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COHEN RELEASED; “BECOMES BUTLER Nag ee CES Accused Waiter at Last Se- cures Bondsman---Regrets. Elopement . £ ° - Expresses Confidence in Ability “to Prove His Innocence, Praises Miss de Janon . PETE EE TILE LE EOE ON EE D2 Ee iar aah 3 yt i 2 ’ FERDINAND COHEN Phote taken as he pris leaving Moyamensing! ss ee & & Released yesterday from Moysmensing prison on $1500 bail furnished by Wil- ham H. Kruger, of 2701 Sears street, Ferdinand Cohen, the former Bellevue- Stratford waiter, expreseed himself as cenfident that he would bé acquitted of the charges of conspiracy and aiding and abetting and attempting to hidnap Mixs ‘Roberta. Buist de Janon, the _grand- ‘daughter of Robert Buist, with whom he ‘disappeared from this city late in De- cember last. Cohen entered bail through his counsl, Maurice J. Speiser, Wefore Assistant Clerk Frank C. Nowack, in Quarter Se-- sions Court No. 3. Kruger, the accused man’s bondsman, gave as security th> Sears street house and those at LIS and 1136 McKean street, all three hav- ing ,a total Saluation of $6300, with mortgages “upon them amounting tu .Coben met hia wife in the office of Attorney Speiser, in, the Penn Square Buildmg, aad _ they appeared to_be per fectly reconciled to the situation oon- fronting-them. Coben said he was going to work as a butler-with a and “try to Jive down the -” that had fo his disappearance and suv- sequent arrest. . 3 Sorry for Actions “TI am sorry for what I didy’ he said. “T was weak—she stronger than I. I only thought of saving the girl’s hfe, and when she talked of taking poison rather than go to boarding ‘school, I consented to go away with her. Even before we started, I begged her to reconsider her resolution to jeave, and even when we reached Ni ew York I pleaded with her to return’ - “I hope she will forget me,” said Cohea m referring to Miss de Janon, “and will ve aj! this down. She is an absolutely innocent girl aa far as I know, straight- 3 respectable and modest. Ve she even made me turn my back when she was dressing. I would not want my oR child to be better than she. “Every. time Suggested giving our- selves up she threatened to take soison.. She even wanted to go out and buy it herself, and when I ‘told her such a re- est. would make the ist suspicious, e asked me to get it for her.” ne eee ee

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