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216 THE SILENT PARTNERS 44, Mannoni, Clefs pour lfmaginaire, p. 20. ” 47, Pascal, Pensées, p, 241 (§ 795). 7 smractaetenas 2 Shle eee r nei ecm mig tino ‘velop regular is sal psycholgal phenomenon and sabe! of pychosnala setae ae os re 10 Burned by the Sun Slavoj Zizek ‘ow top of Gellert Hil, in the Buda part of Budapest there is 2 monument 19 ‘hk Liberation ofthe city by the Red Army in 1945: the gigantic statue of ‘woman waving an unfurled flag. This statue, usually perceived as an ‘scmplary case of soialist-realist baroque Kitsch, was actualy made in 1943, ‘onthe orders of the Fascist dictator Admiral Horthy, to honour his son who tell on the Russian front fighting the Red Army: when, in 1945, Marshal ‘iment Voroshilo, the Soviet commander, was shown the statue, he thought i could serve asthe monument of liberation .. does this anecdote not tel us sot about the openness othe message’ of work of art? Within the horizon ‘traditional metaphysis, artis about (beautiful) appearances, and scence is “bout the realty beneath the appearances, Today's sciences, however focis ‘nore and more on the weird demain of autonomized appearances, of rihenomenal proceses deprived of any substantial support no wonder, then, that, in a symmetrical counter-movement, modern att is more and more focused on the Real Thing. Is not the most succinct definition of modern art that itis att beyond the pleasure principle" One is supposed to enjoy traditional art, itis expected to generate aeshetie pleasure, in contrast t0 modern ar, which causes displeasure ~ modern art, by defiition, hurts. Ip this precise sense, modern at is sublime: it causes pleasure-in-pan, it pro duces its effect through its own failure, in so far as it refers to impossible “Things. In contrast, beauty, harmonious balance, seems tobe more and more the domain ofthe science already Einstein's relativity theory this paradigm of moder science is praised for its simple elegance ~ no wonder the tle fof Brian Greene's bessllig introduction to string theory is The Elegant Universe ‘The traditional Platonic frame of references thus tured around: sciences eal with phenomena, evens, appearances: art deals with the hare Rea: this ‘Real Thing’, the struggle to convey i, the proper “jot at. his memoirs, Dmitri Shostakovich dsmisax! Serpe} Pokey, his pest 28 ‘THE SILENT PANENERS ‘competitor, for reusing to take historical horrors serious, always playing ‘the “wise guy’. To name jut one supreme example, however, Prokofiev's fest won sonats(Opus 8) cles demons the oer ofthe composes infamous “rony Throwgout isomer. .on snes owe eto of ge Seti not heal fa wk wnt something ele ted ba les ths sug of someting within the wrk tna ying Smeal te break and consol fing emergence cb ye easy Sarva Tore and unguge of the pie Ts Necking ot someting within.» us do wih the fun f dete feta see into some seme pose sot of eng whee meaning = mel Se siren tana noah hr Gt of ea si 1s oe ht Proc pe he re His nl tans a i ach passges that bear witness to his atic integrity far fom inating Kind of vain intelectual sper this won ance ut th ey eh rte a the flr of rtf conta sug ring he Thy fom ler pce (the Something within’ out The sapere laf of ae of rok’ works ike hs pope Bt Symphony mcely tees In gave way the fc that Prof is the ulimate an Meets Mead of Feethoven whose ‘titanic struggle” ended in disse: if Masur wan the supreme musial genius perhaps the as compos with whom the mas Thing warsposed Tul into mula ates 2 spontaneous Mow aad in Beethoven a pice achieved is definitive Form oly ater» lng bere Struggle th th music material Poker’ retst pce ae monuments tothe detest ofthis sre isthe, this “Thing fom inner space’ my inner ‘ens (hat which in ime but i move than msl, the peo! fre that dives me)? The ttonship between this gents’ and my "ego the cove of my pemon, telongs toe ld which has nothing to do wit the Fein unconecus rope or, even move wih the sc philic notion a eject i Proper place rather isin the Lebnapxophe and angian prodlemate the So doesnot cover the whole of our sect iti someting that can “ier only throug log proce of individuation out ef and ant he bviground ofa vst impersonal eld of our aychicubsance’ te dina sor hangin than property Fin sons, Tat st me the Head snonsiushassoting to do wih the dof Lehn and co “soci the subject ofthe unconscious bis nothing todo wth thee) So ht the subject ofthe scons (on simpy the subject proper Hee BURNED BY THEE SUN 219 should recall Kierkegaard’s wonderful short text “On the Difference ‘wen Genius and Apostle, where he defines the genius asthe individual “his able to expressarticulate ‘that which isin him more than himself his torteal substance, in contast to the apostle who, "in himselP, does not vnatter at al: the apostle is a purely formal function of the one who has licated his lif to beating witness to an impersonal Truth that transcends Iu, He isa messenger who was chosen (by grace: he posseses no inner ‘ates that would quality him fr this ole, Lacan mentions inthis contest @ ciplomat who serves a a representative of his country: his idiosyncrasies are ‘uvlevant, whatever he docs is read as a- message from his country to the “oantry 10 which he is posted ~ if, at a major diplomatic conference, he ‘oughs, this i interpreted as sofily indicating his state's doubt about the tneasuree debated at the conference, and so on, And Lacan's paradoxical “onclusion is thatthe Freudian ‘subject of the uneonscious’ (or what Lacan “alls ‘subject ofthe signifier’) ha the structure ofthe Kierkeguardian apostle: Ihe is witness fo an “impersonal Truth. Is not what we encounter in hysteria precisely a “body of truth’ i the bodily symptoms that result from the hysterical conversion’, the immediate ‘organic body is invaded, kidnapped, bya Truth, transformed into a bearer of teat into a spae/sueface on to which the Trt (ofthe unconscious) are inscribed — hysteria isthe ulkimate case of Lacan’s est moi, la veri qui pare ln short, the structure here is that of a Kietkegeardian apostle: the body is

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