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My name is Gonzalo
My surname is Armijo. A-R-M-I-J-O
I come from Carmona, a small village of Sevilla
Now I am a student but on summer sometimes work in a
I havent got a job because I am studying now
The best day of the week is Sunday because I can stay
relaxed on my home with my family
I dont like a lot of TV because is very boring, only speak
about politic and the lives of a famous people. I prefer watch a
good film or series
I stayed my last holidays in Italy with my family. We have been
visited Venice and Milan for a week.

My name is Gonzalo
2. My surname is Armijo. A-R-M-I-J-O
3. I come from Carmona, a small village in Sevilla
4. Now I am a student but in summer I sometimes work as a
waiter in a catering
5. I havent got a job because I am studying now
6. The best day of the week is Sunday because I can stay
relaxed at home with my family

7. I dont like TV a lot because it is very boring,it only speaks about

politics and the lives of _famous people. I prefer to watch a good film
or series
8. on my last holidays I stayed in Italy with my family. We_ visited
Venice and Milan for a week.

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