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to the Rescue

Your Complete Guide to a

Customized Candida
Recovery Program

3rd Edition
Tari Lee Cornish, N.C.



to the Rescue

Your Complete Guide to a

Customized Candida
Recovery Program

3rd Edition

Tari Lee Cornish, N.C.

The information contained in this booklet is for educational purposes only. It is not
meant to diagnose or in any way replace qualified medical supervision. Consult
with your healthcare practitioner before using these or any other herbal remedies.
You may wish to consider consulting with a health professional who specializes in
Candida recovery. Many Naturopathic Doctors and some Medical Doctors specialize
in this area. They can provide consultation for you throughout your YEAST
BUSTERTM program.

Please note: The information given in this booklet is presented in summary. Throughout the booklet you will find references to good resource books
that offer more detail on the different aspects of yeast should you want to
research some areas more thoroughly. You will find a complete reading list at
the end.

3rd Edition
Tari Lee Cornish, N.C.
Edited by: Lee Know, ND
Printed in Canada



QUESTIONNAIRE: Do I Have Candidiasis?

Chapter One: What is Candidiasis?

Chapter Two: The YEAST BUSTERTM Candida Solution

Chapter Three: The Anti-Candida Diet


Chapter Four: Candida, Indigestion and Allergies


Chapter Five: YEAST BUSTERTM Products


Chapter Six: The YEAST BUSTERTM Program


Chapter Seven: Listening to Our Bodies




Further Reading References


Does your doctor tell you that your symptoms are "all in your head?"

Do You Suffer From?

Blood Sugar Imbalances
Brain Fog
Cravings for Alcohol
Cravings for Sugar or Bread

Hormone Imbalances
Intestinal Disturbances
Lowered Immunity
Menstrual Difficulties
Mood Swings
Multiple Food Sensitivities
Oral Thrush
Painful Joints
Poor Concentration
Post Nasal Drip

Sensitivity to Chemicals
Sensitivity to Perfume
Sensitivity to Tobacco
Sinus Congestion
Skin Rashes
Urinary Tract Infections
Vaginal Discharge
Weight Gain
Weight Loss

...Candida Yeast could be your problem

If you are reading this booklet, chances are you have recognized that yeast
may be part of your problem. Many people suffer from Candida-related
symptoms for years without recognizing the true cause of their problems.
Candidiasis can cause anything from the sniffles to debilitating disease, yet it
is difficult to diagnose. For this reason, Candida-related symptoms can
cause many futile trips to the doctor, often resulting in a diagnosis of
hypochondria. For those who have long resigned themselves to chronic ill
health of unknown cause, learning about Candida and the YEAST BUSTERTM
program can provide tremendous hope.
If you have been unsuccessful with Candida treatments in the past, please
read on. Many anti-Candida products offer false hope by promising a cure with
a "magic pill." Unfortunately there are no quick fixes for Candidiasis. It is a
condition that develops over time from months or years of an unhealthy
lifestyle, and it cannot be reversed overnight. As you learn more about yeast
and what makes it thrive, you will understand how important a complete
individualized approach is and why the YEAST BUSTERTM program is recommended by hundreds of health professionals. A proven effective program
like YEAST BUSTERTM focuses on clearing out Candida and strengthening the
whole body and minimizing the chance that the condition will return. For
years, YEAST BUSTERTM products have been helping people regain their

Feel Better in 2 to 8 Weeks

Most people who use the approach outlined in this booklet start to feel better
within 2 to 8 weeks. However, because there are many factors that will influence your recovery, it is not possible to say exactly how long it will take for
you to make a complete recovery. Depending on how severe your condition
is, you may need to continue the program for several months after symptoms begin to subside.

The Yeast BusterTM Program is as Unique as You Are

The use of the YEAST BUSTERTM Candida questionnaire allows you to assess
the degree to which Candida may be a problem for you. The YEAST
BUSTERTM program is designed so that you can customize it based on the
severity of your condition. Throughout the program, you will be completing
the questionnaire on a weekly basis. Monitoring your improvement allows
you to modify your treatment as your symptoms improve. The product and
diet recommendations will be based on your questionnaire score, and you
can feel confident that they are appropriate for you.

Your Journey to Wellness can Begin Today

This booklet is designed to help you help yourself. You will learn about the
Candida yeast and its impact on the body. The necessity of and theory
behind a multi-faceted Candida program is explained. Detailed diet and
product recommendations are provided in a comprehensive format. A copy
of the questionnaire on pg. 3, is repeated in chapter 6. The second questionnaire has enough space for you to complete it once every week.
Congratulations on taking the essential first step towards your recovery.
Reading this guide will provide you with the information you need to begin
healing yourself today.
Best of luck on your journey. Take good care and read on...

Do I Have Candidiasis?
Your score on this questionnaire will help you and your health
practitioner determine the likelihood that your health problems are Candida
related. The score analysis provided below is intended for use as a general
guide. A positive score does not indicate a definite diagnosis of Candida, nor
is this an exhaustive list of possible Candida symptoms. However, the higher
your score, the stronger the likelihood that Candida overgrowth is
contributing to your health problems.

Score each symptom between 0 and 10, depending on the degree to which it applies
to you.
If the symptom does not apply, score 0.
If the symptom occurs occasionally or is very mild, score 2 or 3 points.
If the symptom is frequent or moderately severe, score 5 or 6 points.
If the symptom is severe, score 9 or 10 points.

Abdominal pain
Anxiety or tearfulness
Bad breath
Burning/tearing of eyes
Chronic sore throat
Cough or recurrent
Cravings for alcohol
Cravings for bread
Cravings for sweets
Difficulty with decision
Endometriosis or
Frequent colds and flu
Frequent indigestion



Inability to concentrate
Itchy ears/nose
Loss of balance
Low libido
Menstrual irregularities
Mood swings
Mucus in stools
Multiple food
Muscle aches
Muscle weakness
Nasal/sinus congestion
Numbness, burning
pain or tightness in
Poor coordination
Poor memory
Poor sense of direction
Post nasal drip
Rashes or psoriasis
Rectal itching

______ Recurrent ear

______ Sensitivity to foods
leavened with yeast
______ Sensitivity to mould
______ Sensitivity to perfume,
paints or chemicals
______ Sensitivity to tobacco
______ Shaking or irritable
when hungry
______ Spacey feeling
______ Strong body odour
______ Swollen or painful
______ Thrush in mouth
______ Vaginal infections
______ White coating on


NEGATIVE = 0 TO 35: It is highly unlikely that Candida overgrowth is a problem for you.
MILD = 35 TO 55
SEVERE = 80 and over

Chapter One
Candida albicans is a yeast that resides in the human bowel. Under normal
conditions, only a small number of Candida live in our intestine. A healthy
bowel should contain 85% friendly bacteria and 15% pathogens (antagonistic
bacteria), including Candida albicans. These friendly bacteria keep yeast and
other pathogens in check. Candidiasis is an overgrowth of Candida albicans.
The Candida starts out as simple, relatively harmless single-celled yeast.
Left unchecked, it can become a nuisance, developing large colonies and
contributing to a wide variety of health problems in both men and women.
If this "nuisance" condition is not controlled, the yeast can develop into a
more stubborn organism, namely the mycelial fungus form of Candida. This
form can contribute to many more serious problems and can be very
challenging to overcome. When the Candida problem has advanced to this
degree, it is referred to as "systemic Candidiasis."
In addition to Candida albicans, there is another potentially problematic
yeast called Candida monilla. This yeast gravitates to the vagina and
contributes to vaginitis.

How Can Such a Little

Yeast Cause Such a Big
There are several reasons for the
challenges involved in successfully
treating Candidiasis. This little yeast has
a very strong "survival instinct" and is
able to find ways to thrive at the expense
of our health. Once it has established
large colonies in the body, it can increase its numbers every time it is given
the slightest chance -- when you eat a sugary dessert or drink a glass of
wine, for example. Whats more, Candida has the ability to advance into a
fungal form, which can aggressively spread throughout the body, and attach
itself to internal organs. The Candida fungus feeds off the body like a parasite, leaching nutrients and weakening tissues.

Candida and the Immune Connection

Candida and the immune system are intimately linked. As a result of the
stress and malnutrition so prevalent in todays society, immune weakness is
common. A weakened body is more susceptible to Candida overgrowth.
Candida overgrowth can, in turn, tremendously stress the body and severely
lower immunity. Our immune system normally protects our bodies from all
types of infections. Without a properly functioning immune system, we are
vulnerable to a myriad of other health problems and diseases. Thus Candida
problems often underlie other diseases and complicate their healing
process. (When dealing with a disease that may be accompanied or
exacerbated by Candida overgrowth, the importance of choosing a health
practitioner who understands Candidiasis cannot be overestimated.)
When your defenses are down, Candida can further weaken you by robbing
your body of nutrients and slowly poisoning you with toxic by-products.
Candida causes the fermentation of carbohydrates in the intestines, which
results in the production of a volatile gaseous compound called acetaldehyde. The fermentation by the yeast also causes the production of a type of

alcohol called ethanol. These by-products are constantly polluting the bloodstream and are directly responsible for a multitude of Candida-related symptoms. Overcoming Candida overgrowth necessitates a determined, multifaceted healing approach. Natural remedies such as antifungal herbs,
immune-boosting herbs, and bowel cleansing products, offer the most effective help.

What Encourages Candida

There are many aspects of modern living that
are antagonistic to a healthy balance of intestinal
bacteria, including antibiotic treatment of people
and livestock, oral contraceptives, chemical
pollution, corticosteroids, nutritional deficiencies,
chlorinated water, food preservatives, high
sugar intake, chronic constipation, and stressful lifestyles. All of these contribute to the
Candidiasis problem by directly nourishing Candida, by stressing the
immune system, or by reducing the numbers of friendly bacteria, thus
allowing yeast to multiply out of control.
Candida-related problems can cause many futile trips to the family physician.
Not only is there a lack of awareness of this problem within the mainstream
medical community, but there are also many prescriptions for antibiotics
and other strong pharmaceuticals that are written to alleviate Candida related
symptoms that actually worsen the problem in the long run. They suppress
immunity and kill off beneficial micro-organisms.
The Standard American Diet (SAD) is deficient in the nutrients and fibre
required for proper bowel function. As a result we develop accumulations of
waste material. After years of a poor diet, the walls of the intestines become
coated with a thick layer of mucus and impacted decaying food, which
provide a fertile breeding ground for Candida.

Diagnosing Candidiasis
My doctor tells me he cant find anything wrong with me,
but I know Im sick.
Because Candida is a normal inhabitant of the gastrointestinal tract (GI
tract), Candidiasis is hard to diagnose. There are blood and stool tests that
may assist in the diagnosis of a Candida overgrowth. Unfortunately, these
assays are expensive and are not always readily available through every
practitioner. Despite its elusive nature, more and more medical doctors are
recognizing the clinical problems caused by Candida. There are still however
many more that proclaim the victim of Candidiasis to be a "hypochondriac."
To complicate matters more, malnutrition, glandular imbalances, hormone
problems, parasites, and mercury, fluoride, or lead poisoning, to name a
few, are other conditions that can produce symptoms similar to those
caused by Candidiasis. However, Candidiasis overgrowth is often associated
with these problems. Treating Candida may not eliminate all of the symptoms
if there is an additional underlying cause, but it will help to strengthen the
body so that it is more capable of overcoming the other conditions.
Many MDs with good intentions unknowingly worsen their patients condition
by prescribing the multi-purpose antibiotic. Happily, growing numbers of
patients, who have eventually found relief from their symptoms through the
treatment of Candida overgrowth, are reporting their good results back to
their MDs. Although a growing number of MDs are aware of this condition,
there are still a great number of MDs who are unable to recognize

Candidiasis. They will respond to the multi-symptomatic Candida patient by

ordering a barrage of tests. When they have exhausted all of their diagnostic
resources, the diagnosis given to the frustrated patient is often "Theres
nothing physically wrong with you."
A non-supportive response like "Its all in your head," from a trusted healthcare professional, can be disheartening for the Candidiasis patient, who is
often quite debilitated by symptoms.
In order to diagnose Candidiasis, many holistic practitioners and
Naturopathic Doctors will use a survey similar to the YEAST BUSTERTM
questionnaire and then observe the patients response to a yeast-free diet
and antifungal treatment. If the patient improves on this type of treatment
program, the doctors suspicions are confirmed and Candida is assumed. If
Candida is not suspected, the program is harmless and may even provide
other benefits to the patient.

