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The Warm-up

Javier Becerril Gmez

IES taca (4th B)

The Warm-up
o Definition. What is a warm-up?
Warm-up is a small training performed before doing any
physical activity, which prepares muscles for the
o What is it important for?
It is important to prevent injuries, prepare the muscles
for exercise, operating the circulation and raise the body
o Types and functions.
General warm-up: it serves to prepare our body for
whatever the main part of the exercise, so we warm all
the parts of our body.


Specific warm-up: it is performed to warm specific parts

of the body that you need to do particular sports or to
train specific physical qualities.

Javier Becerril Gmez

IES taca (4th B)

The Warm-up
Start up:
o Two laps to the field:
1st lap walking fast.
2nd lap running.
o Movements joints:
Turn the ankles. (15s)
Move the knees. (10s)
Maintain balance holding our feet. (10s)
Balance your arms to do shoulder exercises. (10s)
Turn the wrists. (15s)
Move the neck from one side to another. (10s)
o Stretching:
Separate your legs and try to open them the most you
can. (15s) (Quadriceps)


Put your arms above your head and stretch them. (10s)

Javier Becerril Gmez

IES taca (4th B)

The Warm-up
Support your body on the wall and stretch the calves.
(10s) (Calf muscle)

Sit on the floor and do an L stretching as much you

can. (15s) (Calf muscle)

Sit on the floor and put together toes sticking as close

as possible to the crotch. (10s) (Inner thigh)


Stand facing down stretching as much you can. (10s)


Javier Becerril Gmez

IES taca (4th B)

The Warm-up
Pass a leg above the other in triangular position and
attempt to hold the ankle. (10s) (Buttocks)


Try to hold your feets. (10s) (Calf muscle)

Javier Becerril Gmez

IES taca (4th B)

The Warm-up
Game: Pig killer.
o Definition: there are two people who are the killers and have
to kill all the pigs because they are too fat. Killers have two
minutes to kill them and if in this time they have killed more
than 10 pigs they win, if not, they will have to run one lap sprint.
o Rules: killers must kill pigs shooting them into their legs with a
ball. When a pig is murdered it has to run around the field until
the game is finished. The field is going to be divided into two
parts, one of them to play the game and the other one to the
pigs which have been killed (that have to run).


Game (II): Do the following figures.

Javier Becerril Gmez

IES taca (4th B)

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