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A walk thru of LOAS

***taken from an email to one of advisors***
This email will cover the intricacies of LOAS, 5K2C, the reality shows, the documentary as
well as the marketing and implementation of all of these. So buckle your seatbelt, keep your
hands Inside the ride, and laugh joyously, always.
LOAS....I will do my best to not run on about LOAS. SELF takes over when I talk about
LOAS, my passion for its inception is just so deep rooted. I'm pretty sure you can relate in regards
to your passions and purposes.
LOAS sign is made from all cast iron. The symbolism here is that when iron is formed inside
the core is a star, it dies. However, upon the super nova that occurs, all new elements are created.
It's how everything is made from stardust. Different elements can only be created due to the
extreme heat that the super nova produces. So therefore the symbolism is creating anew.
The interior conceptual design is a fluid mix of positive empowerment teachings from some of
the most enlightened teachers (Haanel, Buddha, Tolle, Hicks, Jesus, Robbins, Allen etc..), sacred
geometry, quantum physics/mechanics, all religious influences including Christianity, Judaism,
Buddhism, Islam, Taoism, and Wiccan, natural landscapes from all around earth just to name a
few items. ;)
The amber mica lighting is set on a one minute, slightly dimming timer, to represent a pulse or
heart beat rather. It expresses and symbolizes Life.
My study of Cymatics will be evident in the selection of music that will be played constantly in
LOAS. Chillout lounge (Tim Angrave) and my good friend Ryan Farish. If you get a chance check
him out on YouTube or his channel on Pandora.
As soon as you walk in to LOAS there is a 2 ton boulder that sits in a small pool and a fountain
built into it (to the right). That is Gabe, my gratitude fountain. I term it "lil mountain of Gratitude".
People start their experience in LOAS just by being grateful for something in their life, no matter
what it is. That sets the tone for their awesome experience at LOAS.
As people are seated each place setting has a velvet bag similar to crown Royal bags. My DC's
(Deliberate Creators (I redefine the title of bartenders and waitresses wholly because they aid in
helping create the customers experience)) take those bags from the customers. What's in those
bags? Customers are encouraged to place all immediate concerns and worries in the bags as to not
affect their LOAS experience. So the flow of positive energy is consistent throughout.
Nothing is ever discounted in LOAS (except gratitude hour but that's not really a discount) and
there are never any coupons. I am a firm believer that if you discount your product, you discount
your establishment (I owned a consulting firm before I started these projects called In The Weedz
Consulting). Also, I would never ever be an enabler in reinforcing lack or scarcity in someone's
consciousness. They are worth the additional money spent. After all, it's just energy on paper with
numbers. It's all about the experience, always!!
All food is local and all natural. Everything! I've also started setting up proposed distribution
centers for all LOAS in a 250 mile radius. I have the plans already for livestock, wild game, and
produce farms so LOAS has her expressive intent over the quality and consistency of the
offerings. It also enables me to attract more employees to shower with love and appreciation.
I redefine funeral luncheons based off of gratitude for what the deceased contributed to their life
and not the selfish act of just missing them. It will allow pure appreciation for that person. Law of
attraction is constantly in action, so I bring that into conscious awareness. Lunches are always

booked in LOAS. Lunches are the most baffling conundrum to restaurant owners as far as trying
to increase sales. This concept only works in LOAS spiritual aspect, however the customer
individually defines that precious subject.
I redefine the dating scene late night entirely. That, I will save for another day. It's absolutely
ingenious and the intellectual property rights' value is staggering. Trust me on that.
Monday nights- Monday night mentor mixers infused with mastermind groups. This allows
those that have already achieved not only acquire more mindful nourishment by giving back ( a
play to their ego) but it also helps those striving to get further ahead by learning with application
of the new knowledge. The mastermind groups are pretty self explanatory and they are marketed
to businesses specifically. This produces such an emotionally intellectual energy within LOAS, on
a very loving and creative scale. Getting rich should always be accomplished through the creative
method and not by the competitive method. I'm a creator and not a competitor. They will all
compete with my creations and I'm very cool with that. It all boils down to the message. That's
most important.
Tuesday nights...DIY TUESDAYS
In my understanding, being the individuation of Source, God and ALL THAT IS, made in her
likeness and image, we are meant to be creators infused with a labour of love ( passionate inspired
action). LOAS hold Do It Yourself workshops in a myriad of subjects (3 different per night (using
co-op advertising from various local businesses). From wine making, to art, to dreams not yet
realized. Customers will be choosing these as will the collective ideas from the staff as a whole.
Creating is interactive, expansive and very empowering to release self imposed limitations. Get
the gist? ;)
Wednesdays--global consciousness and community involvement. LOAS is very deep rooted in
all local communities. It establishes abundant trust in giving back which in turn produces
longevity in that community. Empowering topics will be discussed with the expressed
understanding that the only true way to help change the world, starts inside the individual. With an
established mindset of feeding the positive energy aspect of the subject and not fighting against
Thursdays are open mic night. Youth from 6-9 pm to help them realize their musical expression
as well as get out the jitters of playing in front of people. 9-cl is the adult version of expression in
the musical arts.
Friday and Saturday night live music always acoustic from local bands, to higher end acts, to
nationally renown DJs. Saturday afternoon from 9am-noon, my street teams ( volunteer DCs)
comb the local areas with empowering signs of encouragement and love. See attached photo.
From 1-4pm are the customer vision boards. People may come in with a picture of one of their
goals and it will be hung, bordering the ceiling and wall, as long as they sign their name to it. No
date is expected, because the universe loves speed. Their will also be an hour long manifesting and
meditating session from 4-5 showing people how to manifest quicker, the art of allowing. Every
accomplished goal gets hung on the entrance pillar. A picture of the customer and their manifested
goal. Dreams are accomplished at LOAS.
Sunday is a chillout day with Jimmy Buffet and acoustic reggae and island music brunches.
That is pretty self explanatory and Sunday night is a night that I celebrate the awesomeness of my
industry people throughout the area. This helps me recruit more DC's as others are promoted or

transferred to other LOAS openings.

My HR program is second to none. The intellectual property is worth tens of millions of
dollars in totality. Only employees can own LOAS locations. There are only a few stipulations but
the main one is working in LOAS for 3 years. I provide them zero percent interest loans but
LOAS keeps 20 percent until the principal is paid in full. The guidelines aren't strict because I
want their own self expression, however, the values that LOAS brands, must be upheld.
Gratitude hour-- instead of happy hour, LOAS has gratitude hour. Let's say a beer costs 4
dollars. The customer pays 4 dollars but LOAS only keeps 3. The customer gets to decide on one
of 8 charities (5 local and 3 national) to donate that dollar to. Checks are cut monthly and posted
on the extremely massive resource website that is LOAS. That's another topic for another day as
Employees are guaranteed 10 percent profit sharing split evenly amongst everyone, paid
quarterly. The back of the house and front of the house will be the highest paid of any restaurant in
this nation (wealth consciousness). Because they deserve it. Their training schedule is vibrantly
active weekly. This is where one of the reality shows comes into play. Dicksnanton will be filming
the " morphing of awesomeness" during the first 6 months of the first opening. Then other
locations will be doing the same but not all. Wherever there is a depressed economy and
community, the filming will occur there. To help raise the local wealth consciousness level of
poverty, conditions, and circumstances. I've also included my classified ad for employees and
some interior pictures of LOAS.
All reality shows and documentaries will be sold only to OWN (Oprah Winfrey network)
because she is awesome. All LOAS proceeds from the shows will be donated to 5K2C and then to
another cause I own after homelessness is eradicated. Most likely a childhood education center
and a prison training program.

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