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Media Representations: Hegemony (Blind Compliance)

WMC Group Project

Project Overview
We have discussed in class how the media tends to support/promote
particular structures within society. There tends to be a common vision that
is represented for society. The promoted vision is certainly not encouraged
accidentally. In fact, there is often a subtle, or not so subtle, message for
consumers. In a way, we are coerced into agreeing with the
images/products/policies that are presented to us as citizens and consumers.
We often do not give a great deal of thought to what is being represented
and who is being disadvantaged through the representations. We simply
blindly follow the status quo.
This project will require you to identify the hegemonic view as well as the
counterhegemonic view represented for one particular topic. It will give you
a chance to explore an aspect of media representation and form an opinion.
It will also provide an opportunity for you to share your findings with your

What you need to do:

1. Form a group of 2/3 or work by yourself if you prefer, its just more work
for you.
2. Draw your topic.
3. Find 3-5 hegemonic representations (ads, newstories, articles, songs,
poems, movies, TV shows). Be creative.
4. Find 1-3 counterhegemonic representations (same list as above).
5. Create a write-up to go with each representation. (What is represented?
How is it either hegemonic or counterhegemonic? What is your reaction?
How would society react? How should society react? Is it a representation
that is healthy for society? Does it create an imbalance of power?)
6. Add it all together in a great presentation. You choose how, but make it
look professional! Anddont forget to let us know where you found your

This is a broad outline for this project. Please do not hesitate to see
me for clarification. Due date: TBA

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