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For decades, food manufacturers have selected soybean oil for its versatility an
d competitive pricing. The neutral flavor and well-balanced fatty acid profile o
f soybean oil make it a desirable ingredient for a variety of applications from
baked goods to salad dressings.
Liquid soybean oil contains no trans fat and is high in poly- and monounsaturate
d fats. It's also the principal source of omega-3 fatty acids in the U.S. diet,
and the primary commercial source of vitamin E as well. Find more information in
our guide to Soybean Oil Innovations.

For baking and frying applications that traditionally used hydrogenation, food m
anufacturers can choose from a range of enhanced soybean oil traits emerging fro
m the research pipeline. The first of these enhanced oils, low linolenic soybean
oil, is commercially available and already used in several food products withou
t trans fats.
Emerging Soybean Oil Technologies and QUALISOY
Soybean Oil Uses
It s Soy Simple: Soybean Oil for Dietitians

Soy is a complete protein, and soyfoods are rich in vitamins and minerals includ
ing folate, potassium and, in some cases, fiber. In the past 15 years, soyfoods
have attracted the attention of research scientists around the world for health
properties beyond basic nutrition as well.
Soy Fish Tacos
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officially recognized the cholesterol-low
ering effects of soy protein in 1999 with a health claim stating that 25 grams o
f soy protein per day may reduce the risk of heart disease. Most soyfoods are al
so low in saturated and trans fats, one reason why the American Heart Associatio
n has recognized soyfoods' role in an overall heart-healthy diet.

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