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Analysing TV and Print

By Hasina

Heinz Ketchup TV advert

Media Forms- Cinematography

Camera Shot Types

Cut in- The cut

in used in this
advert is
repetitive and
of the same
thing, where
the hands are
patting the
ketchup bottle
on the base.
This repetitive
cut in is
because it
makes the
remember the

Wide Shot- This

shot shows the
subject(s) full
body and you can
also see the
landscape and
their setting. This
is effective
because the
audience can get
an understanding
of where the
subjects are and
link it to the
product being

Mid Shot- This shot shows

the subject from head to
waist. The product is also
shown in this shot and
this is effective because it
shows the subject using
the product. Therefor the
audience will be
convinced that the
product is good. Because
the person is reaching out
for it and is smiling which
gives the audience a good
impression of the product.

Media Forms- Cinematography

Camera Angles

High angle- Shows the

audience the subjects and
the setting from a high
angle. This lets the
audience see the setting
clearly and the
environment around the
subject. This is an effective
way to use a high angle
because it lets the
audience know what is
going on and the natural
setting of it being normal
and not fiction.

Eye-level- This is an
angle where the
camera is at a level
the same as the
human eye. This is
effective in showing
the audience what the
subject looks like at
their level and what it
would feel like if they
were there.

Media Forms- Cinematography

Camera movements

Pedestal- The camera

moves vertically to let
the audience see the
landscape of the scene
and the surroundings of
the subject. This is
effective because it
shows the audience the
subjects moves and
their size compared to
the settings. Also this
helps the audience see
the subject in detail and
make out their

There are not many movements

in this advert there are two
Pedestal movements. I think the
reason for this is because the
adverts wants the audience to
focus on the product and the
movements of the subjects
instead of the camera
movements. It is effective to use
two Pedestal movements
because these movements are
only used when there is a wide
landscape with many people to
let the viewer see the setting.

Media Forms- Cinematography

Transitions (Edits)

The main camera edits/transitions in this advert are

cuts. This advert cuts from different scenes to others
this is because the advert has a repetitive action,
where the subjects are presenting the product and
its purpose. This is effective because the audience
will look at the product more than the effectiveness
of the edits. Also the advert uses a lot of cuts to
make the repetition seem clear because using cuts
makes the movement fast and allows the advert to
have a lot going on in a short amount of time

Media Forms- Sound


Diegetic- In this advert there are some sounds that have not
been edited. Sounds like when there is talking in the
background or when there are footsteps. These sounds are
easy to make out and you know that they are real because
they dont sound different from what they should sound like.
This is effective because it makes the advert that much more
realistic and engages the audience.
Non-Diegetic- The sound in this advert that are non-diegetic are
sounds like the tapping on the ketchup bottle and the
instruments that start playing in the background. These sound
are easy to make out because they are louder than they should
be and you can tell they have been edited. This is effective
because it brings out the main point, in this case, the tapping
of the bottle matches the humming because it should be
catchy towards the audience so they remember it.

Media Forms- Mise-En-Scene

Set and Props

Set- This advert has sets that would link to the product this makes
sense because the audience should know why they have chosen
these settings. This is clear because the product is ketchup and
the settings are appropriate for the product. This is effective
because it shows the viewer what the product is used for and
where it can be used and how useful it is. Some sets include a
restaurant, a camping trip, in a hot dog stand etc.
Props- One main prop is of course the Product itself. Other
products suit the setting and help the audience see the setting as
a real set and so the props are things that would be in that sort of
setting. For example in the restaurant there are cups of water,
counters, chairs and tables. These suit the setting because they
are things you would normally find in a restaurant. This is also the
case for other scenes like at the lunch table there are plates
napkins etc.

Media Forms- Mise-En-Scene

The lighting in this advert is mainly from the
sun or daylight. This is noticeable in the
advert because the lighting has been chosen
carefully and in the sets they have large
windows to make sure there is a lot of light
coming through. Also because they are not
dark settings, it is clear that the lighting is
from the daylight and not set lights because
it is not too bright and not too dark and just
clear enough to see what is going on.

Media Forms- Mise-En-Scene

Costumes and Make up

Costumes- The costumes are natural and important fitting

the surroundings and not standing out to much. They are
also clear in sending out the purpose of the advert. The
only costume that stands out is the wedding dresses and
they only stand out because of the scene they are in,
however they dont stand out too much and they are
appropriate in this case because they are in a wedding.
Make up- The make up is all natural even in the case of the
wedding, the main point to this advert is showcasing how
important the product is so the audience is focused on the
product and not the characters. This is effective because
the audience will look at the product more that the
characters and not think too much of the characters and
what they are doing or where they are.

Media Forms- Mise-En-Scene

Acting and Dialogue
The acting and dialogue in this advert is not
much. In fact there is no dialogue at all except
from the humming of the tune to If your
happy and you know it This is effective
because it brings out the key point of a way to
present the product.
The acting is clear because of the fact that
when something happens their facial
expressions suit that position they are in and
they show it clearly because of the effective

Media Forms
As this advert is totally appropriate for all ages
I think the target audience is universal but the
company aimed it at adults because they are
the ones whod buy it and if they have families
or children they would find this product useful.
This advert is very effective in catching the
audiences eye because of the humour it brings
people to see it because it is funny. The
audience who would like to see this advert
because of the humour would be 19-60.

