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Hi Chi,

I have a meeting with KoTa and the conclusion is to use Splunk for Uptime Yoda t
o handle monitoring, predictive and preventive maintenance. Resource planning is
delivered using different portal.
These are the points to support our conclusion:
Splunk can index and forward data from remote devices to our server.
Splunk can perform predictive and preventive maintenance by creating or modifyin
g some codes for the custom algorithm that we need.
Splunk can display graphical data using its own UI however, we considered to int
egrate Tableau so that we can handle more complex graphical representation.
Monitoring, predicting and preventing are highly reliable to each other and the
user of this functionalities is Service Desk L2 therefore we try our best not to
use separate tool for it.
Resource planning module has its different user which is Field Analyst and it is
less reliable to the other modules so we can deliver it using different portal.
We can find many OTS solution for this so we will be evaluating

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