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Through a series of tests completed by the AP Environmental Science class,

we have come to the conclusion that the soil outside the school is not healthy for
planting. First off, the best type of soil for planting is a Sandy-Loam. The school soil
is categorized as Silt-Loam, and does not drain out properly.

It was also discovered that the Phosphorus and Nitrogen levels in the soil are
much too low, while Potassium levels are dangerously high. Using a stereoscope, we
observed the particles of the soil which were much too large for porosity to drain
well and/or hold water. We used litmus paper to test the PH level of the soil sample
that we had collected, and fortunately the soil PH is at an optimum level. We then
took the soil sample and placed it in a bottle of water, shook it up, and let it settle to
observe the layers in the soil. We found there to be 80% silt, 20% clay, and 0% clay.
This means that the soil will not be able to hold water very well and will result in
droopy plants.

During the tests, we observed not much humus or organic material in the
soil. There was some small roots and pebbles, but not enough to enrich a plant fully.

In conclusion, the soil outside the school is not very healthy for growing
anything. In order to reverse this, I would suggest adding bone meal to the soil to
bring up the phosphorus levels to an optimum of between 20-40 ppm. It is also
suggested to add compost manure to the soil to bring up Nitrogen levels, and to
plant Nitrogen-fixing plants such as peas or beans. The optimum level of Nitrogen
for soil was researched and found to be between 10-20 ppm. Unfortunately, the
excess of Potassium in the soil will affect the plants ability to utilize Zinc. To lower
this back to an optimum of 150-250ppm, we should place plants that suck up
Potassium. In order to add organic material to the ground, it is suggested we add
compost or fertilizer to the soil.

Thank you for your consideration. I hope that we will be able to improve the
small amount of environment that we are entitled to so that we can make a
Breanne Penn

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