Okay, So I Have Candidiasis, Now What?

It is time to get to work. Your best chance of success in eradicating Candida
lies in a thorough, multi-faceted approach. We strongly recommend that you
read through this entire booklet before starting the YEAST BUSTERTM
program, so that you have a good understanding of whats involved.
Many people attempt to treat Candidiasis without adequate information or
specific guidance from a health professional. Any such uninformed effort is
likely to be in vain. By learning as much as possible about the physiology of
the yeast and its effects on your health, you will be able to avoid the most
common pitfalls of Candida treatment and ensure the fastest recovery
Because of the "whole body" stress that the yeast can cause, especially in
serious cases, it is crucial that your treatment approach be thorough. A haphazard approach is destined to fail, as Candida will find a way to multiply
when given the smallest opportunity. The more complete your treatment
program, the shorter it will need to be.

Chapter Two
This multi-faceted approach is a proven effective method of Candida control.
1. It kills excess yeast in the intestines and eliminates its breeding
grounds by cleaning the bowel. It re-establishes a healthy balance
of flora through supplementation with friendly bacteria.
2. It stops you from feeding the Candida by helping you adopt a diet
that starves the yeast while nourishing your body.
3. It eliminates the mycelial form of yeast that has migrated to other
organs in the body (systemic Candida overgrowth) and detoxifies
the Candidas waste products.
4. It strengthens the body and helps the immune system rebuild
Lets now consider why each of these aspects of the program is so

Killing Excess Yeast in the Bowel

and Restoring Friendly Bacteria
The health of our bowel affects the health of our entire body. Our intestinal
flora is made up of a delicately balanced community of micro-organisms.
Research shows that many immunological dysfunctions are related to an
imbalance in intestinal flora. When harmful intestinal bacteria (pathogens)
outnumber good bacteria, health is compromised.
Healthy bowel flora is important for the maintenance of intestinal pH, strong
digestion, and the production of vitamins, hormones, and immune-modulating
substances. Pathogens like Candida, on the other hand, produce toxic byproducts in the intestines. These poisons can be absorbed into the bloodstream, causing a condition known as "auto-intoxication." It is universally
accepted that auto-intoxication is the underlying cause of a large number of
symptoms and illnesses.
Once the balance of helpful to harmful flora has been disturbed, the body
usually needs support to overcome the excess pathogens. An antifungal
program like the YEAST BUSTERTM CANDIDA TRAUMA KIT is effective at
killing intestinal yeast. It absorbs and eliminates the dead yeast and its byproducts, while it restores the healthy bacteria population through supplementation, with a hearty human-compatible strain of ACIDOPHILUS. By
gaining control of the problem in the intestines, the immune system is
relieved and can begin to cope better with toxins and yeast elsewhere in the

Starving the Candida

Sugars, yeast, most fermented foods, and anything quickly converted into
sugar, (i.e., simple starches) are "SUPERFOOD" for Candida. To ensure a
complete recovery from Candida, it is important to refrain from foods that
nourish it. As the yeast begins to die off, its need for nourishment in order
to survive can cause increased cravings for those foods (i.e., sugary, starchy,
yeasty, or fermented foods). As a result, cravings for Candida SUPERFOODS, can become even more intense during Candidiasis treatment. Our
Standard American Diet (SAD) is largely to blame for the ever growing

epidemic of Candidiasis. The average North American consumes 60,000 to

100,000 pounds of food in a lifetime -- most of which is highly processed,
low in fibre, and high in refined carbohydrates. The SAD usually includes a
lot of red meat, dairy products, and wheat. This diet challenges and slows
digestion and elimination. In constipated or sluggish intestines, undigested
food tends to ferment, providing opportunity for Candida to flourish.
To make matters worse for us and better for the Candida, most people eat
an average of 120 pounds of sugar each year. This averages out to one
teaspoon every hour, 24 hours a day. We are unknowingly, but all too
successfully, breeding this nuisance yeast inside our bodies.
Unfortunately, the foods that many of us have come to love are also the
foods that Candida loves. Yet the only way to control the proliferation of the
yeast is to starve it while simultaneously attacking it with antifungals. The
more we restrict the Candidas energy sources from our diet, the faster and
easier our recovery will be. Chapter Four provides more detail on eating to
nourish ourselves rather than the Candida.

3. Eliminating Systemic Candidiasis

It is not unusual for someone suffering from "Systemic Candidiasis" (the
mycelial fungal form), to have problems in many different organ systems.
The mycelial form of Candida has the ability to migrate throughout the body.
The fungi grow root-like extensions called mycelia. These mycelia serve to
help the Candida travel through tissue in the body so that it can invade any
organ. The mycelia also allow the Candida to anchor itself into tissue, weakening the cellular structures. The Candida then sucks nutrients from the
hosts tissue. It emits enzymes that actually digest human cells.
Candida can cause considerable problems once it has advanced to this
stage, particularly in the already weakened individual. It is imperative that
aggressive antifungal treatment be administered. The YEAST BUSTERTM KIT
controls the Candida in the bowel with the use of YEAST BUSTERTM CAPROIL.
For a full recovery from systemic Candidiasis, an additional herbal antifungal
like YEAST BUSTERTM OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT, is needed to reach the Candida
throughout the body. YEAST BUSTERTM OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT will be
described in more detail in Chapter Five.

4. Strengthening the Body and

Rebuilding the Immune System
Immune weakness is frequently a contributing factor to the development of
Candidiasis or the result of it. Candida yeast releases waste material (like
acetaldehyde and alcohol), and the blood, liver, and lymphatic system can
become overburdened. When the body is congested with waste material, the
immune system becomes overworked in its attempt to provide protection
from these toxins and cannot remain efficient at preventing other health
problems. Candidiasis is often an overlooked component of many other
health problems, including colds, flu, arthritis, viral infections, immune
diseases, cancer, and AIDS. The YEAST BUSTERTM program includes three
very effective additional products called YEAST BUSTERTM OLIVE LEAF
BUSTERTM GRAPEFRUIT SEED EXTRACT to support the immune system.
(See pgs. 33-36)


Chapter Three
Diet plays a large role in the development of Candidiasis, and so diet
modification has to play a role in recovery. An anti-Candida diet is essential,
whether your condition is mild or severe. This does not mean that you will
never eat your favourite foods again, but at least during the program you
may have to incorporate substitutions in some of your meals. The foods that
promote yeast growth need to be eliminated or reduced, and more healthy,
immune boosting foods need to be introduced to strengthen health and
Anything Sweet or Fermented is "Super Food" for Candida
The degree of diet change required, depends partially upon the severity of
your condition. However, regardless of how severe your Candidiasis is, the
more you restrict Candida "Super Foods" from your diet, the faster you will
recover. Once your body is stronger and the Candida population reduced,
you can reintroduce some of the restricted foods again.

As you discover new foods, new flavours, and the positive effects they have
on your energy and mood, you will begin to realize that your healing
experience can be an exciting journey. As you get more familiar with your
new food choices and become stronger, what at first may have seemed like
deprivation will likely seem more like an advantage. The experience will
undoubtedly broaden your culinary horizons and "cultivate" your palate.
The diet guidelines required for Candida recovery may appear challenging
for a variety of reasons. You may have hurdles that relate to finances, energy
level, degree of family support, availability of healthy food ingredients, or
culinary skills. Whatever your obstacles, your determination and a strong
desire to get better, are the most important motivators to stimulate your
Many people find that after the initial adjustment, they feel so good on this
new healthy diet, that they want to incorporate some of their new diet
discoveries permanently. For most people, the Candidiasis experience
provides lessons about improving the quality of their lives that will last a

Diet Donts
Any foods containing fruit, fruit juice, sugar, or even natural sweeteners
(except stevia) will help Candida to multiply. Fermented foods like vinegar,
miso, cheeses, and alcohol, can also aggravate the condition by nourishing
the yeast. Some foods that are "yeast-like" can cause sensitivities because
one is sensitized to the Candida (e.g., mushrooms, yeast extract, and bakers
or nutritional yeast).
Starchy foods such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, white rice, breads (even
yeast-free breads are starchy), and pasta are quickly converted into sugars.
Starchy foods need to be avoided at the beginning of the program, but can
gradually be reintroduced as you improve. Processed foods, preservatives,
and refined or cooked unsaturated oils, weaken the body and should be
avoided. Mucus-producing foods such as dairy foods (including cheese),
refined flours, and meat should be restricted as they promote sluggish
digestion and will slow the elimination of wastes from the bowel.

Diet Dos
A detoxifying diet rich in a variety of fibre, essential fatty acids,
vegetables, legumes, white meats, alternative grains (in moderation), and
complementary vegetarian proteins (beans combined with grains) is the
most supportive to this program. Healthy oils like flax oil (always served
unheated), which are rich in essential fatty acids, can support the healing
process and can also help to conquer the yeast.
TIP: Many people think that finding something appropriate to make for
breakfast is challenging. Our traditional habit of consuming sweet and
starchy foods at breakfast must be put aside at least while on the YEAST
BUSTERTM program. Consider a breakfast consisting of foods that you might
ordinarily eat for lunch or dinner. It may even be helpful for you to make
extra food at supper the night before that you can eat for breakfast. You will
probably find that eliminating the sweet foods in the morning will result in
greater satiation and longer lasting energy.

The "YES" List

These foods can be eaten at any time during the program.
beans (all types) + sprouted beans
deep sea fish (tuna, marlin, halibut, sea bass, wild pacific salmon)
unsweetened soymilk (if tolerated)
organic eggs (if tolerated). Regular eggs contain antibiotics and hormones.
naturally raised chicken or turkey
raw or soaked nuts and seeds (except cashews, peanuts, and pistachios)
wheat-free meat analogues (occasional eg. tofu)
dairy-free cheeses (occasional)
Almond Milk


stevia (a herbal sweetener that does not feed Candida)
green leafy vegetables, parsley, beet greens, lettuce, broccoli, cabbage,
cauliflower, brussels sprouts, bok choy, spinach, alfalfa sprouts, sprouts,
zucchini, artichokes, avacadoes, green beans, onions, asparagus, carrots,
celery, eggplant, chard, garlic (preferably raw), peppers, cucumbers,
snow peas, parsnips, radishes, soybeans, squash, water chesnuts,
hot chillis, tomatoes, turnips
sea vegetables (nori, dulse, wakame, etc.)
all vegetables that are not overly sweet or starchy
high-protein alternative grains
(quinoa or amaranth)
sprouted grains
Condiments, Oils
Braggs Amino Acids
(non-fermented, wheat-free soy sauce)
flax oil (unheated)
ghee (clarified butter)
extra-virgin olive oil
carob powder
tahini and other raw nut butters
soy nut butter
vinegar-free pickles (if tolerated)
garlic, lemon, onion

oats, millet bread, brown rice,
spelt bread, spelt pasta, brown
rice pasta, buckwheat, quinoa,
amaranth, spelt, kamut, teff
almonds, fiberts, pumpkin
seeds, sunflower seeds
butter, apple cider vinegar,
lemons, almond butter (organic)
Drink 1-2 litres of water daily

The "Yes" list is not a complete list of everything that you can include in your
anti-candida diet, nor is every food on it necessarily right for you. Use your
good judgement and knowledge of your own individual tolerances to
expand on this list and/or to avoid foods that are inappropriate for you. For
more specific suggestions, see the list of Candida cookbooks on pg. 65.
Whenever possible, buy organic foods, as they contain fewer chemicals and
are far more nutritious.

