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ISO/IWA 2:2007



APRIL, 2008


1 Project Management
1.1 Project definition
This Project is carried out on the three-year monitoring of the ISO/IWA 2:2007
Guide in accordance with the ISO Directives, fourth edition. The impact of the
IWA 2 Guide on the international education sector is evaluated, with the
contribution of the international experts who participated in the workshops held
in Acapulco and Busan, with the goal of having a workshop deliverable
(document derived from the ISO/IWA 2:2007 Guide) assigned to an existing or
a new ISO Technical Committee, so that the ISO/IWA 2 Guide becomes a new
ISO deliverable (a publicly available specification, a technical specification or an
International Standard, ISO Supplement, Annex SR.9 Review of IWA, 2004).
The results of this project will provide the ISO/TMB with elements for making
the corresponding decision.
Mexico has been the promoter of this initiative since the IWA 2 first edition
ISO/IWA 2:2003 Guidelines for the Application of ISO 9001:2000 in Education.
The ISO/TMB assigned Mexico the responsibility of organizing the international
workshop, held in Acapulco, Mexico, in October 2002. A second edition of the
IWA 2 Guide was approved at a second workshop held in Busan, Republic of
Korea in November 2006, and was published by the ISO/TMB on May 8th, 2007.
We are inviting the ISO member countries that have participated in this project
to continue doing so during this second three-year monitoring stage, being the
end objective of the IWA 2 Project that the ISO/IWA 2:2007 Guide becomes an
ISO deliverable.
1.2 Project Objective and Scope
General Objective
To establish and maintain an on-going communication process with all the
interested parties in the world who wish to implement the ISO/IWA 2:2007
Guide, during the three-year monitoring period following its publication. The
main purpose is to evaluate the impact resulting from its use, in order to create
a workshop deliverable that is accepted by an ISO Technical Committee that
eventually becomes a new ISO deliverable in education.
Specific objectives
1. Evaluate the impact of ISO/IWA 2:2007 in a global context.
2. Promote the translation of the ISO/IWA 2:2007 Guide to other languages in
order to motivate its use.

3. Strengthen the promotion of the guide by familiarizing a broader audience

with it and encouraging its use through workshops, conferences and
4. Promote the participation of more people from different countries and assign
specific tasks to working groups, so that they can carry out promotion and
follow-up on the use of the guide in their respective countries.
5. Conduct an on-going survey on the use of the guide with the support from
task group members, in order to carry out a continuing assessment on the
impact of its use and to conduct the necessary actions aimed at achieving
the end objective that the ISO/IWA 2:2007 Guide becomes a new ISO
deliverable in education.
Since the publication date (2007-05-08) of the ISO/IWA 2:2007 Guide, the
International Coordination Group (ICG) headed by the IWA 2 Secretariat
monitors user countries regarding: the translation of the Guide to other
languages; its use by educational grade, level and modality; the exchange of
experiences among organizations interested in using the guide; the assessment
on the impact of its use in order to plan and carry out the necessary actions for
its acceptance by an ISO Technical Committee so that it becomes a new ISO
1.3 Project Plan
Considering the experience gained through the Project Plan used for the first
edition of the IWA 2 Guide, which met successfully with the Central Secretariat
publication of ISO/IWA 2:2007, the following is proposed:
1.1 Project definition
1.2 Project objective and scope
1.3 Project Plan
1.4 Project Management Plan
2.1 International Communication Plan
2.2 National/Regional Communication Plan
2.3 Translation of ISO/IWA 2:2007 to other languages
3.1 Create and maintain a database of interested parties
3.2 Worldwide monitoring
3.3 Biannual Reports


