymore Oi, -- A har Dow Gea f _ Cowqoted te He isice of the covever frepeny We. The Summation 46. the oth tenast + the coe SD _ Convolution ob hase disp sigave 3-3) ectwn of {Ax } Hiiteeof toute ON NS oO wie =) The spedme of th convelutron ot fax) amd cosQ(e-We1O) ce the prduetol thetof Ox ond [the éwice oft conser fq. (these two do not ovet lap) D The podut iso =D Ne convolution is 0 : unaty, : : ~~ 2 Lise Viaé J (eng fei t508 1, Onb 2d 9 ee Bekah at oe This +2 similar tothe radvus dest erawele hebre, - ee Ltd et ah Iolr/o*) here pe TI ]* ond To ts the zemtr- cycler medsfed Bessel function of re Curt (euid. Sie TeC-) is menedonie, the optimum dart Ve Binef Lure MBL (eM Fhes)) — v, s a Oo, < 3-32 In-Phase [-~~~Gorrelaior} Channel | 1 @--& | | | | | | | lar c05((k-NuT) sin (k-NueT) io ‘Channel (___Coeetover a | Quadrature! comaaier FIGURE 11L.B.10. Optimum system for noncoherent detection of e modulated | sit iid, Gaussian noise wold in Lid. Ge Note: the observed drjnel Yi, --y Yn “s Spit int 00 chammels, afte of Which wwultip bes eacl Yu [by cos (cut) le Ts ) ome the other wultyh co Cath | de Ay sin (tw We Ts) » collect th-phose and [adadvotuce chawnels, respectively, Eact channel \then correlates with Au. The Channel outruts Khen combintd to give T, whieh ts C ompane [to a threshold, This 1's heown ar onenvel we detector, Tadurkvely, when a stynek vs presen each ‘Cheanel piths Qn pmeunt of the sign! Onorvy) dependry on the atta! phose angle of the Cater, Regedtess of te carrier phere, the combinet ia af he Wo chammels prek up atl whesignel en mgy. X Pec Goren once Aenaaly gia i We need to cofcslate PC Re!) SBR >! ) yal. Br ea : — “Ceminnes (S140e)909 ( nw yt 4 — TH[RRLA = LH PRAY Ln|A}en TH [ALN echtH|nga— —— ol — Rat oa Oe [2Lerrate]so) Ty 2 Ef romengpes a tro ~ wo = [FL aa] so 40 29 = bans [290-1] 5¢9 [179 walgseg > i [newnga 700'S Zefen] olde flab 02 (4 merairal Wid wo he (HALA Coe Op Jape wasn yg ae WIA Ee” CHEER (TIN OK oH eH (SLIM Gem US yay IZ = 5A ~ (SL? com) 899 7h 80 OS = 7h a ah +h 244 te-E hy n = 67 2 Oy cos(leeiBeTs) a(t) We Te) -~£ Zz. AL Sinpt- wets] —> © | we No ar) )= = “dud 2 fel “Lh oP a UT eves ‘ae ) =the dedy et Con Og) Fate alacm prebel: li Under Ho, Ye md Ys are mdoyerdeot ila, ngrar /.) Vandom vowebles Te determ« ne yh detechon prbot: AE, we need te fad fhe jor pas of Ye aud Ys under Hy. Given O=0, Y har aconcl:bmal WM $0), oD Eft |H, 0-0) =F, he EL Yel, 02 0}c03 (10.043) = z Ax sinllnTst 8) Cos( Uy WET ) 2 OF sing : = Ef %/M, 0-0} = ne coed With O fixed, the Caveranus under My of Vateuws Yc ond Ys ade wachaused since Lon a Sheft th mean, a T ise 9 RE ye, 4s | Hi) 7 oaks ts BO) ot f'Uos [- = Prey lM [ode ” us) 7, BaD BeewJ* =e) whee 3%, 4; 25 Bo) ee : ' ~sTe- 38 nao sd) +93 = EF Ssao)) > Pot): ner) = ff Pr (de Yel y di x Ye occ) nares a < oS ree thet aS ddedy a ide. (et See pande Sah) tabere bY NB) , B24) ond wage 5-36 ' the above fimction Q 1's tnown oo Marcum's O-Sunchion, Nole Qfo, BI=Re(HE) Poe. ol-level Neyman— Peor som detecken, Ale [na bo4 Che) jt P(& I= @ (4 Lebgta*) Pty is smiler bo Fg D.DY. _ Note; the averase signal amecny ca ERE Se eee a winks "2ae ae = x ae ot is SR» siowlerto d™ am He herent detectton problem _ Were when Pigeon _ _ na _,2 d*= of Z ste) 26t = Svesare . we Sin” inn 7348) "ha sene. ue C05 2 ton Ts #8) 3-35 pon conor” Ve se in 2 Tf we set @Cb (rtoga*] = Bla tre) -d) > bw dra. % coherent D> Th we wish fo use a noncoherent leahargs slightly hisher SMR is retired bo ac lieve the | Same “perPemanse po ts cornespodis coherent | teahacque, The dis advontage ofa coherent system es | Hak some meous for dering the carer phoce | wast be provided. %*) (hen ts signele ewe of Hs Sane form but dkflerns Gap litndes : Sse (OV = Ase Sin[lue-NGeTs tO], ksye,-+)N, Feo! For itd norte jY¥0,6%), rte libelcheed rato ert lee) L616") | tte ee | ote (46) F¢ ro(6*) 1 hee BARS Oe, Gal Yep + I” | Yes =z Os Yu cosl tN Ts) | | Ws5 = 2,4 Ye sin(eartacTe) 338 The ophiann clatechon smvolues cGombiavng th oubpr of two Systems Like te Ky previowlys one matzhal tv eoch of fle omplitede sequen, When the two seyporoes have bole need eneryy, 1 ase a, Odsume Mulform cosh and egpel prors ('T=1), than th Royer test fe = 1, qtr : $e d= fom, t= o, t Tito. When ht Buplebnde sefarante ovthegenal, ie, jond— z Ore Are Sin lech Ge Ts +6) =o tec aU a je _ ay “tin fete” a ~7.) - eel thet pr nat (2 2 aK | 3-349 ¥ (ow 4: Detechon of Stoe hash'e Signal ae signsle and neise ove Gaussian random vechn 3 the anes dest problem, > YoN( A, Zo) vs. » Lona, 3d) |The a of the lbelcherd robio is given by sglinediy ey Eh + EY pe) Be" Y-be) ' -7 ee ayrs," (4-m) ad ue-2"]yelaTe tae &) y te there oak fag VEL pM ES ee