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A pair of meditation glasses.

The glasses are placed on, the

human is advised to play some some meditative music, after the person has set the
amount of time for the image to be played and closed their eyes, the glasses the
flash three dimensional platonic shapes. The images are played in the colours
corresponding to the Chakras they are aligned to. They can be played in time
sequences corresponding to the Golden Spiral.
The purpose of the instrument is to help the Human to internalise the Platonic
shapes, these shapes have since ancient times been known to be the fundamental
forms of matter. They are the shapes through which everything in material existence
is formed. Meditating on these shapes is or immense benefit for those seeking to
expand there consciousness.
The glasses can also play the shapes whilst your eyes are open so you can see
them externally first and then close your eyes whilst the glasses play the silently.
Additionally available is the 3rd eye attachment. This attaches to the rim of the
glasses and using Sun imitating light bulbs, flashes the Platonic shapes through the
skull into the Pineal gland.

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