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Poissons Ratio () = - lateral strain / Axial strain = - x/z = -y/z

= - [d / do] / [l/ lo]

x =y = - z

The negative sign is added to

yield a positive value for

For many metals and

alloys the poissons
ratio range between
0.25 and 0.35

Shear stress strain diagram

Elastic behavior :


G = E / 2(1+ ) for isotropic material, for which the

properties are the same in all directions.

True stress and strain

T = F / Ai , load divided by the instantaneous cross section area
T = ln (li / lo), li: instantaneous length ---- lo: original length
For plastic deformation (>y) there is conservation of
volume: Aolo = Ai li
Ao / Ai = li/lo
Relations between true and engineering stress and strain:
T = F / Ai = F / Ao x Ao/ Ai= x Ao/Ai = x li/lo
= li-lo / lo = li/lo 1 li/lo = 1+
Thus T = (1+ ) This equation is valid from yielding to the
on set of necking y < < u

T = ln (li / lo) = ln (1+), This equation is valid from yielding to

the on set of necking y < < u

For some metals and alloys the region of the true stress strain curve
from the onset of plastic deformation to the point at which necking
begins (y < < u) may be approximated by:

( )

true stress (F/A)

hardening exponent:
n=0.15 (some steels)
to n=0.5 (some copper)
true strain: ln(L/Lo)

K and n are constants that vary from alloy to alloy.

Taking logarithm of both sides yields a straight line:
Log T = n log T + log K (y = mx +c)

K: strength

n (strain hardening exponent) defines the slope of the

straight line


An increase in y due to plastic deformation.

High values of n
large hardening


small hardening


Since n is the slope of the straight line higher values of n

corresponds to higher strain hardening rate.

In case where n and K are to be found for a particular alloy, two

points on the stress strain curve that defines and in the
region where y < < u has to be given.
Log T1 = n log T1 + log K
Log T2 = n log T2 + log K
By subtracting the two equations:
n = (Log T2 - Log T1 ) / (log T2 - log T1 )
Then substitute in any equation to get K.

Construct a table of F , L, and





15100 50.902-50.8

= L/lo



7330/ [(/4) d2]




To Generate a True Stress Strain Response


=T, = T [elastic deformation]


T = (1+ ) , T= ln(1+)

Yield > necking

ut < <f

T= F / Ai

Necking > failure ,

=ln li/lo = ln Ao/Ai this equation is more valid in the
neck region
N.B. To generate a true stress strain from engineering
stress strain, the instantaneous diameters should be given in
the neck region (ut < <f)[ from necking to failure ]

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