4.1 Review and restructuring the IPTG
4.2 IPTG responsibilities and activities
4.3 Intermediate IPTG meetings
4.4 Organizing and carrying out the meetings
4.5 Implementation and monitoring of agreements
5.1 Design and distribution of promotional documents
5.2 Presentations to interested parties
5.3 Organization of national and international events
5.4 Participation in national and international events on education and quality
management in education.
5.5 Collaboration with international organizations interested in education
6.1 Collaboration with ISO/TC-176 Liaison Organizations
6.2 Liaison with ISO/TC 176 through the Sector Liaison Forum
6.3 Liaison with Regional Organizations for Standardization
6.4 Liaison with International Organizations dedicated to the accreditation of
educational programs.
7.1 Link with funding organizations that finance projects in education
7.2 Presentation of proposals to funding organizations
7.3 Use of resources for performing projects activities
7.4 Reports on quantitative and qualitative results
8.1 Monitoring the Project Plan
8.2 Project responsibles and participants
8.3 Methodologies for the monitoring
9.1 Analysis on the different types of ISO deliverables
9.2 Analysis of education related documents
9.3 Decision on the type of ISO deliverable for the ISO/IWA-2:2007 Guide
9.4 Presentation of the ISO deliverable proposal before a Plenary Meeting
9.5 Activities of the IWA 2 Group in the ISO Technical Committee

The nine points considered above will be carried out by using the following
activity scheme:

Task breakdown
Document control (identification)
Integration and allocation of responsibilities
Monitoring of Task Groups (TGs) and approval of deliverables
Communication and use of information technology

6. Presentation of reports
7. Risk analysis
8. Evaluation
1.4 Project Management Plan
The ISO/IWA 2:2007 Project management will be carried out in accordance with
the ISO/IEC Directives, aiming for an open participation of all interested parties
and defining relationships, responsibilities, and authorities between the
ISO/TMB, the DGN (Mexican General Bureau of Standards), the ISO/IWA 2
Chair and Secretariat, and all those parties participating in the development of
this Project, in accordance with the Project Plan.
The Project Management Plan includes the following elements:
1. Organization of the ISO/IWA 2:2007 International Coordination Group (ICG)
and the International Project Task Group (IPTG)
2. Relevant inputs
3. Key dates
4. Monitoring and control
5. Reference documents

2.1 International Communication Plan
The Secretariat of the IWA 2 Project is responsible for establishing an effective
communication process which guarantees the reception and remittance of all
kinds of information related to ISO/IWA 2:2007, with the countries and
interested organizations that are either users of, or those considered likely to
benefit from the application of Quality Management Systems to their
educational services. For this purpose, the Secretariat establishes a database
of such countries and interested organizations keeping a detailed list of
contacted people or organizations authorized to promote the use of the Guide.
The database also includes details of any feedback received from the identified
contacts concerning the use of the guide.
2.2 National/Regional Communication Plan
The IPTG/IWA 2 members together with the identified authorized contacts in
each country/region establish the appropriate communication processes that
guarantee access to the Guide, as well as feedback information concerning its
use. They establish a Communication Plan to guarantee that all received
comments are classified. This plan also includes the issuance of notices about
events, meetings, and all activities taking place regarding the ISO/IWA 2:2007
Guide. In order to support these activities, there is a website available which
describes the IWA 2 Project.
2.3 Translation of the ISO/IWA 2:2007 Guide into other languages
The Secretariat of the ISO/IWA 2 Project through DGN, the official
representative of Mexico to ISO, establishes communication with other
countries interested in translating the ISO/IWA 2:2007 Guide to other
languages, in order to provide them with the necessary support regarding the
latest information, to facilitate this process and subsequently receive comments
about its use, all in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives. This also facilitates
the assessment of the impact on the Guides use.


3.1 Create and maintain a database of interested parties
Aiming to monitor and encourage the use of the ISO/IWA 2:2007 Guide, a
stratified database is updated from the database created during the previous
three-year monitoring stage, and includes the following: ISO member countries,
people and organizations that participated in the development of 2003 and 2007
versions of the ISO/IWA 2 Guide and organizations possibly interested in
participating in the future. The IWA 2 Internet website is used to update the
database, with the participation of the IPTG/IWA 2 and the ICG.
3.2 Worldwide Monitoring
The monitoring on the use of the ISO/IWA 2:2007 Guide is carried out in
accordance with the guidelines established by ISO Directives, for which the IWA
2 website is updated. It contains:

General information on the ISO/IWA 2:2007 Guide

Frequently asked questions
Requests for interpretation or clarification of ISO/IWA 2:2007
Access to support documents
Comments received through the official ISO template
Open forum for sharing experiences
A hit count mechanism for the website
Visitor registration
Links to related websites (ISO, DGN, UNESCO, WB, OECD, and others)

