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Issue: Asunto
Deal with: Lidiar con
Turn out: apagar
And what if they provide as much information about who and what you are as any tattoo
ever would?: Y si proporcionan ms informacin sobre quien eres y a qu te dedicas que
cualquier otro tatuaje?
What's ended up happening: Termin pasando.
Coverage: cobertura / reportaje
Stuff: Cosas
facial recognition: reconocimiento facial
utter a word: pronunciar una palabra
to be absolutely plastered: Todos resultan estar llenos de tatuajes
tie it to the social media: asociar a una red social
figure out: averiguan
What if we flip this?: Qu pasa si es al revs?
to roll this rock up: empujar la roca
roll back down: rodar hacia abajo
roll back up: volver a subir la roca
go through: al usar stas cosas
charming to be around: compaa encantadora
charms the gods of the underworld: encanta a los dioses del inframundo
walking out: saliendo
She would challenge anybody: Desafiaba a cualquiera
How did Hippomenes beat her?: Cmo le gan Hipmenes?
Threatened by the thugs: Amenazado por matones
Oh come on, how else can you threaten, other than with death?: Oh, vamos, de qu otro
modo pueden amenazar, sino con la muerte?

2.What is the electronic tattoo?

- Is the same to facial recognition.
3.How does facial recognition work?
- Search information about one person when find a photo about his (his job...)
4.Which are the social media applications named? Do you use any of them? Which one?
Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Yelp, Travel Advisor.
Facebook, Google and Twitter.
5.Your opinion about this article.
- In my opinion, everyone have the electronic tattoo.
In this society you can't be a borderline. Everything is controlled.

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