The "NO" List

Eliminate these foods for the duration of this program.

barley, corn, or rice syrup

white, brown, date sugar
maple syrup, molasses
fructose, glucose,maltose

cow milk, goat milk, cheese, yogurt, kefir

pastries, cookies, candies, etc.
any foods containing concentrated sweeteners

Yeasts and Fermented Foods

(wine, beer, spirits, liqueurs)
black tea
malted products
corned beef
white crackers, yeast breads &

yeast (bakers, nutritional, and brewers)

white bread, pasta, muffins, pancakes, cereal
soy sauce, relish, worcestershire, sauerkraut
vinegar, mustard, ketchup, sauces, mayonnaise
smoked meats & fish (contain yeast derivatives)
pastries, potato chips, corn chips

Processed Meats / Misc

Sausages, ham, bacon, pastrami, hot dogs, lunch meat, corned beef, mushrooms,
corn, white/sweet potatoes, yeast

Common Allergenic Foods

(Chapter 4 contains more information on allergies)

corn, peanuts, cashews, pistachios


dairy foods

Foods Easily Converted Into Simple Sugars

dry fruit
refined-grain pastas
sweet fruits: grapes,
bananas, mangoes, etc.

fruit juice
white rice
refined flours

Not Recommended
hydrogenated or refined vegetable oils (lowers immunity)
red meats (may contain nitrates and are mucus producing)

The "No" list is also not an exhaustive list. Use your own common sense to
ascertain from these examples what foods may be similarly unsuitable
based on their starch or sugar content, etc. Depending on your individual
tolerances, there may be other foods from which you must abstain.

The "REDUCE" List

These foods should be avoided for the first few weeks of your program.
Thereafter, they may be eaten in moderation. The diet protocol sections in
this guide for mild, moderate, and severe Candidiasis provide more specific
guidance about when to include these foods. These are normally very
healthy foods, but because of their starch or sugar content, they have the
potential to worsen Candidiasis. They can be an important part of a healthy
diet, but only in moderation. Candidiasis makes you crave not only sweets,
but also starchy and yeasty foods. Many people overindulge in these foods
not even realizing that they can be a problem.
Some of the grains listed here may be new to you, like spelt or kamut. These
are alternatives to wheat. Many people who cannot tolerate wheat enjoy
these grains in its place. Kamut and spelt breads are popular, as are whole-grain
kamut or spelt pastas. They are excellent nutritious foods, but like any grain,
they are high in starch and need to be eaten in moderation.
Most fruits are restricted during yeast treatment, but the ones listed below
contribute the least to yeast overgrowth and can be added in moderation
near the end of treatment.

Sweet or Starchy

brown rice (any kind)

whole-grain pasta (rice, kamut, spelt)
whole-grain yeast-free breads
organic oatmeal
oat, spelt, or kamut whole grains

sweet potatoes
cooked carrots
sauerkraut, pickles
(may contain yeast-like
lemons or semi-sweet fruits (apples, pears, peaches, plums, watermelons)

Near the end of your program, you may be able to take some natural sweeteners
(in very small amounts) besides stevia. The following natural sweeteners
tend to be more nutritious and therefore better tolerated than other sugars:
apple juice (as a sweetener, not a beverage)
rice syrup
organic molasses fruit-source powder SucanatTM

There are other natural sweeteners, but the ones listed here tend to be the
best tolerated. You may tolerate some better than others. Remember not to
overdo it, as these foods will feed Candida.

The Sweetener Stevia

Stevia extract is a very special sweetener and a lifesaver for those with
Candida. It contains no glucose and, therefore, does not nourish yeast at all.
Satisfying the sugar craving with stevia can prevent many a regretful sugar
binge caused by Candida urgings. This amazing extract is approximately 40
times sweeter than sugar (1 tsp. = approx. 1 cup sugar). It comes in a powder
(which can be dispensed in a salt shaker) or a liquid and can be heated or
dissolved in liquids. It is so versatile it can even be used to sweeten baked
goods. There is a broad range in the quality of Stevia.

Many of the Foods on these Lists Are New to Me

If you are unfamiliar with some of the foods on the above lists, tips on cooking
them can be found in some vegetarian cookbooks. The reading list at the
end of this booklet includes some cookbook suggestions.

Tuning up Your Taste Buds

The Standard North American Diet (SAD) consists of heavily salted and
sweetened foods. Over stimulation of our taste buds desensitizes them.
Over time, our tongues become unable to taste anything that is not excessively
sweet, salty, or coated in the flavour enhancer MSG. By reacquainting ourselves with healthy, nutritious food, we can "tune up" our taste buds, so that
they can appreciate a wider palate of flavours.
"Re-educating" our taste buds can also result in the development of healthier
cravings. Instead of craving ice cream when we need calcium, we will crave
almonds or broccoli. Instead of craving chocolate to get our magnesium, we
will crave tofu or dried apricots. These more nutritious nutrient sources also
contain synergistic nutrients that are required for proper assimilation of the
specific vitamins and minerals needed from the food.

Beginning the Anti-Candida Diet

Foods from the "REDUCE" list should be eliminated for the first 2 weeks of
treatment for mild Candidiasis, the first 4 weeks of treatment for moderate
Candidiasis, and the first 6 to 8 weeks for severe Candidiasis. Some
practitioners recommend an even longer period of total carbohydrate
restriction. After that, these foods can be eaten in moderation depending on
your tolerance. The recommendations in the program section (Chapter Six)
will help you determine when you are well enough to reintroduce the
"REDUCE" foods.
Foods from the "NO" list, i.e., sugar, vinegar, alcohol, yeast, and other
fermented foods, should not be eaten for the duration of the program. You
will become much more in tune with your bodys reactions to foods once
you have been on the program for a little while. Filling in the questionnaire
regularly will help you to develop a greater awareness of your bodys
responses to different foods.

Food Cravings
At the beginning of your YEAST BUSTERTM program, you will probably find
that your desire for these foods increases as you start to kill off some of the
Candida. The yeast requires these foods for its survival. As it begins to
starve, you feel as if you are being urged to eat these very foods, from a
powerful force within. It can feel not unlike a drug addicts craving for drugs
in some cases. Unfortunately, the only way to starve the yeast of their
favourite foods is to "starve" yourself of them. Keeping this thought in mind
can be helpful for drumming up the will power required to resist these
Some Candida treatment books offer "Stage 1, 2, and 3" diets and
recommend that you stay on each stage for a predetermined length of time.
The YEAST BUSTERTM approach is based on the belief that food choices and
diet modification need to be individualized, depending on the severity of
your condition. The other "cookie-cutter" type of program may seem simpler,
but doesnt account for the fact that each person heals at a different speed.
You need to tune in to what you can tolerate. This is the reason for the
customized approach of the YEAST BUSTER program.

Eat a Healthy Variety of Foods

When following a restricted diet, it is important that you eat a variety of
foods to ensure you consume a broad spectrum of nutrients. The vitamins,
minerals, and fibre derived from eating nutritious foods, play an important
role in your recovery.

The Healing Crisis

Changing to a healthier diet free of artificial flavours, colours and preservatives;
processed foods; and excess sugars and fats can kick start the bodys
immune and cleansing systems into high gear, stimulating various detoxification reactions, also known as "healing crises." Headaches, fatigue, skin
rashes, diarrhea, or flu-type symptoms are common. Some toxins can be
stored in the body for a long time and eventually cause problems as they
accumulate. During a cleansing program such as the YEAST BUSTERTM
program, toxins are mobilized into the blood stream so that they can be
transported out of the body. Depending on your total level of toxins and
overall health when beginning your Candida treatment, you may or may not
experience reactions to this process.
Generally speaking, the worse your symptoms during detoxification, the
more wastes you have built up in your system. If you stop putting toxins in
and provide some support for the elimination process, your body will seize
the opportunity to cleanse itself.
If the cleansing process does stimulate a healing crisis, it is important to look
at this as a sign that you are becoming healthier and to exercise patience,
while your body gradually comes back to a state of balance. Most people on
the YEAST BUSTERTM program, notice substantial improvement in 2 to 8
weeks. Healing crises symptoms usually last only a few days. If your symptoms last longer, it is possible that you may be experiencing food or chemical
sensitivities. The relationship between Candida and allergies is explained in
the next chapter. If symptoms are serious or persist more than a few days,
consult a qualified health care provider.


Chapter Four
The healthy digestive system will efficiently break foods down into their
smallest components (amino acids, simple sugars, fatty acids, etc.) so that
they can be absorbed through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream.
The digestive system that is stricken with Candida is compromised. Candida
fungus growing on the surface of the intestinal tract creates a barrier that
prevents proper absorption of dietary nutrients and leads to malnutrition. As
a result, both obesity and emaciation (extreme thinness) are commonly
associated with the Candida problem. One may be hungry shortly after eating
because the much-needed vitamins and minerals were not properly
absorbed. The appetite can almost become constant, which can lead to
weight gain. The opposite can also be true. If digestion and/or absorption are
compromised to the point that very little is being absorbed, one can experience
rapid weight loss and, in fact, starve.

The yeast stifles the action of friendly bacteria needed to help break food
down. Thus Candida overgrowth often results in accumulations of undigested
food that putrefy (or literally rot) in the intestines and promote the growth
of pathogenic bacteria. The more of these undesirable bacteria found in the
intestines, the more indigestion, gas, bloating, and intestinal toxicity will be
experienced. These unfavourable conditions can also lead to diarrhea and
The liver and kidneys are stressed by the increased responsibility of eliminating
Candida waste products (mycotoxins). These organs are not only important
eliminative organs, but they also play a key role in the digestive process.
When these organs become congested with Candida and mycotoxins, our
digestion is further compromised. When normal digestive functions are
disturbed, nutrient deficiency ensues.

Allergies and the Candida Connection

People with severe Candida are prone to all types of allergies because of
compromised immune and intestinal health. Common allergens for patients
suffering from Candida include wheat, dairy foods, chemicals, smoke,
perfume, and car exhaust fumes. These allergens can provoke unique
responses from one person to the next.

Why Am I More Sensitive to Chemicals Now?

Some people with Candidiasis will find themselves more sensitive to
chemicals like car exhaust fumes, perfume, cologne, acetone, petroleumbased products, and formaldehyde (such as is found in building materials,
paints, and carpets). The toxins released by Candida (especially acetaldehyde)
are chemically very similar to these substances and have irritated the
immune system. Thus, it is not uncommon for the Candida sufferer to
become hypersensitive to acetaldehyde-like substances.
The most common reactions to chemicals include asthma attacks, swollen
nose or eyes, chest pain, dizziness, and headaches, but breathing in chemicals
can cause symptoms as surprising as diarrhea. Ones tolerance to these
substances will improve once the Candida problem is overcome and the
immune system is back to normal.

Leaky Gut Syndrome and Food Sensitivities

During treatment as the fungus is killed, it shrivels and falls off the surface
of the intestine. This can leave behind perforations where the mycelial
"roots" were imbedded. This condition of perforations in the bowel is called
"Leaky Gut Syndrome."
In Leaky Gut Syndrome, the larger-than-normal openings in the intestinal
wall left by the fungus allow undigested particles of food to pass into the
blood stream before the digestive enzymes have finished breaking them
down. The result is havoc in the immune system, which frequently results in
food sensitivities.
The immune system is responsible for protecting the body from foreign substances. When it encounters undigested particles of food in the blood
stream, it may interpret them as being foreign substances and react protectively, stimulating an immune reaction. The body then becomes sensitized to
this food substance and, in some cases, may have an allergic response the
next time it encounters that food. Reducing repeated exposure to these
foods helps to prevent new allergies from forming. Foods containing large
fat or protein molecules, like dairy, soy, and wheat, are more likely to cause
these reactions, because they are difficult for the compromised digestive
system to break down.
It is wise to avoid over consuming any foods that irritate your body while
on the YEAST BUSTERTM program, as there is the potential for new allergies
to develop. If the yeast has progressed to its fungal form and spread, it is
more likely that food sensitivities will be a problem.
Common Food Sensitivities Include:

citrus fruit
dairy products
deep-fried foods
food additives
yeast products
nightshade family foods, (esp. tomatoes, eggplant,
peppers, potatoes)


soy products
wheat (includes
white flour products)

How Do I Know If I Have Food Sensitivities?

