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Dependent Emirat

Independent Emirate

Caliphate of Cordoba

Taifa Kingdoms

Nazari Kingdom

Match each one of the events with the historical period they belong to.

A. Weakness for lack of union, reason why Muslims lost many territories and start paying taxes Christians Kingdoms
B. Abd Al-Rahman III proclaimed Caliph
C. Battle of Poitiers against the Franks
D. Abd Al-Rahman I, the only survivor of the Umayyad dynasty, sits on Al-Andalus and stabilizes the territory
E. Best Al-Andalus period economically and culturally.
F. The capital was moved to Granada and society is only Muslim
G. Battle of Navas de Tolosa
H. Al-Andalus is organized by Coras
I. Period of political instability but economic prosperity thanks to trading with North Africa and the Mediterranean.
J. The Caliph looses political power and Al-Andalus is fragmented into many kingdoms
K. Abd A-Rahman I proclaim Al-Andalus independent from Baghdad, ruled by the Caliph of the Abbasid dynasty
L. The Almoravids and Almohads, Berber peoples of North Africa settle in the peninsula temporarily.

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