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Rubric for Multigenre Project

Part 1 Anecdote
I can establish a point of view.
I can introduce a narrator and/or characters.
I can organize my story with a beginning, middle, and end of one event.
I can use specific nouns, vivid verbs, and strong vocabulary to tell my
I can select relevant descriptive details to tell my story.
I can write a closing that reflects on my experience and completes my

Part 2 Poem
I can creatively use an appropriate poetic form.
I can use precise, vivid vocabulary and paint a strong clear and
complete picture in the readers mind.
I can use poetic techniques such as figurative language to reinforce the

Part 3 Informative: Summaries & Explanations

I can clearly summarize or explain the topic or theme of the text.
I can include relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or
other information and examples.
I can use specific nouns, vivid verbs, and strong vocabulary related to
the texts.
I can establish and maintain a formal writing style.

Part 4 Informative: Research

I can clearly introduce a topic.
I can preview my main points.
I can organize my ideas using strategies such as definition,
classification, comparison/ contrast, and cause/effect.
I can effectively select and use evidence from the text: facts, definitions,
quotations, examples, etc.
I can include appropriate transitions to clarify the relationships among
ideas and create flow in my writing.
I can use specific nouns, vivid verbs, and strong vocabulary related to
my topic.
I can establish and maintain a formal writing style.
I can write a conclusion that fits and supports the information I have
I can include a Source List.

Part 5 Argumentative Essay

I can introduce a claim.
I can include alternate or opposing claims.
I can organize my reasons and evidence logically.
I can support claims with logical reasons and relevant evidence.
I can demonstrate the understanding of my topic using accurate and
credible sources.
I can use specific nouns, vivid verbs, and strong vocabulary to create
cohesion and to clarify relationships among claims, reasons, and
I can establish and maintain a formal style of writing.
I can write a conclusion that fits and supports the claim I have

Total _____________/120
108-120 A


*Grade will be in Skwyard as a percentage based on 200 points.

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