If you frequently suffer from indigestion, fatigue, or other discomfort after
meals, you may have food sensitivities. Food sensitivities can also cause a
multitude of other symptoms not commonly associated with allergies. The
symptoms of food allergies and Candidiasis are interrelated and often overlap.
Youll notice that a list of common food sensitivity/allergy symptoms looks
a lot like a Candida symptom list.

Will I Ever Be Able To Eat

My Favourite Foods Again?
If your allergies have been caused by reduced immunity and increased
intestinal permeability related to Candidiasis, they will most likely be
temporary. However, investigations stimulated by the Candida illness may
reveal long-standing allergies that you were previously unaware of and
some of these allergies may be permanent.
The YEAST BUSTERTM program includes a special fibre blend (PSYLLIUM
seed and husk powder) that helps to soothe the intestinal tract. Once the
tract is restored to health, you will no longer be as susceptible to developing
new allergies. It is important to avoid your allergens during your recovery as
they stress the immune system and intestinal tract. With proper management of your intestinal and immune health, you should be able to enjoy
most of these foods again.

How Can I Determine What

My Food Sensitivities Are?
There are many different methods used to detect allergies. Complementary
and naturopathic health care professionals are generally more adept at allergy
investigation than medical doctors. The holistic approach to health care
attempts to remove health stresses (like food allergies) while fortifying the
patients immune system. As a result, holistically-minded researchers have
gone to great efforts to develop non-invasive diagnostic methods for detecting
food sensitivities and allergies.

Four of the most common methods used to uncover hidden food allergies
/sensitivities are described below in brief. Hidden allergies are reactions to
foods that are not obvious because they are not immediate. Some reactions may
occur as long as 3 days after ingestion, and symptoms of food allergies are
at least as varied as symptoms of Candidiasis. Whatever diagnostic method
you employ, it is only a guide. No method of allergy detection is 100 percent
accurate. It is important that you listen to your body, allowing your intuition
to guide you.

Common Methods of Food Allergy/

Sensitivity Detection
1) Electro-Acupuncture Testing
This method is reasonably priced, non-invasive, and available at many
progressive naturopathic clinics. It is estimated to be 85% effective. One of
its main advantages is that it can identify both food sensitivities and actual
allergies. There are several different types of computer programs used for
this test, including the "Interro," "Acubase," and "Listen" systems. These are
all biofeedback machines that register the patients response to stimuli
directed at acupuncture points.
2) Blood Tests
Blood tests to detect specific antibodies or white blood cell reactions to
particular foods are available (ELISA, RAST, or IgE). The ELISA seems to be
the most sensitive methods of detecting delayed allergic response but it is
quite expensive.
3) Elimination / Provocation Diet
This approach to allergy diagnosis involves eliminating all suspected allergens for a period of time (usually 2 weeks). According to a very precise and
orderly schedule, "suspect" foods are reintroduced one at a time, and
responses to them carefully recorded in a food diary. After the body has had
a break from an irritating substance, it will recover its defenses and will usually respond quite clearly when an offending food is eaten. This approach
allows one to match specific reactions with specific foods. Other methods
more quickly determine which foods cause problems, but not which problems they are causing.

4) The Scratch Test

The common scratch test is available under Provincial Health Insurance
Plans. It is relatively painless but it detects only some types of allergies.
False negatives are common, as are false positives. (Only an estimated
1015% of food sensitivities can be detected by this method.

The Rotation Diet to Prevent

New Food Sensitivities
If your Candidiasis is severe and food sensitivities are creating a challenge
for you, you may have to take a very cautious approach to your diet. The
most effective way to prevent the development of food allergies during
Candida treatment, is to utilize a rotation diet. The theory behind this diet is
that it takes 4 days to clear a food completely from the body. If each food is
consumed only every 4 days, the potential for an allergy to develop from
over-exposure is minimized.
For example, on the rotation diet, buckwheat would be eaten only once
every 4 days. You could eat it several times on that day, but not eat it again
for another 4 days. The help of a rotation diet book that includes a chart, can
make this process surprisingly simple. The chart classifies foods into groups:
grains, beans, vegetables, meats. For each day of the rotation, you choose
from a selection of allowable foods within each group. An added benefit of
this approach is that it ensures the inclusion of a diverse variety of foods,
thus improving overall nutrition.
As your health improves and your intestinal walls get a chance to heal,
digestive ability returns to normal. You will also begin to receive clear "inner
signals" about foods that, if heeded, will keep you on the right track.
NOTE: Individuals who are extremely susceptible to developing new
sensitivities should include PSYLLIUM fibre in the rotation, i.e., use it on
only one day of four. Over the other three days use a different fibre on each
day (e.g. oat bran, rice bran, and flax powder).


Chapter Five


Trauma Kit
What is it?
The YEAST BUSTERTM Candida Trauma Kit
includes four very effective products:
PSYLLIUM Blend, CAPROIL antifungal
liquid, BENTONITE liquid clay, and DDS
Acidophilus capsules. The products in this
kit are mixed together to form a high-fibre
antifungal drink that helps clear excess
yeast out of the intestines. The drink is
prepared by combining the PSYLLIUM,
BENTONITE, and CAPROIL in the shaker supplied and mixing with water or
diluted fruit juice.The DDS ACIDOPHILUS is taken at a separate time, preferably
at bedtime.

Why does it work so well?

As the PSYLLIUM-BENTONITE-CAPROIL mixture passes through the intestines, it thickens into an absorbent gel. This gel acts like an absorbent scrub
brush in the bowel. The movements of the intestines turn it around and
around, forcing it against the sides of the intestines, where it scrubs Candida
away and soaks up toxins for easy elimination. Lets now take a closer look
at each ingredient in the YEAST BUSTERTM antifungal drink.


Scrub Brush)
PSYLLIUM forms a metaphorical "brush." The
bulking action of the PSYLLIUM "brush" forces the
CAPROIL and BENTONITE against the sides of the
seed and husk. The bulking and lubricating husk softens
hardened fecal matter for easier elimination, while the
grainy seed powder has a gentle exfoliating action that
helps scrub the sides of the intestines.
YEAST BUSTERTM PSYLLIUM is a soothing and cleansing
fibre that lubricates and adds bulk to the stool to facilitate more frequent elimination. It is also able to absorb
toxins to some degree.


CAPROIL acts like "detergent" on the brush, killing
yeast on contact. Caprylic acid is the main active ingredient in CAPROIL. It is a short-chain fatty acid extracted
from coconut oil. It is effective against both the yeast
and fungal forms of Candida. YEAST BUSTERTM
CAPROIL provides caprylic acid that naturally contains
oleic acid. Oleic acid helps prevent Candida yeast from
transforming into the mycelial form.
YEAST BUSTERTM liquid CAPROIL is a very gentle
product when taken with PSYLLIUM and BENTONITE.
The PSYLLIUM gel holds on to the caprylic acid and
pulls it slowly through the intestinal tract so that it can
perform its task without stressing the liver. In comparison, pill preparations
of caprylic acid are difficult to tolerate, because the concentrated caprylic
acid is passed straight to the liver for processing. It is extremely important
that the CAPROIL be taken with PSYLLIUM and water.

C. Liquid Hydrated YEAST BUSTERTM

(The Sponge)
BENTONITE acts like a sponge, holding on to dead
yeast and toxins and helping the PSYLLIUM pull
the unwanted toxins and debris out of the body.
adsorbent liquid clay that has been scientifically
proven to adsorb (attract) toxins, bacteria, and
viruses. Combining this powerful substance with
the PSYLLIUMs absorptive power and bulking
action ensures that wastes are quickly eliminated.

(The Friendly Bacteria
ACIDOPHILUS is the most pro-active friendly
bacteria in the human gut. ACIDOPHILUS helps to
protect us from pathogens like Candida by keeping
Unfortunately, most of us are deficient in
ACIDOPHILUS owing to the many factors in modern
lifestyles that kill our good bacteria. Chlorinated
water, antibiotics, and food preservatives kill
good bacteria as well as bad.
The DDS strain of ACIDOPHILUS is the most
potent, well researched ACIDOPHILUS on the market. This therapeuticstrength bacteria was developed by a prominent leader in probiotics
research, the renowned Dr. S. Dash, founder of UAS Laboratories.
This high-quality ACIDOPHILUS supplement is an essential element of the
YEAST BUSTERTM program. DDS ACIDOPHILUS has been shown to release
hydrogen peroxide, which helps control the yeast and other pathogens. DDS
ACIDOPHILUS has also been shown to release acidophilin (a natural antibiotic),
B vitamins, Vitamin K, and lactase (the enzyme required to break down milk).

Because of its therapeutic potency, the inclusion of this product is important

to the success of the YEAST BUSTERTM program. Substituting this product
with a cheaper, less effective Acidophilus, may interfere with your results on
the program.
DDS ACIDOPHILUS is a human-compatible bacteria strain that is grown on
a hypoallergenic, dairy-free, starch-rich medium. Superior, leading edge
technology ensures that the bacteria is carefully extracted from the medium
on which it is grown. This results in a supplement of whole, undamaged,
therapeutically active bacteria. Once introduced into the intestinal tract,
these potent bacteria begin multiplying immediately, thus restoring the
population of health-promoting bacteria. Each DDS ACIDOPHILUS bacterium
has been shown in human studies to be capable of multiplying up to 200
times. This hearty strain of bacteria has the endurance required to successfully implant itself into the intestinal wall and take up residence for long-lasting
health benefits. An optimum population of L. Acidophilus in our intestines,
can increase our resistance to many types of infections and prevent a
recurrence of Candidiasis.
For best results, DDS ACIDOPHILUS capsules should be taken separately
from the other products in the kit. If the PSYLLIUM mixture is taken in the
morning, the ACIDOPHILUS could be taken at bedtime.


The four ingredients in the YEAST BUSTERTM KIT work synergistically and, in
fact, depend on each other for their effectiveness. The CAPROIL liquid is an
effective antifungal treatment only when mixed with the PSYLLIUM. When it
is evenly dispersed in the PSYLLIUM, it is pressed against the sides of the
intestinal tract where it kills the Candida. If it is not mixed with the PSYLLIUM, which escorts it to the bowel, most of the CAPROIL will be broken down
in the liver and will never reach its intended destination.
BENTONITEs detoxifying properties are crucial for a successful Candida
purge. Killing off Candida can result in a temporary burden on the body, as
toxins and dead yeast can be absorbed from the intestines into the bloodstream. BENTONITE has the important job of picking up these poisons and
reducing the discomfort ("Die-Off") that may otherwise be experienced as

the body struggles to eliminate these wastes. As with the CAPROIL, the bulking
action of the PSYLLIUM is essential to the effectiveness of the BENTONITE.
The BENTONITE is evenly dispersed in the PSYLLIUM fibre, which presses it
against the sides of the intestinal tract to more effectively pick up the toxins.
Taken alone, it will be essentially useless.
For a complete recovery from Candidiasis and for increased resistance to
Candida overgrowth in the future, it is critical that the populations of good
bacteria be restored. After cleansing, the intestines are clean, but essentially
stripped of their defenses (the beneficial bacteria). For best results, a
therapeutic-strength Acidophilus bacteria supplement like DDS
ACIDOPHILUS should be used.

