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One year ago, in the morning I had breakfast with my family. After
that, I
went to school hurriedly because was late. My father accompanied me to
Arrived in the gate, I realized if I didnt bring my bag to school. I was
how I could bring my bag back. I went to class and I invited one of my
friends to back
to my home. I went to my home with Ayu by Anggis bicycle. I arrived in
my home
and took my bag. My mom asked me what happened, and I told what
before. And like usual, my mom scolded me because I was careless,
but I just kept silent. And then I went I went back to school
hurriedly and felt relieved after I arrived at school.
I think it was my unforgettable experience. I felt so
stupid, but it was so funny. I felt if I was a careless girl.

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