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Whitman Huntley

Whitman Huntley
Civil War Questions and Answers
DIRECTIONS: Write at least 7 questions relating to the civil war.
Question: What motive did John Wilkes Booth have for killing Lincoln as
according to History Alive Page 323?
Response: He thought it would save the confederacy somehow.
Question: How did the confederacy respond to as according to History Alive
Page 312?
Response: To pass [their first] draft law
Question: What was general Grants view on war as according to History Alive
page 318?
Response: Grant believed in using his larger army to wear down the enemy
regardless of the casualties that his own forces suffered.
Question: What was one of the first states to organize african-american
regiments as according to History Alive page 317?
Response: Massachusetts.
Question: What was a way that both a Union and Confederacy citizen could
avoid as according to History Alive page 312?
Response: By sending in a substitute.
Question: What was the full name of Lincolns opponent in Douglass-Lincoln
debates the the as according to History Alive page 298?
Response: [Senator] Steven Douglass
Question: What was Lincolns reason for the Civil War as according to History
Alive page 312?
Response: "[The purpose of the war] is to save the Union, and is not either to save or
destroy slavery."

Civil War Q&&A

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