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Drs. Killick and Wyant (2013). Sport Pedagogy.

School Site: _Cleveland Elementary_

Date: __2-17-2016______
Grade/Age Level: 3rd __

Activity Observed: Basketball Fundamentals____

DIRECTIONS: You will observe many children performing many different kinds of skills. Select 8 (or as many
as you can) different tasks and describe how the high skilled students and the low skilled students are

1.) Fitness Corners

2.) Bounce Pass Drill

3.) Chest Pass Drill

5.) Dribble/ Pass Relay

Higher Skilled

Lower Skilled

High Participation
Jogging/ Running
Raising hand with ideas
Completing repetitions

Stepping while passing

Passing from chest
Bounce is not arching (or
too high)
Adequate power
Accuracy is decent
Adequate power
Ball has minimal arch
Passing from chest
Using fingertips to push

Eyes are up (sometimes)

Consistently attempting
One hand at a time
Ball bouncing all the way
back up

Not engaged
Not Volunteering ideas
Improper exercise form
Failure to finish # of
Feet are static
Passing from overhead
Bounce is too vertical
Weak power output
Ball is off target
High arching throw
Ball doesnt reach target
Overhead throw
Student jumping not
Eyes down
Hitting feet regularly
Carrying Ball
Double dribble
Ball lacks return on bounce

Teacher _Thoren Bradley________ Time spent @ site __30:00_____________

Observer _Nathan Rhea_____________________ / ___February 17th 2016_________

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