Instructions For Using the

YEAST BUSTERTM Candida Trauma Kit
Use the kit for two weeks before adding YEAST BUSTERTM GRAPEFRUIT
SEED EXTRACT or OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT (described in the following pgs.)
to your program.
Once a day (preferably first thing in the morning) combine:
8 oz, (1 cup) reverse osmosis or distilled water OR
6 oz ,purified water + 2 oz, noncitrus unsweetened juice (e.g. apple,
pineapple, peach)
1 rounded tsp PSYLLIUM powder
1 tbsp BENTONITE liquid
2 tsp CAPROIL (Start with 1/2 this amount and gradually increase to 2 tsp
to minimize die-off reactions, also described following.)
For best results, add PSYLLIUM to mixture last. DRINK IMMEDIATELY or
mixture will thicken in glass.
Once a day (preferably at bedtime and on an empty stomach), take 2 capsules
of DDS ACIDOPHILUS with water. Continue this protocol for a minimum of
8 weeks. Refills will be required.


NOTE: Medications or supplements should not be taken within 2 hours of

taking PSYLLIUM, as they will not be absorbed.

"Phasing Out" the YEAST BUSTERTM KIT:

Once symptoms are relieved, use of the YEAST BUSTERTM KIT should be
discontinued gradually.


While continuing with the rest of the YEAST BUSTERTM antifungal drink,
reduce the CAPROIL to every other day for 1 week
Then reduce to twice a week for one week
Then discontinue completely
If the CAPROIL is taken consecutively for too long there is a chance that the
Candida may develop resistance to it. After 4 months of daily use, it should
only be taken every other week, alternated with YEAST BUSTERTM OLIVE


While healing continues, it can be helpful to support intestinal hygiene by
BENTONITE requires the PSYLLIUM to work properly and the PSYLLIUM
needs to be taken with a daily does of ACIDOPHILUS to maintain the
population of friendly bacteria. If used without an ACIDOPHILUS supplement, PSYLLIUMs bulking action could eventually remove friendly as well as
pathogenic bacteria.


The YEAST BUSTERTM OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT has been standardized to contain
12 percent Oleuropein (antifungal), the highest potency available. A potent
antifungal like OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT is essential to overcome systemic
YEAST BUSTERTM OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT, is an extract of the leaves of the as
natures most powerful antibiotic and for its ability to combat yeast, fungus,
bacteria, and viruses. It has been used for centuries by Middle Eastern
cultures to treat fevers and a broad spectrum of microbial disorders including
fever, coughs, cystitis, and skin problems. With the overuse and abuse of
antibiotics and the growing number of bacteria that mutate and become
more virulent with each new generation, an effective natural antimicrobial
like OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT is an important nontoxic alternative remedy.
Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, although lethal to many undesirable bacteria,
Olive Leaf appears to be harmless to friendly intestinal flora, making it an
ideal treatment for intestinal infestations like Candidiasis. For more
information on "Natures Antibiotic," see Dr Morton Walkers book entitled
Olive Leaf Extract (Natures Antibiotic).

Instructions for using YEAST BUSTERTM

Use the YEAST BUSTERTM kit for two weeks before starting OLIVE LEAF
On an empty stomach:
Week 1: Take one capsule, once a day.
Week 2: Take one capsule, twice a day.
Week 3: Take one capsule, three times daily.
Week 4: Take two capsules, three times a day, until symptoms have ceased
(to a maximum of 4 months at a time).


Decrease to 1 capsule 3 times a day, for 1 week.
Then further decrease to 2 capsules a day, for 1 week.
Then use 1 capsule a day for 1 week, before discontinuing completely.
NOTE: If OLIVE LEAF is taken without a break for too long, Candida can
become resistant to it. If treatment is desired for more than 4 months, the
extract may be taken every other week (alternated with CAPROIL).


Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE), is a biologically active extract made from the
seeds and pulp of grapefruits. Lab tests and clinical experiments show that
GSE inactivates many conditions such as Acne, Colds/Flu, Cold Sores, Cuts
and Wounds, Diarrhea, Parasites, Rashes, Sinusitis, and Ulcers. See the GSE
brochure for more details. YEAST BUSTERTM GSE is available in liquid and
capsule form (1 capsule = 12-15 drops liquid GSE).
Since Candida can and does develop resistance to antifungal
compounds, GSE has been added to the YEAST BUSTERTM program as an
alternate to be rotated with other antifungals, such as Caproil. After 4
months of consecutive use of Caproil, it is recommended to switch to
GRAPEFRUIT SEED EXTRACT if further cleansing is required.

How to use GRAPEFRUIT SEED EXTRACT for Candida

To reduce the die off reaction, start with the following protocol:
Week 1: take 5 drops once per day
Week 2: take 10 drops once per day
Week 3: take 15 drops once per day
Continue with 15 drops once per day for the remainder of the 4 months.


NOTE: drops must be diluted in water, even when taken with the YEAST
BUSTER mixture of BENTONITE, PSYLLIUM husks/seeds powder.
Reduce by 5 drops per week, starting with 15, over 3 weeks before discontinuing.


Finally, a balanced formula to help prevent parasitic infections and speed
recovery from an active infection. The Inno-Vite Black Walnut Complex
formula is made in small batches (not mass produced), with consistent
batch-to-batch quality. It was formulated and developed by an experienced
herbalist with decades of experience in traditional botanical medicine.
Unfortunately, many botanical products today do not follow the principles of
time-honoured traditional medicine. Growing, harvesting, production, and
manufacturing must all be done according the principles that have made
botanicals an effective form of medicine for centuries across the globe.
This balanced formula adheres to these principles of traditional medicine,
and whenever possible, organically-grown or wild-crafted herbs were used.
Formulators, must consider the whole body. A formula that only kills parasites puts the rest of the body under considerable stress and potential harm.
A balanced formula is needed, which considers the effects on the body as
parasites die-off and release toxins this is what Inno-Vites Black Walnut
Complex offers.
The Black Walnut Complex can be used as an alternative to Olive Leaf Extract
or can alternated with the other anti-microbials in the Yeast Buster family
when on an extended program.
Instructions for Using Yeast Buster Black Walnut Complex:
Directions depend on whether you are taking the tincture or capsule version.
Note that while the tincture version is preferred, the capsules should be just
as effective.

Capsules: Adults 2 capsules 3 times daily between meals on an empty

Tincture: Adults 15 drops (may be mixed with water), 4 times daily,
between meals on an empty stomach.
Whether you take the capsules or tincture, its recommended that this product
be used according to the following schedule: 2 weeks on and 1 week off.
During the off week, you may use Caproil alone, or one of the other antimicrobials in the Yeast Buster family.

You may have to feel worse before you feel better
The phrases "die-off" and "Herxheimer Reaction" refer to the discomfort that
may be experienced as the body begins to flush out toxins released by
Candida as it dies. The YEAST BUSTERTM KIT is designed to minimize this
reaction through the detoxifying action of the PSYLLIUM and BENTONITE.
Die-off symptoms can include fatigue, headache, mental "fogginess," diarrhea,
nasal congestion, and a vast myriad of other symptoms. These reactions
rarely last more than a few days and can be viewed as a signal that the
program is working.
If die-off symptoms are mild, you may wish to take the YEAST BUSTERTM
antifungal drink twice a day to speed up your recovery. The YEAST BUSTERTM
DDS ACIDOPHILUS may also be taken twice a day.
If progress is rushed, the die-off reaction can be severe. It is for this reason
that on this program, the CAPROIL and OLIVE LEAF dosages are increased
very gradually. These antifungal components of the program can cause
significant die-off. As the antifungals kill the yeast, some of the Candida-related
symptoms might temporarily worsen. Sugar cravings may increase or
irritability and depression may worsen. It is for this reason that the dosages
of OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT and CAPROIL are increased slowly on the program.
If die-off symptoms become too uncomfortable, the CAPROIL and/or OLIVE
LEAF EXTRACT (the antifungals) should be reduced temporarily and then
gradually increased again. If severe symptoms develop, see your health

Chapter Six
"Putting It All Together"
You have already established your score on the questionnaire at the beginning of the booklet. The following diet and product recommendations are
based on your score (mild, moderate, or severe). Start with the treatment
recommendations for the level of Candidiasis you have. The instructions for
each section are summarized in chart form for your convenience. Use the
questionnaire on the following pages to score yourself every week. This
ongoing information is essential for you to be able to adjust the program as
you progress.
The yeast stifles the action of friendly bacteria needed to help break food
down. Thus Candida overgrowth often results in accumulations of undigested
food that putrefy in the intestines and promote the growth of putrefactive
bacteria. The greater the presence of these undesirable bacteria in the intestines, the more indigestion, gas, bloating, and intestinal toxicity we will
experience. These unfavourable conditions can also lead to diarrhea and

The liver and kidneys are stressed by the increased responsibility of eliminating Candida waste products (mycotoxins). These organs are not only
important eliminative organs but they also play a key role in the digestive
process. When these organs become congested with Candida and mycotoxins,
our digestion is compromised further. When normal digestive functions are
disturbed, nutrient deficiency ensues.

Questionnaire Section
This questionnaire is designed to be completed every week for up to 16
consecutive weeks. Devoting a few minutes a week to this exercise will be
well worth your effort as it will provide a clear indication of your progress on
the program. The encouragement an improved score can give you is an
important ingredient for success with the YEAST BUSTERTM Program.
While you are on the program, some of your symptoms may disappear or
change, while others may temporarily worsen. This is normal. Using the
questionnaire regularly allows you to see the overall picture as you improve.
If your symptoms become severe while you are on the program, see your
health care professional.

Please note: The questionnaire has been included to help you or your health
practitioner determine the likelihood that your health problems are Candida
related. The score analysis here is intended for use as a general guide. A
positive score does not indicate a definite diagnosis of Candida, nor does
this questionnaire provide an exhaustive list of Candidiasis symptoms. As
previously mentioned, there are other health conditions that can produce a
similar set of symptoms. Keep in mind that these other conditions are often
accompanied by a Candida problem.


Candida Questionnaire
Score each symptom between 0 and 10, depending on the degree to which
it applies to you.
If the symptom does not apply, score 0.
If the symptom occurs occasionally or is very mild, score 2 or 3 points.
If the symptom is frequent or moderately severe, score 5 or 6 points.
If the symptom is severe, score 9 or 10 points.
Abdominal Pain
Anxiety or tearfulness
Bad breath
Burning/tearing of eyes
Chronic sore throat
Cough or recurrent bronchitis
Cravings for alcohol
Cravings for bread
Cravings for sweets
Difficulty with decision making
Endometriosis or infertility
Frequent colds and flu
Frequent indigestion
Inability to concentrate
Itchy ears/nose
Loss of balance
Low libido
Menstrual irregularities
Mood swings
Mucus in stools
Multiple food sensitivities
Muscle aches
Muscle weakness
Nasal/sinus congestion
Numbness, burning pain in chest
Poor coordination
Poor memory
Poor sense of direction


5 6

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


5 6

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Post nasal drip

Rashes or psoriasis
Rectal itching
Recurrent ear infections
Sensitivity to foods with yeast
Sensitivity to mould
Sensitivity to perfume, chemicals
Sensitivity to tobacco smoke
Shaking or irritable when hungry
Spacey feeling
Strong body odour
Swollen or painful joints
Thrush in mouth
Vaginal infections
White coating on tongue
Other Symptoms:

MILD-35 TO 55 : Follow YEAST BUSTERTM diet and product recommendations for mild
MODERATE - 55 TO 80: Follow YEAST BUSTERTM diet and product recommendations for
moderate Candidiasis.
SEVERE-80 and over : Follow YEAST BUSTERTM diet and product recommendations for
severe Candidiasis.


