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Mrs. Helmicl English 102 20 February 2015 Single Sex Education, Separate and Equal; prospectus Thesis Statement Single sex education is the best form of education and should be offered in all public schools. This would create a more comfortable learning environment which is conducive to higher test scores and a wide array of academic opportunities. Aim My goal is to present the great results that gender segregated education has on students. From the overall comfort students feel in their classrooms to improved test scores, this form of educating is more effective than coeducational environments. Perhaps it has gone forgotten since the majority of public school systems have integrated classes. I aim to remind people of single sex education and open their eyes to the benefits it can produce. ‘When single sex education is brought up, many people think of the past. Women and men used to attend separate schools until the women’s rights movement in the twentieth century. But in modern terms, they will probably think of private schools and currently, that is one of the main issues of sex education is facing today. Such schools are expensive, have very high academic testing requirements, and often come along with a certain social class, But all girls or all boys schools or classes, in my opinion, should be accessible for the public school student. Because not all families can afford such a pricey tuition or a student may not be excelling in school, they still deserve the opportunity to an outstanding education. Ultimately, I want these single gender learning opportunities to be available to every student who wishes to participate. Audience Anyone who is interested or concemed about America's education system should read my paper. More specifically parents and educators involved with a public school system. Both ‘groups want the best possible education for their children or students. But what if this system of sex segregated learning environments is one they have not thought of? I urge those people to investigate this forgotten style of educating our countries future. My audience would be a mix of parents and educators, so they understand that education is important, no one can disagree with that statement. A solid education is the foundation for a successful life and career, Persona Currently, Iam a student, But in the fuuure, I aspire to be an elementary schoo! teacher and parent. I am passionate about education and I believe, through my research, that single sex education is the best route. I remain open minded to different styles of learning and educating alike and I want my readers to know that information about me, I also want my readers to know that Lam concemed about this topic and I have investigated both sides of it. In addition I hope my readers see me as well informed and well educated about this matter. Through my experience of being a student myself, I wish that I would of had the chance to be a part of a single sex earning environment and I strongly believe and encourage public school systems to offer single sex classrooms or courses within their schools, Subject Matter Lam obligated to discuss the benefits of single gender education, why it oreates a more comfortable classroom environment, and exactly why it gives students for academic freedom. I will also provide history of this topic, research done pertaining to it, individual testimonies from educators, students, and parents, as well as the opposition’s concerns. I already have a great deal of information from eight sources, which are books and scholarly articles. But I will keep searching for new material as the need arises, If | am in need of more information I will obtain such information from the numerous research outlets that Parkland has available as well as the cones that the high school has made available for us. I will only use scholarly articles and books because they are the best source of accurate and insightful information pertaining to my topic of, single sex education, It is important to have correct information especially when it comes to statistics supporting my view because if my reader were to see the information I write and come to find that it is inaccurate then I will not seem like a credible writer. This would certainly hurt my chances of convincing them to share my view of single sex education. Organizational Plan I will begin my paper by telling the history of single sex education. This will also lead me to discuss a few major pr in the women’s rights movement, since this @ a major reason that schools became integrated. After thoroughly evaluating the history of it, I will give the opponent's stance. I will present a number of arguments that they bring up, then, I will counter each argument, I will examine each of their points and explain the truth to each. Next, I will give my view on the matter. I will present way I believe that sex segregated leaming is the best method. I will begin with research conducted on the topic, then on to parent, teacher, and student —: testimonies given pertaining to single gender education. Then, I will discuss why it makes for a better learning environment, from the absence of the opposite genders competing for the teacher's time and attention to Jess behavioral issues in the classroom, That will lead to the fact that within single gender schools, students feel a greater freedom to pursue certain classes that are traditionally seen dominated by the other gender. For example, girls interested in science and ‘mathematics and boys interested in art or literature. Perhaps the biggest advantage is that students are taught specifically based on how they leam best, All of these factors previously stated lead to higher test scores across the board.

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