3.3 Biannual Reports

In order to inform on the progress of the IWA 2 Project Plan, biannual reports
are elaborated to describe the activities performed during the last six-month
period previous to the report. For this purpose, a task group appointed by the
ICG is responsible for collecting, analyzing and incorporating the information
received from the Secretariat and from all the other task groups as well as
through the IWA 2 website, in order to elaborate the reports describing all the
activities carried out in the frame of the IWA 2 Project Plan, such as meetings,
publications, conferences and promotional events of the IWA 2 Project.
The task group classifies and incorporates all this information to generate the
biannual reports that are issued by the ICG. The Secretariat distributes the
reports to the: ISO/TMB through the DGN, to the IPTG/IWA 2 and task group
leaders, as well as to those who participated in the development of the Guide, in
order to update the status of the comments received.



4.1 Review and restructuring the IPTG/IWA 2

The composition of the IPTG is reviewed in order to determine which members
still remain in the group, and to invite new members for joining the IPTG/IWA 2.
This group is restructured with the purpose of covering most regions of the
world for promoting the use of the ISO/IWA 2:2007 Guide.
4.2 IPTG responsibilities and activities
IPTG/IWA 2 members are assigned specific activities in order to help promoting
and encouraging the use of the ISO/IWA 2:2007 Guide in most countries and
regions in the world. The activities to be carried out by IPTG members include
monitoring the worldwide use of the ISO/IWA 2:2007 Guide.
4.3 Intermediate IPTG meetings
During 2008, 2009 and 2010, IPTG/IWA 2 intermediate meetings will be held in
order to review the Project Plan progress, exchange ideas and incorporate
comments to stimulate a participatory, pro-active process. These meetings take
place at the same time of the ISO/TC 176 Plenary Meetings and the ISO/TC
176/SC2 Intermediate meetings. If required, additional meetings will be held in
order to prepare and have the workshop deliverable ready to be accepted by an
ISO Technical Committee so that it becomes an ISO deliverable.
In any case, the DGN and the ISO/TMB will be advised about the meetings to
be held.
4.4 Organizing and carrying out the meetings
A task group is responsible for defining the objective of the meetings and
preparing the necessary agenda and documentation. In coordination with the
host country, logistics, venue, dates, and timely remittance of invitations are
The participation of numerous countries is assured as well as the attendance of
interested organizations with which ICG and IPTG/IWA 2 establish liaison
(ISO/TC176, UNESCO, OECD-PISA, OAS, OEI, among others). The
agreements resulting from the meetings are communicated to the ISO/TMB
through the DGN.
4.5 Implementation and monitoring of agreements
ICG and IPTG/IWA 2 develop the strategies to implement the agreements and
make the proposals, through the Secretariat, to each member
country/interested parties, through the DGN and the ISO/TMB. The Secretariat
together with the ICG monitor the compliance of the agreements derived from
the intermediate meetings and reports any deviation to the IPTG/IWA 2.

5.1 Design and distribution of promotional documents
A task group develops a strategic plan to present and distribute user-friendly
promotional documents, such as slides, communications, brochures,
publications and others, in order to have them available to guide users and all
interested parties. The promotional material is complemented with
presentations addressed to all interested parties. The IWA 2 website is also
used to promote of the IWA 2 Project.
5.2 Presentations to interested parties
With the goal of providing an adequate response to interested parties, a task
group develops a power point presentation proposal to the IPTG/IWA 2 for its
review and approval. This material is prepared in English, containing an
homogeneous, consistent message. Interested parties are considered to be, for
example, public and private school associations, parent, teaching, university,
vocational and training associations, as well as educational and all other kinds
of organizations.
5.3 Organization of national and international events
In order to encourage the use of the ISO/IWA 2:2007 Guide worldwide, the ICG
together with the IPTG/IWA 2 carries out the organization of national and
international events. In addition, it is also recommended that each participating
country carries out seminars, workshops and focus groups in order to promote
the use of the ISO/IWA 2:2007 Guide. The results and conclusions achieved
from these events are communicated through the ISO/IWA 2:2007 website,
designed for this purpose.
5.4 Participation in national and international events on education and
quality management in education.
To complement the organization of the events, IWA 2 members participate in
national and international events related to education as well as in meetings
related to the performance of quality management in education. This allows the
promotion and encouragement on the use of the IWA 2:2007 Guide to obtain
feedback on new approaches and trends in education, which will help to enrich
the content of the IWA 2 Guide as it is transformed into a workshop deliverable.
5.5 Collaboration with International Organizations interested in education
The collaboration with organizations interested in education, such as UNESCO,
EFQM, CEDEFOP, OCDE, IDB, WB, and others, helps to determine the content
that the IWA 2 Guide should undergo in order to become an ISO deliverable.
These organizations establish technical specifications related to the education
sector which will be reflected in the content of the new ISO deliverable to be
used as a quality reference document for interested parties in education.

