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1. Records (4B) Briefly describe and show evidence of 2, Routine classroom events (@., attendance, completion of assiyiments, etc.) dave inched an example of a powerpoint agenda tat | use day to got studens stcrted with class before the boll even rings. This sets a tone for earning an keeps siudonts from entering the room when they are out of rol ». Individual student learaing/progress tse InfiniteCampus to kecp up with sae students a progeess report bi-weekly, telling them what t assignments. 1 students about their progress. 1 also give ng nl encourage them to submit late | f i | sve sents iit sdersaid thelr grades. | ¢ Nowinstructional matters (e.g, peiission slips, pete money, equipment inventories, ete) | ss = 7 = — = | | enieation (40) : Desenbe i i 12. Com \ thet you cosmumnicae with sn | a tee anny oftheir cit 2 se infitoc j to connect with pares o [oom postin emai p manunicate sudent who is partion ‘odically 1 ce The instmctional program ia which their child is involved send weekly “Parent Digest” e-mails euch Monday to allow parents to know whe is going, on in the classroom. ‘These are parents who responded to my intial e-aail shine thean fo sign up for these digests «involve | Doting ov "Rosco and Jet ei | sent ome» paps oe parents to wor trough with her stiles, dealing | wih thiol ae vs. thee poets isu mate Forts rte | i i I | i [thes tht amis cou ting i | could be improved. ident Tutthe classroom. the students tend to pat in | esi effort the © coniunication, They also encourage others to make positive | | Shitoes tn thcieclasroom belanlor and efor. My Bi-vcekly progress mectings have signiicamly improved the | | rite of studems submitting missing work, and students respond well to having a chance fo conference with me | iedividuaily about grades without having to initiate SaeoqUeg Wy AB oO UIE ArnoD ayog | saqDeay, soMTMELIN 7p SHY pUE US qeALA UsTOTE Sy 4508 uy 02 apnaiies8 Aw ayesay}2i asealg ‘s{JOM ay puey MOY os|e Inq ‘s} ay UBLIq Moy Aq AI\uo JOU passasdus| Aran we | ‘aWs}) UO pue paye|dusod A\yBnosoY squaWUBISse BuIaIWGNs Go! yeaUd e sBop osje 9H ‘sUOIssnasip ssejo BuLNp jndul aiqenien sey skemye pue [njayBnoy pue ainyew s| a} eeA siyy ssepo Yst/8u3 AW UiMMSu)ney Aofva | yorw moy Aes 02 a10U yaInb @ 30g NOA puss 03 PartiEM asn/ | AM 2 pure aw a WY 8T:TT ST0z ‘I sequiagdas ‘Aepsany :quag udjayey ‘“eAry swosy Of Smopulm 404 TEATIOOWAG woy quas os Aus] ay yeu proud AjaWaLyxe We PUe Ayan] aL | “AEM IEUY BEG sAEMe Sey BH “OA YUL Lesnsjooupshyafoq@sekyy uAarey> UAjarey YeALyo Wy 2:1 SL02/2/5 Pam, Ge> que | Ys|6u3 - rR sy Ne STUDENT SIDE Perfect Mate - Romeo and Juiiet introduction In Act | Scene 2 of Romeo & Juliet, Lord Capulet, Juliet's father, and Paris, cousin to Prince Escalus who wants to marry Juliet, discuss the marriage. In many cultures marriages are arranged by parenis with litte or no input from the bride and groom. In this scene Capulet tells Paris: ‘My will to her consent is but a part. And she agreed, within her scope of choice Lies my consent and fair according voice. So, Lord Capulet at least telling Juliet's suitor that she must also consent to the marriage. Of course, we will find out that Juliet didn't want to marry Paris. She has fallen in love with the son of her family's arch-enemy, Lord Montague. Have you ever dated or even expressed an interest in a guy or girl that your parents disapproved of? If so, you should have some empathy for what Romeo and Juliet are going through in this play. If you had to list the traits (physical, personality, etc.) of your perfect mate, what would they be? Try to be as specific as you can be. Don't be embarrassed! Everyone has an ideal perfect partner. Draw a or paste a picture if that helps. Now, ity to guess what traits your parents or guardians the perfect mate for you. Again, try to be specific, ule tist if they were choosing REMEMBER! Don't let your parents see your list until they have done theirs on the other side. Please have both sides of this survey completed and with you in class tomorrow PARENT/GUARDIAN SIDE we Dear parents and guardians: We are preparing to read Shakespeare's Rome and Juliet in English class and | would appreciate your taking the time to complete this survey. ‘As you may remember from your own high schoo! English class, the play focuses on two young people who fail in love. Their parents, however, are enemies and make the relationship impossible for Romeo and Juliet. On the other side of this sheet | have asked the students to list traits THEY would want in a "perfect mate." Now, I'm going to ask you to do the same, without having looked at their lists first. Naturally, you're welcome to read what they said after you've answered ihe questions. | encourage you to talk with your child about what he/she is learning about Romeo and Juliet’s predicament and how it compares to parentteen relationships today. Thanks for your help in completing this project! “Mrs. Fryar What traits (physical, personality, etc.) for if searching for the perfect mate for /ou think your son or daughter would look {for herself? Now, what traits would you consider most important if you were choosing the perfe mate for your son or daughter? ie wr Bbryar's English | Parent Digest 9721-5 ® Fryar, Katelyn ‘Sun 9/20/2015 6:46 PM F o.Fryar, iyn ¢katelyn fiyar@boyle>; Hello parents and families, We are one week closer to Fall Break! | know your students are getting excited for the break; they have been working very hard over the past month. | am pleased with the results of our literary terms benchmark test that students completed last week, and in my 3rd, 4th and 6th hour, we have begun to work with Romeo and Juliet. Thank you to those of you who were able to fill out the parent survey | sent horne ~ It made for a great class discussion on Friday! My 2nd hour will be finishing up their tests on Monday and getting started with Romeo and Juliet as well. ‘This week we will begin on Monday with the prologue of the play and continue through the week working with Acts | and Thursday 9/24 is a club day, and because we have a limited amount of class time, we will mainly be using this day to review and clarify concepts, maybe putting some of the drama into action! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. | am happy to help you and your students in any way that | can, and | appreciate your involvement. Best, Katelyn Fryar English and Arts & Humanities Teacher | Boyle County

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