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Ryan Luedtke

Mr. Sabot
English 2
19 February 2016
I am proud of this essay in particular because it shows the best work that I have ever done
in English class. I put the most time into this project and had a good presentation to go along
with it which enhanced the whole writing. This essay shows how much I have improved in the
explanation of my research and my MLA formating. At the beginning of the year I had research
as most of my paper but now I do a better job of explaining my thoughts thoroughly. My MLA
formating has gotten better throughout the year as well, specifically citing my sources correctly.
Highlighting the research showed me how much of the work was mine and that helped me make
the paper mine. Even though English is not my favorite subject I am starting to really explain my
thoughts more which allows me to see how important English is to my life and to society.

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