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Digipak research

Luke Bodenham

Designs of Digi-Paks
Almost all digi-paks feature an image of the main artist on the
front of the album cover. This image must make them stand out
from other artists as this is the first thing that you see when
looking at albums or digi-paks, this image should also make the
artist recognisable and potentially showing there star image to
do this. This can also be done through the use of colour on the
cover and for our genre artist often use bright and contrasting
colours in there costume to the background image or text as this
is what our target audience will expect to see and it is what will
attract them to the product. Also album covers in our genre tend
to show these bright colours and are often also large, bold fonts
for the same reason and that is it appeal and stand out to our
audience when they are purchasing the product.

Our Initial Plans

Our digi-pak will be made up of 12 panels which can be
folded from a normal CD cover to a cube shape so we can
get the relevant conventions of a digipak to reach of targets
audiences expectations and also give a little bit extra to the
usual cd cover or digipak you may see. The shape also will
stand out as it will be unique which will also attract our
target audience. We plan to use a number of images
throughout the digi-pak and have one if the images covering
numerous panels when it is created into the cube shape. We
will also fill the inside panels with personal messages from
the artist, lyrics of the songs and also other images showing
behind the scenes of filming the music videos, this also
make it more personal and excitable to the audience as it is
showing something that you may not always see.

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