6.1 Collaboration with ISO/TC-176 Liaison Organizations
During the monitoring of the ISO/IWA 2:2007 Guide, and in order to prepare the
Guide for becoming a new ISO deliverable, it is recommended to establish
collaboration with ISO/TC-176 Liaison Organizations, such as INLAC, IQNET,
and others, so they can provide information on the use that the different ISO
deliverables have. This feedback will facilitate the transition of the ISO/IWA 2
Guide towards becoming a new ISO deliverable in education, being assigned to
an ISO Technical Committee for this purpose.
6.2 Liaison with ISO/TC 176 through the Sector Liaison Forum
Considering that the end objective of the IWA 2 Project by 2010 is to deliver a
document that is accepted by an ISO Technical Committee in order to become
an ISO deliverable, liaison is established with the ISO/TC-176 Technical
Committee through the Sector Liaison Forum. This action helps to promote the
Guide worldwide among ISO member countries to encourage its use and its
translation into other languages.
6.3 Liaison with Regional Organizations for Standardization
In order to strengthen the promotion of the Guide, liaison is established with
regional organizations working on standardization, such as COPANT, CASCO,
and others. Regional events are organized with their support to carry out
presentations of the IWA 2:2007 Guide to motivate its use. These organizations
may also assist the IWA 2 Group to define the modifications that the Guide
should undergo in becoming a workshop deliverable to be submitted and
accepted by an ISO Technical Committee.
6.4 Liaison with International Organizations dedicated to the accreditation
of educational programs.
The participation of interested parties and organizations dedicated to
educational matters, such as the accreditation of educational programs, is
necessary to specify aspects to be included in the content of the ISO/IWA 2
Guide as it becomes a workshop deliverable and ultimately a new ISO
deliverable in education. These organizations may help to promote the
participation of more people from different countries working in this critical stage
of the IWA 2 Project.

7.1 Link with funding organizations that finance projects in education
In order to carry out intermediate meetings of the IPTG/IWA 2, as well as to
organize and participate in national and regional events to be held worldwide for
promoting a broader use of the ISO/IWA 2:2007 Guide, a task group (GTa-MR)
is formed in order to plan the resource management to obtain the necessary
resources to meet these objectives. The resources will be managed by the
ISO/IWA2 Secretariat with the support of GTa-MR for their use and application.
Based on this, the task group establishes linkages with funding organizations
that finance projects in education in order to obtain their corresponding support.
7.2 Presentation of proposals to funding organizations
Based on an established program, the GTa-MR is responsible for preparing and
presenting funding proposals to carry out meetings and promotional events for
the ISO/IWA2 Guide, These proposals are presented by the IWA 2 Secretariat,
endorsed by the IWA 2 Chair, to funding organizations that finance this kind of
events. The main objective of these events is not only to promote the use of the
ISO/IWA 2:2007 Guide, but also to promote an exchange of ideas to help
defining the changes that the IWA 2 Guide should undergo in its transition into
an ISO deliverable.
7.3 Use of resources for performing projects activities
The GTa-MR is also responsible for planning and programming the expenditure
of the resources obtained and allocated to the events and meetings organized
to promote and encourage the use of the ISO/IWA 2:2007 Guide.
7.4 Reports on quantitative and qualitative results
Reports of the events and meetings, including the use of funds, are prepared
and presented to show the results achieved in order to assess the impact of the
organized events. Quantitative and qualitative results are measured through the
reports of activities, as they enable the monito0ring on the change process that
the ISO/IWA 2 Guide will undergo towards its transition to an ISO deliverable in