Diet Recommendations
Avoid all foods on the "NO" list (pg. 17) throughout the program. Avoid
foods from the "Reduce" list (pgs. 18 & 19) for 2 weeks. Thereafter, as long
as you seem to be tolerating them, allow these foods 2 to 3 times in the next
week. Complete the questionnaire at the end of each week. If your progress
continues, you may try eating these foods 1 to 2 times a day in moderation
until symptoms subside completely. Although you might feel fantastic, it is
wise to avoid making drastic changes to your diet immediately after the
Product Recommendations
Use the YEAST BUSTERTM KIT according to directions (pg. 32) for a
minimum of 8 weeks.
are optional for mild cases of Candidiasis, but will speed recovery and
provide additional benefit when used according to the recommendations in
this booklet (pgs. 34-36).
If symptoms have not improved substantially (50% or better) after 4 weeks
on the program (including the diet), either there are other main factors at play
besides yeast, or you have a very stubborn case of yeast. If the kit alone has
not been able to overcome the yeast, the body will need additional support
and treatment with OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT ought to be considered. Continue
treatment with the kit while introducing OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT according to
IMPORTANT NOTE: If symptoms have not improved at all after 4 weeks on
the program (including anti-Candida products and diet), see a health care
professional. In this case, it should be suspected that Candida is not the
main source of your symptoms. A complete physical evaluation is indicated.

Summary for Mild Candidiasis

NOTE: If your symptoms worsen following any progression on the program,
return to the previous diet and product usage for one week, before attempting
the progression again.

Beginning the Program

Phase In
Week #



Only "YES" foods

(pgs. 15-16)


with 1 tsp. CAPROIL

Only "YES" foods

(pgs. 15-16)


with 2 tsp. CAPROIL

Unlimited "YES" foods.

Reintroduce "REDUCE" foods
(pg. 18) 2 to 3 times a week
as tolerated. If symptoms
worsen, remove "REDUCE"
foods for another week,
then try again.

Continue full-dose
is optional in mild cases.
1 capsule, once a day
between meals.

Unlimited "YES" foods.

Allow "REDUCE" foods once
a day as tolerated.


1 capsule, twice a day.

As long as you continue to

improve, you may try adding
"REDUCE" foods up to twice
a day. If tolerated, maintain
this diet until symptoms
subside completely.

1 capsule, 3 times a day.

6 and

2 capsules, 3 times a day.
Stay on this dosage until
symptoms have completely

Once a questionnaire score below 35 has been achieved, the program may
be "phased out" as follows:

Ending the Program

("Phasing Out" Diet and Products)
Phase Out
Week #



Unlimited "YES" foods
(pgs. 15-16)
"REDUCE" foods up to twice
a day (pg. 18).

Unlimited "YES" foods

"REDUCE" foods up to twice
a day.

Continue PSYLLIUM,
CAPROIL: reduce to every
second day.
OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT: 1 capsule, 3 times a day.
Continue PSYLLIUM,
every second day.
reduce to twice a week.
1 capsule, twice a day.

Unlimited "YES" foods

"REDUCE" foods up to twice
a day.


used occasionally from this
point forward.
1 capsule, once a day.

For susceptible individuals,

this diet may need to be
maintained for optimum
health. If "REDUCE" foods
are reintroduced more often,
remember that they are best
eaten in moderation.


Maybe used on a
maintenance basis.


NOTE: If your symptoms improve and then become worse as you re-introduce
some of the "REDUCE" foods, you may need to abstain from them for a
longer period of time. A worsening of symptoms can also indicate that you
have uncovered a "hidden" food allergy. (These sensitivities are often "hidden"
from us because they do not occur immediately after ingestion. For more
information on Candida and allergies see pgs. 23-27). In the case of this sort
of relapse, a little detective work may be in order. Meanwhile, listen to your
body and discontinue the suspected food for another couple of weeks. When
the Candida symptoms have improved, you can carefully experiment with
these problem foods again. You may need to eliminate some foods until you
have fully recovered.

Diet Recommendations
Avoid all foods on the "NO" list throughout the program (pg. 17). For the first
3 weeks, also abstain from foods on the "REDUCE" list (pgs. 18 & 19). Then
introduce "REDUCE" foods 2 to 3 times per week. Complete the questionnaire at the end of each week. When symptoms improve to a mild score, you
may eat foods from the "REDUCE" list up to once a day, as tolerated. If
"REDUCE" foods have been reintroduced successfully, you can include them
up to twice a day until your symptoms subside completely. Although you
might feel fantastic, it is wise to avoid making drastic changes to your diet
immediately after ending the program.

Product Recommendations
Use the YEAST BUSTERTM KIT for 2 weeks. Then while continuing on the
YEAST BUSTERTM KIT, begin OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT according to instructions.
This gradual approach to starting the program is designed to minimize the
die-off reaction. Continue to retest every week using the questionnaire. Stay
on the maximum dose of all products until your symptoms subside
completely, then gradually discontinue the use of the products according to
IMPORTANT NOTE: If symptoms have not improved at all after 4 weeks on
the program (including anti-Candida products and diet), consult your health
care professional. In this case, it should be suspected that Candida is not the
main source of your symptoms. A complete physical evaluation is indicated.

Summary for Moderate Candidiasis

NOTE: If your symptoms worsen following any progression on the program, return to the
previous diet and product usage for one week before attempting the progression

Beginning the Program

Phase In
Week #




Only "YES" foods

(pgs. 15-16)


with 1 tsp. Caproil

Only "YES" foods


with 2 tsp. Caproil

Only "YES" foods

Continue full dose

1 capsule, once a day
between meals.

Only "YES" foods.

Reintroduce REDUCE
foods 2-3 times per week as
tolerated. If symptoms worsen, remove REDUCE foods
for another week, then try

1 capsule, twice a day.

Unlimited "YES" foods.

If score has improved to
MILD, reintroduce
REDUCE foods up to once
per day as tolerated. NOTE:
It may take several more
weeks for some people to
achieve a MILD score.

1 capsule, 3 times a day.

If REDUCE foods have

been reintroduced successfully, increase to twice a day
and maintain this diet.
Continue at these doses until
symptoms have subsided

2 capsules, 3 times a day.

Once a questionnaire score below 35 has been achieved, the program may
be "phased out" as follows:

Ending the Program

("Phasing Out" Diet and Products)
Phase Out
Week #




Unlimited "YES" foods

(pgs. 15-16). REDUCE
foods (pgs. 18 & 19) up to
twice a day.

Continue PSYLLIUM,
CAPROIL: reduce to every
second day.
OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT: 1 capsule, 3 times a day.

Unlimited "YES" foods

REDUCE foods up to
twice a day.

Continue PSYLLIUM,
every second day.
reduce to twice a week.
1 capsule, twice a day.

Unlimited "YES" foods

REDUCE foods up to
twice a day.


used occasionally from this
point forward.
1 capsule, once a day.

For susceptible individuals,

this diet may need to be
maintained for optimum
health. If "REDUCE" foods
are reintroduced more often,
remember that they are best
eaten in moderation.


Maybe used on a
maintenance basis.


Diet Recommendations
Avoid all foods on the "NO" list throughout the program (pg. 17). For the first
5 weeks also abstain from foods on the "REDUCE" list (pgs. 18 & 19). Then
introduce "REDUCE" foods 23 times a week. Complete the questionnaire at
the end of each week. When your symptoms have improved to a moderate
score, you may eat foods from the "REDUCE" list up to once per day as
tolerated. When your symptoms further improve to a mild score, you may
try eating the "REDUCE" foods up to twice a day until symptoms subside
completely. Although you might feel fantastic, it is wise to avoid making
drastic changes to your diet immediately after the program.

Product Recommendations
Use the YEAST BUSTERTM KIT for 2 weeks. While continuing on the YEAST
EXTRACT according to instructions. This gradual approach to starting the
program is designed to minimize the die-off reaction. Continue to retest
every week using the questionnaire. Stay on the maximum dose of all products
until your symptoms are relieved, then gradually discontinue the use of the
products according to instructions.

If symptoms have not improved at all after 4 weeks on the program (including
anti-Candida products and diet), see a health care professional. In this case,
it should be suspected that Candida is not the main source of your
symptoms. A complete physical evaluation is indicated.

Summary for Severe Candidiasis

NOTE: If your symptoms worsen following any progression on the program,
return to the previous diet and product usage for one week before attempting
the progression again.


Beginning the Program

Phase In
Week #

Only "YES" foods
(pgs. 15-16)
Only "YES" foods
Only "YES" foods

Only "YES" foods

8 - 12


1 capsule, 3 times a day.

Only "YES" foods. Reintroduce

REDUCE foods 2-3 times per
week as tolerated. If symptoms
worsen, remove REDUCE
foods for another week,
then try again.


2 capsules, 3 times a day.

If your symptoms have improved to a moderate score, try adding

REDUCE foods once a day as tolerated. NOTE: It may take several
weeks for some to achieve a moderate score.
If REDUCE foods have been reintroduced successfully and
symptoms have further improved to a mild score, try adding
REDUCE foods up to twice a day as tolerated. Maintain this diet until
symptoms subside completely.
Maintenance Diet





1 capsule, twice a day.

Only "YES" foods

with 1 tsp. CAPROIL
with 2 tsp. CAPROIL
1 capsule, once a day between

Maintenance Diet

Maintenance Diet


Instead of CAPROIL, use
starting with 5 drops a day.
10 drops a day.
15 drops a day until end of week 23
(month 6) or until symptoms subside.

Once a questionnaire score below 35 has been achieved, the program may
be "phased out" as follows:

Ending the Program

("Phasing Out" Diet and Products)
Phase Out
Week #





Unlimited "YES" foods

(pgs. 15-16). REDUCE
foods (pgs. 18 & 19) up to
twice a day.

Continue PSYLLIUM,
CAPROIL: reduce to every
second day.
1 capsule, 3 times a day.

Unlimited "YES" foods

REDUCE foods up to
twice a day.

Continue PSYLLIUM,
every second day.
reduce to twice a week.
1 capsule, twice a day.

Unlimited "YES" foods

REDUCE foods up to
twice a day.


used occasionally from this
point forward.
1 capsule, once a day.

For susceptible individuals,

this diet may need to be
maintained for optimum
health. If "REDUCE" foods
are reintroduced more often,
remember that they are best
eaten in moderation.


Maybe used on a
maintenance basis.


NOTE: If your symptoms improve and then become worse as you reintroduce
some of the "REDUCE" foods, you may need to abstain from them for a
longer period of time. A worsening of symptoms can also indicate that you
have uncovered a "hidden" food allergy. (These sensitivities are often "hidden"
from us because they do not occur immediately after ingestion. For more
information on Candida and allergies see pgs. 22-27.) In the case of this sort
of relapse, a little detective work may be in order. Meanwhile, listen to your
body and discontinue the suspected food for another couple of weeks. When
the Candida symptoms have improved, you could experiment with these
problem foods again, very carefully. You may need to eliminate some foods
until you have fully recovered, and then investigate.

Ending the Program

Throughout the program you will notice a continuous improvement of your
yeast-related symptoms. (If you do not see a continuous improvement, see
a health professional.) Once your yeast-related symptoms have been
relieved, you can gradually begin to wean off the antifungal treatment and
reintroduce some of the restricted foods. The YEAST BUSTERTM Program
gives clear instructions on how to reintroduce restricted foods, while gradually
"phasing out" each product.

What if I Am Prone to Constipation?

The YEAST BUSTERTM KIT includes the bulking agent PSYLLIUM, which
means that if you are prone to constipation, you must increase your water
intake substantially. Twice your normal water intake may be required during
the program. If you have very slow intestinal function, start with a small
amount of PSYLLIUM and gradually build up to the full dose, giving the
bowels time to adjust to the higher fibre levels (e.g., starting with one 1/4
teaspoon, gradually increase to 1 teaspoon over a one week period). Should
constipation occur while you are on the program, stop the YEAST BUSTERTM
KIT until regularity returns and then gradually increase the PSYLLIUM dose
while drinking ample water. If you are still experiencing difficulty, it may also
be necessary for you to decrease your BENTONITE intake. Some sensitive
individuals find that taking a full tablespoon of BENTONITE slows their
bowel transit time. You may need to experiment to discover what dosages
are right for you.

