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Pre-Service Questionnaire

1. Have you ever participated in community service? If so, what kind of activities did you do?
How did you feel about your efforts in this activity?
I have done a community service before. I was a donation charity that you have to go up in
to the hills and donate to the orphan people. We went to many schools and villages. I felt
really good by giving what others dont have.
2. What issues in the community concern you?
Some parts of Thailand isnt educated enough and has problems in their future

3. How do you imagine yourself contributing to solving these issues in the future (after
graduation, in college, or ten years from now)?
I would try to give them an educated lesson if I could. Help some less opportunities people.

4. In what ways do you think community service can enhance your education? (For example,
how can it broaden your knowledge of diversity, career choices, or social awareness?)
It enhances my education by social awareness. By doing community service helps us to see
what is happening in our society. We can know what is going on in our society.
5. Ideally, what do you think is the most important aspect of doing a community service
In my opinion, the most important aspect of doing in community service is by doing or giving
something to someone else and not wanting anything in return but happiness.

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