8.1 Monitoring the Project Plan

The IWA 2 Secretariat, endorsed by the IWA 2 Chair, implements the strategies
proposed by the ICG and the IPTG/IWA 2 in order to monitor the progress
made in the Project Plan and to ensure the achievement of the Project
8.2 Project responsibles and participants
The responsibilities and authority are described in the following table:
Agent and Function
- Organize plenary meetings.
- Issue meeting reports on the Project.
- Administrative contact for the Project.
- Resource management.
- Management of member lists and task groups.
- Assist Chairperson with monitoring and organizing workgroup videoconferences.
- Lead plenary meetings
- Supervise general management of the Project.
- Issue reports on the project management progress.
- Act as formal link between the Project and link organizations.
- Monitor and manage videoconferences and make decisions, when necessary.
Project Leader (s)
Lead group meetings and videoconferences.
- Convoke project group meetings.
- Prepare reports and action lists.
- Prepare project group progress reports.
IWA 2 Group
- Create task groups to carry out the project actions.
- Participate in and promote workshops and meetings.
- Prepare and deliver reports.
- Prepare the workshop deliverable.

8.3 Methodologies for the monitoring

A task group is formed to apply diverse methodologies and to develop adequate
instruments for carrying out the continuous assessment of the IWA 2 Project
progress as well as the worldwide impact on the use of the ISO/IWA 2 Guide.
Among the actions to be carried out, the task group conducts an on-going
survey on the worldwide use of the guide, and promotes with support from task
group members the necessary actions for achieving the end objective of the
IWA 2 Project, which is that the IWA 2 Guide becomes a new ISO deliverable in


9.1 Analysis of the different types of ISO deliverables
According to ISO Directives (ISO Supplement, Annex SR.9 Review of IWA,
2004) there are three types of ISO deliverables in which the ISO/IWA 2 Guide
may become: a publicly available specification, a technical specification or an
International Standard. Therefore, a decision has to be made in relation to the
ISO deliverable in which the ISO/IWA 2 Guide should be converted. In order to
determine the most appropriate one, an analysis is made in terms of the major
impact that can be achieved in education.
9.2 Analysis of education-related documents
Associated with the decision on the type of ISO deliverable to which the
ISO/IWA 2 Guide should be converted, an analysis is carried out of a wide
variety of education-related documents, including evaluation guides for the
accreditation of educational programs, ISO documents issued on education,
national or local plans on education, laws and regulations on education,
documents issued by organizations with education-related activities, such as
UNESCO, CEDEFOP, OECD, EFQM, among others.
9.3 Decision on the type of ISO deliverable for the ISO/IWA-2:2007 Guide
The IWA 2 Secretariat, based on the recommendations of the ICG and the
IPTG/IWA 2, endorsed by the IWA 2 Chair, takes the final decision on the type
of ISO deliverable proposed for the ISO/IWA 2:2007 Guide to become. The
Mexican Group IMNC/CTNN 9/GT IWA 2 through DGN, Mexicos official ISO
member body, presents this proposal to the ISO/TMB, who communicates the
ISO Technical Committee to which it will be forwarded. The decision taken by
the IWA 2 Secretariat is based on the consensus of all the IMNC/CTNN 9/GT
IWA 2 Group members.
9.4 Presentation of the ISO deliverable proposal before a Plenary Meeting
The proposal on the type of ISO deliverable, in which is desired that the
ISO/IWA2:2007 Guide should become, is presented before a plenary meeting
with the attendance of the delegates and interested parties. The ISO Technical
Committee responsible for working on converting in the ISO/IWA 2 Guide into
an ISO deliverable is also introduced at the meeting.
9.5 Activities of the IWA 2 Group in the ISO Technical Committee
Once the ISO Technical Committee has accepted the document delivered by
DGN based on the ISO/IWA 2 Guide, the IWA 2 Group will be restructured in
accordance with the manner in which the new group will participate in this ISO
Technical Committee.








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