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Jessica Hoang

2389 Oak Haven Ave

Simi Valley, CA, 93063
8 February 2016
Senior Project Panel Committee
Senior Project 2016
Santa Susana High School
3570 E. Cochran Street
Simi Valley, CA 93063
Dear Senior Project Panel Member:
I am a charismatic, driven AP student at Santa Susana High School and I am writing this
letter as a way to introduce myself. I am a self-motivated, hard working student with a
high set of goals. I believe helping others and giving back to the community is a
necessity. School is an important part of my life and receiving an education should be
every student's top priority. I am a cultured, and well-rounded individual and I love
learning and exploring new things.
My ultimate goal is to graduate college and become the first generation in my family to
actually attend an institution higher than high school. My ideal school is the University of
California: Irvine and my career path is towards becoming a pharmacist. I have been
taking challenging classes, volunteering, and improving my ACT score. I plan to study
extensively and obtain my Bachelor of Science in either Chemistry or Biology.
Afterwards I want to advance to Pharmacy School and become a pharmacist.
I have put immense effort towards this project because I am passionate about the topic
and I have a personal connection to the war. Thank you for reading this letter and I hope
my portfolio is to your liking.

Jessica Hoang
Jessica Hoang

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