You may use a gentle, non-irritating herbal laxative for a day or so, but it
should not be used continuously or your body may become dependent on
it. If available, the Ayurvedic formula from India called Triphala is a product,
that can be safely used long-term to support elimination.

How Do I Know When I Should

Stop the Program?
This is a commonly asked question. The answer has to come from your own
experience. Your results on the questionnaire help you keep track of your
improvement. Your experiences and/or the changes in your questionnaire
scores as you reintroduce restricted foods, will be an indicator of how you
are progressing and how close you are to finishing the program.
Discontinuing the support of the products too soon, or rapidly returning to
previous dietary habits, may cause a relapse. You may wish to continue
using the questionnaire as a guide to monitoring your condition for the first
little while after discontinuing the program. If you find that you have
stopped too soon and need to continue support for a bit longer, go back to
the final stages of the diet and the last section of the instructions for the
products you need.
When your symptoms have essentially cleared and your tolerance to sweets
or yeasts has increased, you will know that you have finished the program.

My Score Is Excellent and I Am Finished the Program.

Is the Candida Gone for Good?

As previously mentioned, Candida is a normal inhabitant of our intestinal
tract. We cannot eliminate it completely, but we can restore the intestinal
tract to a healthy condition and restore the colonies of friendly bacteria that
keep the Candida population under control. Some people are much more
susceptible to overgrowth of yeast than others, for various reasons that
include immune strength, health history, diet, stress level, lifestyle,
constitutional type.

Depending on your susceptibility, keeping the yeast under control, may

pose more of a challenge for some more than for others. If you are particularly prone to Candidiasis, the only way to keep the yeast problem at bay, is
to adopt permanent lifestyle modifications.

Other Helpful Products for

Candidiasis Recovery
The following nutritional supplements can increase the benefits conferred
by the YEAST BUSTERTM products and can speed recovery further. For more
information on each product please visit your local Health Food Store.

INNO-VITEs COMPLETE EFA (Essential Fatty Acid)

Adequate intake of beneficial fatty acids is important for overall health. They
provide immune support, enhance liver function, reduce skin problems, and
correct hormonal imbalances, all difficulties associated with Candidiasis.
Essential fatty acids also assist in the healing of the gastrointestinal tract.
Both of these therapeutic formulas include essential fatty acids plus several
other beneficial fatty acids.


This formula contains a concentrated extract of milk thistle called Silymarin
blended with several other blood and liver-cleansing herbs. Silymarin
Complex helps the liver cope with the increased workload caused by the
need to detoxify yeast and mycotocins (the poisons released by the yeast).

Whats a cholesterol product doing in this booklet? Inno-Vitess Cholesterol
Balance is listed here since its the most potent pantethine supplement on
the market. It weighs in at 450 mg of pantethine per softgel.

Pantethine is the most active form of Vitamin B5 (do not confuse with pantothenic acid, which is also considered B5, but does not have the same
bioactivity as pantethine). While most associate pantethine with cholesterol
reduction, it does have a complementary use in the Yeast Buster program.
Pantethine repairs the metabolic processes that are damaged by a Candida
outbreak. As mentioned earlier, the Candida yeast leaves a waste product
called acetaldehyde, which plays havoc with your body. This nasty chemical
affects your metabolic, endocrine, neurological and immune systems, often
resulting in that brain fog characteristic of Candida. Pantethine addresses
these symptoms of Candida by inducing the enzyme that is responsible for
deactivating acetaldehyde an enzyme called aldehyde dehydrogenase. By
neutralizing acetaldehyde as quickly as possible, the die-off and/or
Candida-related symptoms can be minimized.

(previously named Curcu-gel)
In a cell culture study, curcumin the active agent found in the common
curry spice, turmeric was found to exert anti-fungal properties. The effects
of curcumin on 23 different strains of fungi were investigated, as was the
inhibitory effect of curcumin on the adhesion of Candida species to human
epithelial cells. Results found that curcumin was significantly more effective
than the common anti-fungal agent, fluconazole, in inhibiting the adhesion
of Candida to human cells. The authors of this study concluded, Curcumin
dramatically inhibited the adhesion of Candida speciesdemonstrating that
curcumin is a promising lead compound that warrants further investigation
into its therapeutical use in immunocompromised patients.
Inno-Vites Anti-Inflammatory Curcumin is the most bioavailable curcumin
product on the market and has been proven to be the most potent in clinical
trials published in peer-reviewed medical journals.


Chapter Seven
Listening to Our Bodies
As you end the program, you may find an interesting phenomenon at play.
People call it "The Price of Health." Youve heard it before, folks who have
become more health conscious start complaining about their decreased
tolerance for junk food and unhealthy substances like artificial flavours,
colours or preservatives.
There seem to be several explanations for this phenomenon, one of which
is related to intestinal health. Many years of eating refined flours, meat,
dairy, and low fibre diets forms a buildup of mucus and hardened fecal matter
in the intestines. This buildup creates a barrier to absorption, thus preventing
the proper absorption of nutrients. It also reduces our sensitivity to poisons
in our diet so that we dont even know when we are eating things that are
harmful for us.
The YEAST BUSTERTM approach to recovery from Candida results in the elimination of some of this waste material, thus facilitating greater absorption of
nutrients. As absorption becomes more efficient, not only does the body

become more responsive to nutrients, but also to poisons in the diet. We are
more likely to recognize when a food is not healthy for us.
Increased sensitivity is a blessing in disguise. It discourages us from
overindulging and prevents the less obvious consequences of poor diet
from "catching up with us" in the long run.

Immune Wisdom Recovered

Constant bombardment with dietary poisons also has a numbing effect on
our immune system. When we repeatedly fail to heed our bodys warnings,
the mechanisms by which our body communicates with us, just get tired
out. The body then ceases to send us signals about what is harmful, until we
become ill.
A healthy, active immune system will react to toxins as toxins and will create
symptoms that act as signals to us that there is something poisonous is in
our system. Our bodys innate wisdom (intuition) can steer us away from
things that are unhealthy, thus preventing accumulations of toxins that can
increase the likelihood of developing serious disease in the future.
By protecting our body from a constant onslaught of irritants, eliminating
toxins and pathogens, and bolstering it with healthy foods and immune support,
we can recover our immune strength. In turn, we can reduce our risk of
disease and enhance our quality of life.

Diet Recommendations for a Candida Cleanse

A few things to remember while trying to kill Candida:
Yeast eats sugar. It requires sugar to live and reproduce itself. Biochemists
have assigned the suffix -ose to different sugars. For instance: Lactose
(dairy products), Fructose (fruits, fruit juice), and Sucrose (refined sugars).
Avoid all these sugars while on this cleanse.
Carbohydrates break down into sugar. No complex carb (potato, rice, grain)
should be eaten for at least 15 days. Wheat bread and wheat pasta are irritating to the system. These should be avoided altogether. Yeast free versions
of; quinoa, amaranth, millet, spelt, teff, brown rice, and kamut, may be reintroduced after the first 15 days.

Try not to mix proteins with carbohydrates/starches in the same meal.

Instead eat proteins with vegetables; or carbohydrates/starches with vegetables. Digestion will be greatly improved.
Water intake should increase the flush of the body: Drink enough water to
match at least 1/2 your body weight (in pounds) in ounces.


Sprouted grain breads (yeast free)

Ezekiel bread (only after the first 15
days of cleanse)
Lemons, limes, unsweetened
Nut Butters (eg;almond) - no sugar
Butter, ghee (clarified butter)
Eggs (natural/organic are best)

Wheat grains, wheat products

All other fruit, fresh or dried
Fruit juices and fermented
beverages like ciders
Coffee, black teas
Milk, milk products; sour cream,
buttermilk; Cheese (cause mucus
to form in intestines, encouraging
yeast overgrowth)



Unsweetened carob
Purified water and Herbal teas
(eg; chamomile, peppermint)
Raw pumpkin & sunflower seeds,
soaked overnight, raw almonds,
almond butter
Cut up vegetables (celery sticks,
radishes, peppers)
Humus (no vinegar or sugar added)

Fruit, fruit juice

Coffee, caffeinated teas, alcoholic
beverages; pop
Nuts (other an almonds) are often
moldy, particularly peanuts, peanut
butter & pistachios
Carrot juice, beet juice, tomato


Lunch & Dinner Ideas



Lean meats; chicken, turkey

(organic if possible)
All fish (deep-sea white fish and
Beans / legumes
Yeast-free grains; millet, quinoa, spelt,
amaranth, brown rice, kamut, teff,
buckwheat, (only after the first 15
days of your cleanse)
All fresh vegetables (raw or steamed)
Unsweetened soy milk, rice milk,
almond milk, tofu (if tolerated)

Pork, cured or processed meats

Shellfish (mercury content);
shrimp, lobster, crabs
Yeast-containing foods: breads &
pastries. All wheat, wheat
products, oats, barley, pasta,
potatoes (all kinds)
Tomatoes, tomato sauce or
sauces with tomatoes, canned
vegetables, mushrooms
Fermented soy products; soy
sauce, tamari, miso, tempeh
Pickled foods; pickles, relish,
sauerkraut, herring & beets



Natural sweeteners; stevia

Cold-pressed olive oil or flax oil
Use lemon with garlic & olive oil
instead of salad dressing
Braggs Amino Acids in place of soy

Artificial sweeteners; aspartame,

Sweet n Low and Nutrasweet
Sugars; honey, maltose, raw
sugar, date sugar, brown sugar,
corn syrup, maple syrup, maple
sugar, fructose, molasses, lactose,
glucose, mannitol, sorbitol,
galactose, sucrose
Condiments, sauces, and vinegar
containing foods (mayonnaise,
mustard, ketchup, MSG, salsa
Supplements containing yeast

Recommended Reading
1. The Body Ecology Diet by Donna Gates
2. The Yeast Connection by Dr. William Crook
3. Eat Right for your Type (Blood) by Dr. Peter DAdamo
4. The Pro-Vita Plan by Dr. Jack Tips
5. Breaking the Vicious Cycle by Elaine Gottshall

1 1/4 cup any flour (amaranth, millet, or quinoa)
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup water, room temperature
1/2 - 1 tsp oil, optional (use it especially with quinoa and millet flour)
Whisk 1 cup flour and the salt together in a bowl. Make a "well" in the center and
pour in the oil and water. Stir several strokes with a fork until the dough clumps
together in a ball.
Preheat a large griddle or 2 skillets. Scatter the remaining 1/4 cup of flour on a
bread board or piece of wax paper.
Break off balls of dough, the size of a golf ball. Roll them in flour. Flatten with your
hand, turning often to keep them floured. As the dough absorbs flour, the texture
becomes more workable.
Roll each tortilla thinner with a rolling pin. When thin, and 6 - 7 inches across, check
both sides to see that they're well floured. Bake them on the hot griddle, one or
more at a time (depending on your equipment). Use no oil.
Bake about 3 minutes on each side. Once you get the feel of making and baking
tortillas, you'll do it quickly and easily.

Black Bean and Avocado Salad

2 tbsp lime juice
2 tbsp olive oil
1/4 cup cilantro leaves
1 jalapeno
1 clove of garlic, finely minced
1/2 tsp salt
Stevia (the equivalent of 1/4 tsp of sugar)
1 can black beans, drained
1 1/2 cups thinly sliced cucumber
1/2 cup of diced red onion
2 avocados, pitted, peeled and diced
Shredded lettuce
Process lime juice, olive oil , 1/4 cup cilantro, jalapeno, garlic, salt and sugar until
smooth. Mix beans, cucumber, onion and cilantro leaves . Toss with dressing and
avocado just before serving and serve on a bed of shredded lettuce.

