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Mentor Verification of Senior Project Fieldwork Students Name __ Sarah Wilcox i Fieldwork Proiect____ Dance Costume jebsite | You have been chosen to verify this student's effort on his or her Senior Project. Because most of the time spent on the fieldwork phase of this assignment has been outside of class, verification is necessary. Please answer the following, questions thoughtfully in order to help us evaluate this student's fieldwork. 1, Can you verify that he/she spent atleast 20 hours working on this project? 14 No v 2. Approximately how many hours are you aware that hlshe spent on his projet?” DO _howrs No 3. Have you seen this project at different stages of completion? Yes Explain: 3. What specific problems did this student encounter and overcome? A NhLoan~ Cngemre, UoStuneer, e sae . mtd © Please evaluate the student by circling a number for each category. Low Average 4, Shows commitment fo2 36 @ 5. Shows responsibility 1 236 6, Sets and meets goals To 234 4 7. Works independently Po of 3 4 8. Responds well to instruction 7 2 3 9. Communicates effectively 1 304 Menior Signature . menornane ney = LANA Weer S oe -S2-1— DY3K Email Address — Santa Susana High School thanks you for your participation and your dedication to our students

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