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Retrebution Planning Sheet

As Team:
- Dialouge (DIA)
- Special Effects (SFX)
- Hard FX (HFX) - Diagetic Sounds
- Electronic FX (EFX) - Any electronic NON-FOLEY fx
- Sound Design (SD) - As it says on the tin, be crateive and cin
imatic but realistic dew to genre
- Foley (FOL)
- Footsteps (FS)
- Materials (MAT)
- Mechanical (MEC)
- Props (PRP)
- Backgrounds & Music (BG & MC)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Conventions (Standards) for Reterbution Project
= The abriviated file name for Redemtion to be put on ALL FILES
and SESSIONS. Including audio used.
= On the all Session + Files. Including audio used.
RET_(above abriviations)_(sub area abriviated)_(Date)_(Time)
= On Sessions
e.g. RET_SFX_HFX_16-01-27_14.42 ('Save as' as much as is needed)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Foler Hirachy.
- 01 RET
- RET_SFX(above abriviations)
- RET_SFX_HFX(sub area abriviated)
- (then each session you do in that are)
Questions with naming/what abriviation to use? Ask Mike.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When starting a new session open old session save copy of the session but NOT WI
TH THE AUDIO. This will kill hard drive space.
Instead save copy with nothing but the session data. Referance the audio from th
e last session and '01 SOURCE MEDIA' then link them.

If we all stick to this convention then orgoniseation with be easy and there wil
l be no last minute rushes.
Any Questions just Message/Text/Call me.

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