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Students learned how to use models to show fractions greater than

one. Students were asked to provide the fraction greater than one, the mixed
number, the fraction on the number line, and a model. The teaching method I
used for this lesson was the gradual release method. We walked through
problems together and then I had them do a few fractions on their own. After
I introduced using a number line and fractions greater than one. Students
struggled with the directions and steps because they had to put everything
they have been learning together. Therefore I think it would benefit my
students to continue the lesson for extra practice the next day. A majority of
my students were on task and engaged throughout the lesson.
I learned from this lesson that it is important to review the topic
multiple times before teaching the lesson so that you are comfortable. I felt
comfortable teaching the lesson however correct vocabulary and
explanations were difficult for me at times. I did make a mistake teaching
the fractions greater than one however I was able to correct it and make it
into a teaching moment for the students as well as myself.
A goal I made for myself after this lesson is to continue taking
anecdotal notes during my lesson. I was able to take notes about my
students engagement, behavior, and reaction to the content on about half of
my students.

Below are pictures of student work and observational notes.

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