Media Forms
The advertising agency that was
involved in making this commercial
was Cramer-Krasselt. The point for
them was to bring back the warm
family feeling of when the product
was first released, 1876.

Media Forms
This advert shows different representations that could
mean one thing to one person and another to someone
else. For example in this advert at the end there is a
family having lunch and where everyone does the same
thing, when using the ketchup, the grandma at the end
of the table does something else and embarrasses
herself. The fact that she is taught the right way by a
young girl might show different people different
meanings. For example this could mean that the advert
is trying to show the audience that old people dont
know how things work in these times and how they are
old school meaning they aren't up to date with the
new things and technology.

Heinz Ketchup Print Advert

Choice of People
There is no chosen celebrity of
person on the advert. There are no
people on the advert and this is
effective because it lets the audience
focus directly on the product and the
message the company are trying to

The colours on this advert are chosen to match
the main theme of the product (ketchup) which
is red, therefor the main theme of the advert is
the colour red. This is an effective colour
because it shows the audience that this product
is mainly tomatoes and as the text says at the
bottom No one grows ketchup like heinz This
suggests that their tomatoes are the best and
to show this they made sure their choice of
colour represented that and this engaged the
audience because of the clear bold red colour.

The light is shining from the left onto the product
and making the right side a shadow. This is
effective in bringing out the colour of the
tomatoes, which the product is made out of. It
also makes the audience notice the bottle is
made of tomatoes because of the way each slice
shines individually. This angle of light would also
interest the audience and show they each detail
of the product making them more engaged. The
lighting being shone from that angle also makes
the image seem realistic and interesting.

The wording is catchy and makes the audience think
about the choice of wording and how it is placed. It says
no one grows ketchup like Heinz The pun here is that no
one actually grows ketchup they grow the tomatoes that
are in the ketchup. What the company has done is they
made the wording link to the image. They made it seem
logic in a way by choosing that image to link to the
slogan. This is catchy because the audience will think
about it a lot as it is twisted in words. This is effective
because it makes the company seem unique because they
are saying no one makes ketchup like Heinz and this
shows the audience that maybe they should try it and see
if it is as good or better than others.

The font of the slogan is not like the font on the product.
They are opposite colours because of backgrounds. The
slogan has a small bubbly white font. This stands out
because this is the only thing, except the product, on
the advert and it would be more likely that the audience
sees that. This is effective because if this is the only text
on the advert more people are likely to notice it also
because it suits the background and does not clash but
stands out even though it is small. The font being small
and bubbly tells us about the target audience and that
this is a way to attract them. The target audience could
be young adults or families in general where their
children have a say in buying their food.

There are no people on this advert
therefor there are no costumes.
However there is a main product in the
middle of the advert which could be a
prop mainly the tomato slices that make
up the ketchup bottle. This is effective
because they have been creative in a
way to not overdo it and also show that
they have an edge to their product.

Image size
The size of this image is wide shot which shows
a detailed shot of the main product whilst also
showing the complete head to toe picture of
the product. The reason this shot choice is
effective is because the audience can now see
the whole dominant image and also the detail
that the company wants them to see. Like the
fact that the ketchup bottle is made out of
tomato slices. This is effective because the
audience will notice this and know what links to
this image they have made, like the slogan.

Image Angle
The angle of this picture is eyelevel so the
audience can see it how they would in real life if
they bought it. Showing it from a eye level lets the
audience see it in detail and what it means as well
as what is happening in the picture. Like how the
light is shining from the left side and you can see
all the brightness spots on the left leaving shadows
on the right. Also viewing it from a eye level lets
the audience understand that the company were
trying to make the ketchup bottle look fresh and let
out the point that they grow great ketchup because
of how fresh the tomato slices look from there.

The way they have presented this product is a
unique way showing the audience the packaging
and what's inside the bottle by making it look
like the bottle. The picture shows the product
and if you dont look at is closely and in detail
you wouldnt notice that the bottle was made of
slices of tomatoes. However the picture is of the
bottle including the labels just the bottle is made
of what's inside which makes the advert
interesting even though it is just a picture of the
product and it could be boring.

Product/Company Name
Product name-Heinz Ketchup
Company name- Heinz
The origin of this Company was by the founder Henry John Heinz who
worked in a packaging industry and soon realised he wanted to make a
change and so he joined with his friend in a business that soon went
bankrupt. Once he found that out he started a new business with his
brother and cousin, both Heinz families, this was a success and now called
H.J Heinz. This shows the audience that this business was successful
because they worked as a company with the same name (Heinz) because
when John Heinz tried to start a business with his friend it didnt work, now
when he started it with his family is was a success. This also shows the
audience that this links to the slogan and shows it has another secret
meaning of how their family grew along with the business when the slogan
says words like grows ketchup like Heinz Giving the audience a
metaphoric meaning of no one grows a business like the Heinz family

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