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Curso: Beginners 1

Docente: Lic. Verónica Cayo

1) Lea las siguientes oraciones y reemplace el sujeto, marcado en negrita, por un

pronombre personal:

a. The students are from Europe.

b. My name is Lucia.
c. The ex president lives in B.A
d. Linda is not European but American.
e. Linda and her sister are not from Chicago.
f. The radio is not new.
g. The radio and the cell phone are in my bag.

2) Completar con el adjetivo posesivo que corresponda (tenga en cuenta el sujeto

de cada oración).

a. Daniel is 45. ……………… profession is architect.

b. I´m not a doctor. I´m a teacher. …………….job is in the centre of the
c. Lucas & Sandra are from Neuquén. ………… is in Junín de los
d. Two girls from Manchester are at my home. …………….names are
Linda and Lisa.
e. You are a student of English at U.N.QUI. ………….course is Beginners
f. The president is C.F.K. …………. work is not easy.
g. We are from Argentina. ……………… nationality is Argentinian or

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