Veggie Soup
Olive oil
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
Half inch of fresh root ginger, finely chopped
1 leek, sliced
quarter of fennel bulb,cut into chunks (optional)
some white cabbage, shredded (optional)
1 stalk of celery, chopped (optional)
1 large carrot, diced
1 large parsnip, diced
Quarter cup of butternut squash, diced
Half a cup of red lentils
Yeast-free vegetable stock cube/cubes (amount of lentils and stock depends on
amount of ingredients used)
Some Coriander(cilantro) or Parsley, finely chopped.
Black pepper (optional)
Use a heavy based pot with lid. Heat oil. Add ginger,garlic,leek and (fennel/ cabbage) and cook for a minute. Add carrot,parsnip,sweet potato/butternut, celery,
lentils and stock. Bring to boil then cover tightly and simmer for 15 mins, stirring
occasionally. Turn off heat and leave on stove for few minutes.
Blend and return to pot. Stir in coriander/parsley. Add pepper if required.

Collard Greens
3 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1 cup diced tomato
1 large onion, diced
2-3 cloves garlic, diced
2 lbs collard greens (about 8-10 large leaves), remove tough stems
1-2 tbsp. fresh herbs (eg. thyme)
Fresh ground pepper to taste
1/4 cup raw sunflower seeds (optional)
In a large, non-stick skillet, add oil and tomatoes on low heat. Add onions and garlic, cook till onions just begin to turn clear. Add greens, cover and stem for 10 minutes. Add salt, pepper and herbs and cover for 15 mins to continue to stem or until
the greens are wilted but not soggy. Add sunflower seeds, heating some more.
Serve hot.

Stuffed Zucchini
For 2 servings:
2 large zucchini
600g naturally-raised minced chicken or turkey
2 small onions, thinly chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
Fresh rosemary, fresh thyme
Extra virgin olive oil
In a frying pan or a wok, stir fry the onion with the garlic in a little olive oil. Add the
minced meat and keep stirring well. Reduce the heat. Meanwhile, cut open the zucchini in half lengthwise and empty with a spoon, making sure you keep about 1/2
inch flesh on the skin to make the zucchini "shells." Thinly slice the zucchini flesh
you have just been taking out and add it to the stir fry. Add some salt and some
fresh rosemary and thyme (or any herb you may fancy).
Once the meat and zucchini are thoroughly cooked, remove from the heat and stuff
the mixture in the zucchini shells. Place them in an ovenproof dish and bake for 45
minutes at 350F.

Curry Chicken
For 2 servings:
250gms naturally-raised diced chicken breast
1 large onion, chopped
Double handful sliced spinach
1 can brown lentils soaked and pre-cooked
1/4 inch ginger, thinly sliced
2-3 cloves garlic, crushed
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp fennel seeds
1/2 tsp garam masala
1/2 tsp curry powder
chili, to taste
Brown onions in a saucepan, and add chicken. Quickly brown, and then add garlic
and spices. Stir until spices are aromatic, and then add about 1/4 cup water. Leave
to simmer for about 5 minutes, making sure not to burn it. Add approx 1 more cup
water and half the lentils, puree the rest of the lentils and add to make the sauce.
Leave to reduce to desired thickness, and then stir in the spinach about a minute
before serving.


Black Bean Soup

For 4 servings:
2 tsp clarified butter or olive oil
2 tsp cumin seeds
7 cloves of garlic, minced
1 large onion, chopped
1 cup black beans, soaked overnight, and rinsed
1 dried red chili pepper
2 tsp turmeric powder
2 tsp freshly grated ginger
bouillon powder or cubes (yeast free, of course)
Gently saute the cumin seeds and the chili in the oil until golden, but be careful
not to burn them! Then add the garlic and onion and cook slowly until transparent
this really helps to develop the flavour. Add the beans and lots of water (you may
have to add more, depending on how thick you like it). When the beans are tender
add the turmeric and ginger a bouillon to flavour.

Almond Milk
1 cup almonds
Filtered water
Strainer Bag
Place almonds in glass bowl and cover with filtered water. Soak overnight. In the
morning drain and rinse with filtered water.
Place almonds in blender and cover with 2-3 cups filtered water. Blend thoroughly.
Pour into strainer bag and squeeze until liquid is removed. Pour into glass container and keep refrigerated.
(Dont forget to keep the leftover pulp to use in recipe.)


Vegetables with Tofu

1 medium kohlrabi
1 medium yam
1 small carrot
1 cup broccoli florettes
2 tbsp coconut butter
1/2 lb (200g) firm tofu cut in 1" chunks
1 tbsp garlic, minced

1 tbsp ginger, minced

2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 tbsp butter
1 tsp toasted sesame oil
1 tsp fresh tarragon, chopped
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper,
to taste

Peek and cut the kohlrabi, yam and carrot into 1" (2.5cm) chunks. Steam the vegetables adding them to the steamer in the following order: kohlrabi first, yam and
carrot next, followed by broccoli. Steam until tender.
Meanwhile in a large saucepan, heat the coconut butter on medium heat and then
saute the tofu until golden. Add garlic and ginger and saute again. Add lemon
juice and butter. Simmer for 1 minute. Stir in sesame oil and tarragon.
Arrange the tofu and vegetables on a platter, pour the sauce over top and serve
Serves two.

30 Minute Dill-Baked Salmon

4 salmon fillets (each 6 ounces)
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp chopped fresh dill
4 lemon slices
3 chopped shallots
1 chopped garlic clove
2 tbsp olive oil
fresh spinach
2 cups lightly packed basil
1/4 cup broth or stock
Place salmon fillets on baking pan. Mix salt and pepper; sprinkle half over
fish with lemon juice and chopped fresh dill. Top with lemon slices. Bake
at 350F for 15 minutes. saute shallots and chopped garlic clove in olive
oil for 6 minutes. Add fresh spinach and basil and cook for 8 minutes. Add remaining salt mixture and broth or stock. Boil for 4 minutes. Serve salmon on greens.

Harvest Pumpkin Soup

1 large onion, diced
3 stalks celery, diced
2 medium carrots, diced
1 large leek, diced
2 cups pumpkin-fresh, cooked or canned
6 cups vegetable broth
1/2 tsp cumin powder
1/2 tsp cinnamon
pinch of clove
pinch of nutmeg
salt, to taste
1 cup soy milk, rice milk, or half and half
Add the first 11 ingredients into a stock pot over medium-high heat. Bring to boil
and reduce to simmer. Simmer for 30 minutes and remove from heat.
Allow to cool for 15 minutes. Puree soup in blender and return to pot. Finish with
soy milk and season to taste.

Creamless Spinach Soup Recipe

2 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp garlic, chopped
1 cup medium diced onion
1 cup medium diced carrots
1 cup medium diced celery
1 cup medium diced leek
6 cups water
2 bay leaves
sprig of thyme
2 pounds of chopped spinach
Heat the olive oil in a medium stock pot and saute the garlic for two
minutes. Add onion, celery, leeks and carrots to the pot. saute until the onions are
translucent. Add water, bay leaves, and thyme to the stock pot.
Bring to a boil and reduce to simmer for one hour. Allow to set for one hour to
cool. Remove bay leaves and thyme. Puree vegetables and broth in a blender.
Pour the puree back into the stock pot and add spinach. Bring to medium heat and
cook until spinach wilts.
Serve hot.


Conquering Yeast Infections Colet Lahoz
The Garden Within: The Acidophilus Candida Connection Keith Sehnert, MD
Candida Albicans: Could Yeast Be Your Problem? Leon Chaitow, ND
The Body Ecology Diet Donna Gates/Linda Schatz
Eating Alive: Prevention Through Good Digestion Dr. John Matsen, ND
Eat Right for your Type (Blood) by Dr. Peter DAdamo
The Pro-Vita Plan by Dr. Jack Tips
Breaking the Vicious Cycle by Elaine Gottshall

Allergy Relief and Prevention Jacqueline Krohn
Allergies: Disease in Disguise Carolee Bateson Koch
Childhood Illness and the Allergy Connection - Dr. Zoltan Rona
(applies to adults as well)
Is this your child? - Doris Rapp, MD
Dr. Sally Rockwells Allergy Recipe Sally Rockwell, MD
The Yeast Connection William Crook, MD

The Yeast Connection Cookbook Marjorie Jones and William Crook, MD
Taste and See: Allergy Relief Cookbook Penny King


A Vegetarians Ecstasy Natalie Cederquist
Easy Beans Trish Ross & Jacquie Trafford
Cooking Vegetarian Vesanto Melina, RD & Joseph Forest



Bateson-Koch, Carolee, N.D. Allergies, Disease in Disguise.

Burnaby, British Columbia: Alive Books, 1994.

Berry, D.R. and Fitzsimmons N. Inhibition of Candida Albicans by Lactobacillus

Acidophilus., Microbios 80: 129--133, 1994.

Chaitow, Leon, N.D. Candida Albicans: Could Yeast Be Your Problem?

United States: Healing Arts, 1998.

Crook, William M.D. The Yeast Connection.

Toronto, Ontario: Random House of Canada Ltd, 1996.

Crook, William M.D. and Jones, M. The Yeast Connection Cookbook:

A Guide to Good Nutrition and Better Health
Toronto, Ontario: Random House of Canada Ltd, 1986.

Gates, Donna. The Body Ecology Diet.

Atlanta, Georgia: B.E.D. Publications, 1996.

Gustafson, Helen and OShea, Maureen. Candida Directory /

The Comprehensive Guidebook to Yeast - Free Living
Berkeley, California: Celestial Arts Publishing, 1994.

King, Penny. Taste & See: Allergy Relief Cookbook.

Sunfield, Michigan: Family Health Publications, 1992.

Krohn, Jacqueline. Allergy Relief and Prevention.

United States: Hartley & Marks, 1997.

Lahoz, S. Colet. Conquering Yeast Infections.

Raleigh, North Carolina: Pent Land Press, Inc, 1996.

Matsen, Dr. John. Eating Alive; Prevention Through Good Digestion.

Vancouver, British Columbia & Crompton Books, Ltd., 1987.

Murray, Michael N.D. Chronic Candidiasis and the Yeast Syndrome.

Rocklin, California: Prima Publishing

Rapp, Doris.M.D. Is This Your Child?

New York, New York: William Morrow and Company Inc., 1991.

Rona, Dr. Zoltan. Childhood Illness & The Allergy Connection.

Rocklin, California: Prima Publications, 1997.

Sehnert, Keith W. The Antibiotic Paradox: Can One Say No When the Doctor
Says Yes? The American Chiropractor 41--44, May, 1990.

Sehnert, Keith W. The Garden Within.

Burlingame, California: Health World Inc., 1989.

Rockwell, Dr. Sally. Allergy Recipes


YEAST BUSTER to the Rescue


Your Complete Guide to a Customized Candida Recovery Program

Do you think you may have Candidiasis? OR...
Have you tried one Candida program after another without success?

...then this book is for you.

YEAST BUSTERTM to the Rescue is a self-help booklet that outlines a multi-faceted program
for Candida recovery. The program describes how to use proven, effective products that are
recommended by hundreds of health professionals nationwide.
It also clearly outlines an anti-Candida diet that starves the Candida while nourishing your body.
Finally, a Candida program that not only works, but one that also comes with a booklet of stepby-step instructions.

YEAST BUSTERTM to the Rescue revolutionizes the field of Candida treatment. The diet and
product plan presented are customized based on your individual score on the Candida
questionnaire. It even includes instructions to help you know when and how to properly finish
the program without causing a relapse. Learn about:
Candidiasis and how it impacts your health
The causes of Candidiasis
Candida and the immune connection
Candida, indigestion, and malnutrition
Candida, chemical sensitivities, and food allergies
Proven effective products for Candida recovery
The anti-Candida diet

Tari Lee Cornish is a Holistic Nutritional Consultant. She has been an educator in the Natural
Health field since 1994. Her practice has included Lifestyle Change Counselling, Natural Product
Alternatives, Nutritional Consulting (specializing in Candida recovery and immune support).

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