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Kassandra Quintanilla

AP Human Geography
My Immigration Story
My immigration story started when my great grandmother, Orelia, emigrated from
Madrid, Spain to New York, United States of America in 1912. She moved to the United States
because she heard about the many economic opportunities and rights/freedoms in America. She
met my great grandfather, Juan, in New York. She found out that he was from Mexico and that
he has family there. He was planning on moving back, but he said he wasnt leaving without her,
so they got married and moved to Mexico with his family. A few years later, they had my
grandfather, Rodolfo, in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon.
When my grandfather was 21, he met my grandmother, Adela... They both got married
two years later. They had four kids, Adela Quintanilla, Rebecca Quintanilla, Ruben Quintanilla
and their youngest child was my father, Rolando Quintanilla. When my dad grew up, he decided
to move to Texas for many reasons; he wanted a better life, a better paying job, and because his
brother, Ruben, was moving there too. He met my mother when he was eighteen years old and
she was sixteen years old. My mother also moved to America for the same reasons, so they had a
lot in common. My mom gave birth to me in Galveston, Texas on September, 12, 2000. After my
first year, we moved to Houston, Texas permanently, and my parents got officially married here.

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